How to Serve Hard in Tennis?

How to serve hard in tennis? By using the right techniques, you can increase your speed and power.


In tennis, a serve (or, more formally, a service) is a legal shot that begins the point. The serve is the only shot in which the player can choose the initial direction of the ball. The serving player stands behind an imaginary baseline without moving their feet until they hit the ball. After contact with the ground, they may move freely around the court as long as they do not cross back over into the no-volley zone before hitting the ball again. If service is successful, it results in an ace or a service winner (unreturned service). Both of these outcomes are advantageous for server. If service fails to be return or is returned successfully by receiver, this results in a loss of serve and serves to receiver for that particular game.

The Grip

One of the keys to serving hard in tennis is using the right grip. You want to use a grip that is comfortable for you and gives you enough power to hit the ball hard. One of the most common grips used for serving is the continental grip. This grip allows you to put more topspin on the ball and gives you more power.

The Stance

When serving, your feet should be shoulder-width apart, with your weight balanced evenly on the balls of both feet. If you’re right-handed, your left foot should be slightly in front of your right. The reverse is true if you’re left-handed. Your knees should be slightly bent, and your shoulders should be squared to the net.

Your racket arm should be extended straight out in front of you, and the handle of the racket should be in line with your forearm. Your non-racket arm can either rest at your side or be placed across your chest.

As you prepare to hit the ball, bring the racket back behind your head, keeping your elbow close to your ear. When the ball is released from your hand, snap your wrist so that the racket face hits the ball from low to high. As you make contact with the ball, put all of your weight on your front foot and extend your arm fully. Your rear foot will come off the ground as you follow through with the shot.

The Backswing

The backswing is the first part of the tennis serve. It starts when the ball is tossed into the air and ends when the racket hits the ball. The backswing should be slow and controlled. The faster you swing, the harder it is to control where the ball will go.

Here are some tips for hitting a great backswing:
-Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and your weight evenly distributed.
-Bend your knees slightly and lean forward from your hips.
-Swing your arms back slowly, keeping your elbow close to your body.
-As you swing back, turn your shoulders and hips so they face the same direction as your feet.
-At the end of the backswing, your racket should be behind your head and your weight should be on your back foot.

The Point of Contact

One important factor in serving hard is where you make contact with the ball. Ideally, you want to make contact with the ball at the very top of your serve. This is because making contact at the top of your serve gives you more power and also more control. When you make contact at the top of your serve, it also causes the ball to spin more. This extra spin makes it harder for your opponent to return your serve.

The Follow-Through

After you hit the ball, your arm and racket will naturally follow through in the direction of the hit. For a hard serve, you need to keep your arm and racket moving forward even after you’ve hit the ball. This will put extra topspin on the ball and make it difficult for your opponent to return.

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