How To Shoot Better In Nba 2K21?

Looking to up your game in NBA 2K21? Check out these tips on how to shoot better and make a name for yourself on the virtual hardwood!

How To Shoot Better In Nba 2K21?


Good shooting in NBA 2K21 is essential if you want to be a good player. There are many factors that affect your shooting, such as release timing, jump shot selection, and contested layups. In this guide, we will give you some tips on how to shoot better in NBA 2K21.

If you want to be a great shooter in NBA 2K21, you need to have good release timing. Release timing is the amount of time it takes for your shot to go from when you press the shoot button to when it actually leaves your hands. If you release the ball too early or too late, your shot will be inaccurate. To get good release timing, you need to practice shooting the ball A LOT. The more you shoot, the better your release timing will become.

Another important factor in shooting is jump shot selection. There are many different jump shots in NBA 2K21, and not all of them are created equal. Some jump shots are harder to make than others, and some are more effective than others. Before taking a jump shot, think about which one will give you the best chance of making the shot. If you’re not sure which jump shot to take, ask a friend or look up a guide online.

Finally, contested layups can be a great way to score points inNBA 2K21. If you see a defender between you and the basket, don’t be afraid to take them on. You’ll need good dribbling skills andTimingto make contested layups, but they’re well worth it if you can pull them off.

By following these tips, you should be able to shoot better in NBA2K21. Remember to practice often and try different things until you find what works best for you

The Three Key Skills You Need

Pulling up for a jump shot in NBA 2K21 can be a tall task if you’re not used to it. The game’s default controls can take some getting used to, but there are a few key things you can do to make sure you’re putting up the best possible shot every time. In this article, we’ll go over the three key skills you need to master in order to shoot better in NBA 2K21.


Great shooters in NBA 2K21 have three things in common: a quick release, deep range, and the ability to shoot off the dribble. If you want to take your shooting game to the next level, you need to focus on honing these three key skills.

A quick release is the foundation of great shooting. If your release is too slow, you’ll give defenders time to close out on you and contested shots will become the norm. The key to a quick release is finding the sweet spot on your jump shot animation and letting it go as soon as you get there. It sounds simple, but it’s something that takes a lot of practice to master.

Deep range is what separates the good shooters from the great shooters in NBA 2K21. If you can consistently hit shots from beyond the arc, you’ll make life much easier for yourself and your team. In order to improve your range, you need to put in the time at the practice facility and work on your long-range jumpers.

The ability to shoot off the dribble is another important skill for shooters in NBA 2K21. If you can knock down jumpers while being defended, you’ll be able open up driving lanes for yourself and your teammates. To improve your shooting off the dribble, you need to work on your handle and learn how to create separation with your defender.


Dribbling is one of the most important skills you need to know how to do in order to play Basketball. It allows you to move the ball up and down the court, and keep it in your possession while avoiding defenders. There are many different types of dribbles that you can use in order to create space or get around a defender, and it’s important that you practice all of them so that you can become a better ball handler.

One of the best ways to improve your dribbling is to practice against a defender. You can do this by yourself by setting up cones or chairs as defenders, or you can have a friend or family member stand in as a defender. Try to see how long you can keep the ball in your possession while they try to strip it away from you, and focus on using different types of dribbles to see what works best against them.

Another great way to improve your dribbling is to participate in drills that focus on ball handling. There are many different drills that you can do, but some of the most popular ones include:

-The chair drill: This drill helps improve your control and hand-eye coordination. Place two chairs facing each other about 10 feet apart, and then dribble the ball between them while moving around the chairs. As you get better at this drill, increase the distance between the chairs.
-The slalom drill: This drill is great for improving your speed and agility while handling the ball. Set up cones or other markers in a slalom pattern, and then weave in and out of them while dribbling the ball. As you get better at this drill, increase the number of cones or make them closer together.
-The zig-zag drill: This drill helps improve your change of direction while dribbling. Dribble the ball back and forth between two lines of cones placed about 10 feet apart, going around each cone as you change directions. As with the other drills, as you get better at this one you can increase the distance between the cones or make them closer together


Passing is one of the three key skills you need to know how to do in order to shoot better in NBA 2K21. The other two are dribbling and shooting.

Passing is important because it helps you get the ball to your teammates so they can score. It also helps you keep the ball away from your opponents so they can’t score.

Dribbling is important because it helps you get around your opponents and get open for a shot. It also helps you create space so you can pass the ball to your teammates.

Shooting is important because it’s how you score points. If you can’t shoot, then you’re not going to be able to score very many points and your team is going to lose.

How To Improve These Skills

One of the great things about NBA 2K21 is that there’s a huge amount of customization you can do to change the way your players look, play and react. You can edit their hairstyles, accessories, and tattoos. You can also change their animations and how they play on the court.


Good shooting in NBA 2K21 starts with understanding the shots you can take and when you should take them. Knowing how to time your shots is also important, as is adjusting your shot type and release point to get the most out of your jump shot. In this guide, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about shooting in NBA 2K21 so that you can start racking up points for your team.

The first thing to understand about shooting in NBA 2K21 is that there are three different types of jump shots: layups, dunks, and jump shots. Each type of shot has a different timing window, which means that you’ll need to release the ball at the correct time in order to make the shot.

