How to Serve in Doubles Tennis?

How to Serve in Doubles Tennis? – If you’re playing doubles tennis, you’ll need to know how to serve properly in order to give your team the best chance of winning. Follow these simple tips and you’ll be serving like a pro in no time!

How to Serve in Doubles Tennis?


When playing tennis with three other people, it is customary to serve from the right side of the court. However, when playing doubles tennis with only two people, it is necessary to serve from the left side in order to give each player an opportunity to return the ball. This can be confusing for beginners, but with a little practice it will become second nature.

Here are some tips on how to serve in doubles tennis:

1. Position yourself at the back left corner of the court. This is where you will need to stand in order to serve from the correct side.

2. Toss the ball into the air and hit it with your racket so that it goes over the net and into your opponent’s court. Remember to hit the ball before it reaches its highest point.

3. Serve from behind the baseline and make sure that your feet are not touching the line when you make contact with the ball. If you do not serve correctly, your opponents will be able to call a fault and you will have to try again.

4. After serving, quickly move towards the center of the court so that you can be in position to return your opponent’s shot.

By following these simple tips, you should have no trouble serving correctly in a game of doubles tennis. Just remember to stay calm and focus on hitting the ball over the net into your opponent’s court!

The Basics of Serving

In tennis, there are a few different ways you can hold the ball when you serve. You can hold the ball in your dominant hand and toss it into the air, or you can hold it in your non-dominant hand and bounce it a few times before tossing it into the air. There are also a few different ways you can toss the ball into the air. You can either underhand or overhand toss the ball.

The Grip

You can hold the racket in one of two ways for a double grip. You can either do an eastern forehand grip or a continental grip. For an eastern forehand grip, your racket will be positioned in your dominant hand the same way it would be if you were playing a forehand shot. Your index finger should be positioned on bevel number two, and your thumb should be positioned on bevel number four. The V-shape made by your thumb and index finger should point toward the ground. For a continental grip, your racket will also be positioned in your dominant hand. But instead of having the V-shape point toward the ground, it should point toward the sky. Your thumb should also be positioned on bevel number four, but your index finger should be on bevel number one.

The Stance

One of the most important aspects of proper form in tennis is the stance. The ideal stance is one that allows the player to be balanced and ready to move in any direction at a moment’s notice. For a right-handed player, this means that the left foot should be positioned behind the center of the body, with the right foot slightly forward of center. The feet should be shoulder-width apart, and the player should be looking across the net directly at his or her opponent.

The Toss

Before the serve, the player must bounce the ball once in front of him/her and then toss it into the air. The player must let go of the ball before it reaches its highest point. If a player hits the ball before it reaches its highest point, it is called a fault and the opposing team gets to serve.

There are two main types of tosses:
-The Continental Toss: The continental toss is when you throw the ball in front of you and then let it bounce once before catching it again. This type of toss is often used when serving because it is easier to control where you want to hit the ball.
-The Overhand Toss: The overhand toss is when you throw the ball above your head and then catch it again. This type of toss is often used for lobs orslice shots because it is harder for your opponent to predict where the ball is going to go.

The Swing

When serving in tennis, there are three main types of swings that you can use in order to put the ball in play. The flat swing is the most common and is hit with a level bat path. This type of serve is used to keep the ball low and produce a speedier delivery. The second type of swing is called a topspin swing. This stroke is hit with an upward motion and produces a high bouncing ball. Finally, there is the slice swing which cuts across the ball, causing it to spin sideways and making it harder for your opponent to control.

Types of Serves

There are several types of serves in tennis, all of which have different purposes and can be effective in different situations. The three most common types of serves are the flat serve, the slice serve, and the topspin serve. Each type of serve has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to know when and how to use each one.

The Flat Serve

The flat serve is your standard serve. You use it when you want to put the ball away quickly or when you want to set up a point with a placement. When hitting a flat serve, aim for the service tee or just barely inside the baseline. You want to make sure that your ball doesn’t land too short, or your opponent will be able to take control of the point. A well-executed flat serve will have pace and placement and force your opponent to hit their return from behind the baseline.

