How To Score A Tennis Match?

How To Score A Tennis Match? -Knowing how to keep score is an important part of playing tennis. Here is a quick run-down of tennis scoring.


Whether you are playing a game of tennis with friends or family members, or watching ATP professional matches, you need to understand how to score a tennis match. The scoring system in tennis is actually quite simple, and once you understand it, it will be easy to keep track of the score in any match.

In tennis, a match is played best out of three or five sets. A set is comprised of games, and games are made up of points. To win a set, a player must win six games before his or her opponent does. However, if the score reaches 6-6 in games, then a tiebreak is played to determine the winner of the set. The tiebreak is simply a race to seven points, with the player who wins seven first being declared the winner of the set.

Once a player wins a set, he or she has won the match. If the score of the match is tied at one set apiece going into the third set (or fifth set if it’s a best-of-five match), then whoever wins the third set (or fifth) will win the whole match.

The Basics of Scoring

tennis matches are usually played to the best of three sets, with each set being played to six games. To win a set, a player must win more games than their opponent. If the score reaches six games all, then the set is decided by a tie-break, where the first player to score seven points wins the set.


Love is the zero point score in tennis. In other words, when the score is tied at 0-0, it’s called “love.” Regardless of how you keep score in a tennis match, every game starts at love-love. If one player scores four points before the other scores any points (4-0), that player has won a “bagel” or a “breadstick.” If both players score three points each (3-3), it’s called a “deuce.”


In tennis, scoring is a bit more complicated than in other sports. Rather than keeping track of points, you have to keep track of games, sets, and matches. To score a tennis match, you need to understand how each of these is scored.

Games are the first level of scoring. A game is won by the first player to reach 4 points, with 2 points needed to win. If both players reach 3 points, the score is called “deuce” and players then take turns serving until one player wins 2 consecutive points and thus wins the game.

Sets are the second level of scoring. A player wins a set by winning a certain number of games. In most professional matches, a player must win 6 games to win a set. However, if both players have won 5 games apiece and one player then wins the next 2 games, that player wins the set 7-5. If a player wins a set 6-0 (called a “bagel”), that player only needs to win 1 more game to win the match.

The final level of scoring is matches. A player wins a match by winning a certain number of sets. In most professional matches, a player must win 2 out of 3 sets to win the match. However, if both players have won 1 set apiece and one player then wins the next 2 sets, that player wins the match 2-1.


In tennis, a player scores a point whenever the opponent fails to return the ball within the prescribed dimensions of the court. The game begins with both players (or teams) starting on opposite sides of the net. One player serves the ball, and the other player tries to return it. If the ball hits the net but still goes over, that is called a let, and no point is scored. The first player to score four points (or whatever score was originally agreed upon) wins the game. A person or team can also win a set by winning at least six games and at least two games more than their opponent. The first person or team to win two sets wins the match.

The player who is serving can score points in one of two ways: by winning outright or by forcing their opponent to make mistakes. When serving, if you hit an ace (a serve that your opponent cannot return), you automatically win that point. If you hit a service winner (a serve that your opponent cannot return and which lands inside the prescribed dimensions of the court), you also win that point. When your opponent is serving, you can win points by forcing them to make mistakes. If they hit a double fault (two consecutive serves that fail to land inside the court), you automatically win that point. If they hit a service winner but it lands outside of the court prescribed dimensions, you also win that point.”


40 is the number of points needed to win a game. Love means zero and 40 is maximal. If the score reaches 40-40 (called deuce), then the next player to win a point wins the game. If one player has won six games and the other five, that player leads 5-4 (called set). The first player to win two sets wins a match. A match is best of three or five sets.


Tennis is a great sport for all ages. It is a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all skill levels. When you are playing a tennis match, there are a few things you need to keep in mind in order to score the match correctly. In this article, we will walk you through everything you need to know about scoring a tennis match.


If the score is tied at 40-40 (called “deuce”), then the next player to win a point wins the game. If one player has already won four points, that player’s opponent cannot “win” the next point and thereby take the game away from that player, but can only reduce the player’s score by winning a point. Consequently, if one player takes a 6–4 lead, his opponent cannot win by taking a 7–6 score; he can only win by taking a 6–5 score.

Advantage is also called ad-in or receiving advantage. If one player has advantage and wins the next point, then that player wins the game. If his opponent takes the following point, then he regains control of the game and advantage is back with him.

Winning the Game

In order to win the game, the first player to score four points wins the game. If both players have won three points each, then the score is “deuce” and either player can win the next point and win the game. If the score reaches deuce, then each player can win two successive points and win the game.


The winner of a tennis match is the player who wins the most sets. A set is won by the player who wins at least six games and at least two games more than their opponent. If both players win six games, then the set goes to a tiebreaker. The tiebreaker is won by the player who wins seven points, provided they have a two-point lead over their opponent.

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