How to Say NBA in Spanish

How to Say NBA in Spanish – The correct way to say NBA in Spanish is “La NBA.”


In Spanish, the acronym NBA stands for “National Basketball Association.” If you’re a fan of basketball or the NBA, you may want to know how to say it in Spanish. Here are a few ways you can do that.

The Different Ways to Say NBA in Spanish

There are a few different ways to say NBA in Spanish. The most common translation is “Liga Nacional de Baloncesto” (LNB). However, you may also see it referred to as “Asociación Nacional de Baloncesto” (ANB) or “Confederación Nacional de Baloncesto” (CNB).


There are a few different ways that you can say NBA in Spanish. The most common way is to simply use the abbreviation “NBA.” This is pronounced “en-be-eh” in Spanish. Another common way to say NBA in Spanish is to say “la liga de la NBA” which means “the NBA league.” This is pronounced “lah LEE-gah deh lah en-be-eh.”

Word-for-Word Translation

The literal translation of NBA is “National Basketball Association.” However, this word-for-word translation is not commonly used in Spanish.

A more common way to say NBA in Spanish is “Asociación Nacional de Baloncesto,” which is the NBA’s official name in Spanish. This translation is closer to the English version of the name and is more commonly used by Spanish speakers.

Another way to say NBA in Spanish is “Liga Nacional de Baloncesto,” which means “National Basketball League.” This translation is also used frequently by Spanish speakers.

How to Use NBA in a Sentence

NBA is an acronym that stands for National Basketball Association. The word “NBA” is not typically used in Spanish, but there are a few ways to say it. One way to say “NBA” in Spanish is “Asociación Nacional de Baloncesto” or “ANB.

example sentences

Here are some example sentences using NBA in Spanish:

-Necesito comprar una entrada para el juego de la NBA.
-Los Spurs son mi equipo favorito de la NBA.
-No puedo creer que los Lakers perdieron el último juego de la NBA.


In conclusion, NBA is an acronym that stands for National Basketball Association. In Spanish, NBA can be translated to Asociación Nacional de Baloncesto.

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