The Slice Serve

The Slice Serve is a very effective first service, particularly when your opponent is at the back of the court. It can be used to surprise your opponent as it bounces low and can be difficult to control.

The Slice Serve can be used to target the backhand of your opponent, or to surprise them by going down the middle.

To hit a Slice Serve, start by holding the ball in your non-dominant hand and throwing it up into the air. As you throw the ball, turn your body so that you are facing away from the net.

As you toss the ball, bring your racket back and then slice through the ball as you make contact. The angle of your racket should be such that it slices through the ball, causing it to spin.

Your aim is to have the ball bounce low and to spin towards your opponent’s backhand side. This will make it difficult for them to return the ball with any power.

The Kick Serve

One of the most common serves in tennis is the kick serve. The server uses a exaggerated motion to kick the ball upwards and sideways, making it spin rapidly. This type of serve gives the ball a lot of topspin, meaning it will fall quickly once it hits the other side of the court. A good kick serve is very difficult to return, especially if you don’t see it coming!

Strategies for Serving in Doubles Tennis

When serving in doubles tennis, you and your partner will want to have a strategy in order to be successful. There are a few different options that you can choose from when serving. You can serve to the same person every time, switch up who you serve to, or you can serve to the backhand or forehand. You will want to mix up your serves so that your opponents don’t know where the ball is going.

The Body Serve

A good body serve threatens the server’s opponents by taking away the space they have to hit the ball. When you successfully execute a body serve, your opponents will be forced to hit the ball off-balance and without much power. This can lead to weak shots that are easy to put away.

The best way to practice your body serve is to set up a practice session with a partner. Start by serving from the baseline, and then move closer to the net as you become more comfortable with the shot. When you are serving, be sure to focus on hitting your target (the center of your opponent’s body) and keeping the ball low. Remember, the goal is to make your opponents uncomfortable and create an easy put-away opportunity.

One common error when hitting a body serve is not hitting the ball low enough. This can be especially problematic if you are serving from the baseline. If you hit the ball too high, your opponents will have time to adjust their position and hit a strong return shot. Another common error is not hitting your target. If you aim for your opponent’s body but miss, they will have an easy time hitting a RESPONSE back at you.

When executed correctly, the body serve can be an extremely effective weapon in doubles tennis. By taking away your opponent’s space and forcing them to hit off-balance, you can create weak shots that are easy to put away. With practice, you will be able to consistently hit your target and keep the ball low, making it difficult for your opponents to respond.

The Cross-Court Serve

In tennis, the cross-court serve is a type of service which is hit to the diagonally opposite service court. This serve starts out wide to one side of the court and then cuts sharply across the center service line into the other service court.

The cross-court serve is especially effective in doubles tennis because it forces your opponents to cover a lot of ground. If they don’t return the ball successfully, you and your partner will have an open court to attack.

To hit a cross-court serve, stand with your body sideways to the net so that you are facing one of the sidelines. Bring your racket back behind your head and then snap it forward to hit the ball. Make sure to hit the ball at its highest point so that it has plenty of time to travel across the net before bouncing.

If you are serving from the deuce court, aim for the cross-court service box on your opponent’s ad court. If you are serving from the ad court, aim for the cross-court service box on your opponent’s deuce court.

The Down-The-T

The “Down-The-T” is a serving strategy mostly used by professional competitive players. The server stands at the back of the court on the baseline diagonally opposite their partner. They then serve to the service box diagonally opposite them on the other side of the net. This type of serve allows for more power and accuracy as opposed to just serving down the middle. It also puts your opponents in a difficult position as they have to split up and cover more ground. This can be an effective strategy if you are playing against weaker opponents who have trouble communicating and working together.


Remember, there are three main ways to serve in tennis – the flat serve, the slice serve, and the topspin serve. The flat serve is when you hit the ball without any spin, so it will travel straight and fast. The slice serve is when you hit the ball with backspin, so it will travel low and slow. The topspin serve is when you hit the ball with topspin, so it will travel high and fast. You can use any of these serves in doubles tennis, but remember that your main goal is to get the ball in play and not to make it easy for your opponents to return. Also, be sure to vary your serves so your opponents never know what to expect.

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