Layups are the easiest type of shot to make, as they have a very large timing window. This means that you can release the ball earlier or later and still make the shot. Dunks have a smaller timing window, so you’ll need to be more precise when releasing the ball. Jump shots have the smallest timing window of all, so you’ll need to be very precise when releasing the ball if you want to make the shot.

In addition to understanding the different types of shots, it’s also important to understand how shot releases work in NBA 2K21. When taking a jump shot, you can adjust your release point by pressing up or down on the right analog stick. Pressing up on the analog stick will result in a higher release point, while pressing down will result in a lower release point.

You can also change your shot type by pressing left or right on the right analog stick. Pressing left will result in a floater, while pressing right will result in a jump shot. There are other Shot Types available as well, but we’ll discuss those in more detail later on.

adjust your release point and change your Shot Type before taking a jump shot

Use The Shot Meter

When shooting in NBA 2K21, you will want to make sure you use the shot meter. The shot meter is a very important tool that will help you make sure your shots are going in. If you do not use the shot meter, your shots will be less accurate and you will miss more shots.

To use the shot meter, simply press and hold the shoot button. A green bar will appear and start to fill up. You want to release the shoot button when the bar is at its peak. If you release the button too early or too late, your shot will be less accurate.

Use The Correct Shot Type

When shooting in NBA 2K21, you need to be mindful of the type of shot you’re taking. There are three main types of shots in the game:
-jump shots

Each one of these shot types has a slightly different animation, and each is more effective in different situations. You need to learn when to use each type of shot, and practice until you have a good understanding of the timing and release point for each.

Use The Right Stick

The right thumbstick is not just for shooting. You can use it to make fancy dribble moves too. But in this context, the right thumbstick is all about your shot release.

There are two main ways to shoot with the right stick. The first is by pressing up on the stick, which will result in a normal jump shot. The second is by flicking the stick up, which will result in a quicker release jump shot.


Dribbling is one of the most important skills in basketball. A good dribbler can keep the ball away from defenders, get around them, and create scoring opportunities.

There are two types of dribbles: the push dribble and the crossover dribble. The push dribble is when you push the ball forward with one hand while you move your other hand up the side of the ball. The crossover dribble is when you switch hands while you’re dribbling, so that the ball crosses over from one hand to the other.

To improve your dribbling skills, practice these drills:

-One-handed vs. two-handed: Dribble the ball with one hand first, then switch to two hands. Then alternate between the two for a minute or so. This will help you develop agility and coordination.

-Shoulder fake: faked a shoulder as if you’re about to make a move, then quickly switch directions. This will help you fake out defenders who are trying to steal the ball from you.

-Crossover: As mentioned before, this drill involves switching hands while you’re dribbling so that the ball crosses over from one hand to the other. Do this drill slowly at first to get used to the motion, then build up speed as you get better at it.

Use The Crossover

In order to dribble past your opponent in NBA 2K21, you’ll need to use a number of different moves. One of the most effective is the crossover.

To do a crossover, simply press and hold the left stick in the direction you want to go, then quickly flick it across to the other side. This will cause your player to change directions quickly, hopefully leaving your defender behind.

You can also combine a crossover with a spin move by double-tapping the left stick in the direction you want to go before flicking it across. This will make it even harder for your defender to stay with you.

Use The Spin Move

When you’re in the key and your defender is playing you closely, use the right analog stick to quickly spin past them. This will give you an open layup or an open jump shot most of the time.

Use The Hesitation Move

Hesitation moves are a great way to create space between you and your defender, especially if you’re being tightly guarded. To do a hesitation move, simply press and hold the R2/RT button while driving. This will cause your player to hesitate and change directions, which can often leave your defender behind.


In order to be a good passer in NBA 2K21, you need to know two things: how to lead your receivers, and when to make the pass. Leading your receiver is especially important on fast breaks and in transition, when the defense is scrambling to get back. You want to pass the ball ahead of your receiver, so they can catch it in stride and keep going. If you wait too long or throw too late, your receiver will have to come back for the ball, slowing down the play.

As for when to make the pass, that’s a bit more complicated. Obviously, you don’t want to turn the ball over, so you have to be careful not to force passes into tight spaces. But at the same time, you don’t want to be too tentative and give up easy opportunities. The key is to read the defense and make smart decisions. If you see an open man, make the pass. If not, keep dribbling and look for another option.

To sum up: Passing in NBA 2K21 is all about making quick decisions and leading your receivers. If you can do those two things, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a great passer in the game.

Use The Lead Pass

One of the best ways to set up your team for easy baskets is to use the lead pass. The lead pass is very effective in NBA 2K21 because it allows you to quickly exploit the defense while they are still scrambling to get back into position.

To do a lead pass, simply hold down the “L1” button and then quickly press the pass button. The player with the ball will then delay their dribble and wait for their teammates to get ahead of them before making the pass. This is an extremely effective way to break down the defense and it will often result in wide open shots or easy layups.

Use The Lob Pass

In real-life basketball, the lob pass is an incredibly useful tool. It’s a high-arcing pass that’s designed to go over the top of the defense and into the hands of a cutting teammate for an easy dunk or layup. In NBA 2K21, the lob pass works exactly the same way.

Use The Chest Pass

When you are in the post, the chest pass is going to be the most effective way to get the ball to your teammates. Use the right stick to make a chest pass. You can also use R2/RT + X/A to make a chest pass. This will ensure that the ball gets to your teammate quickly and with some power behind it.


There is no one definitive answer to the question of how to shoot better in NBA 2K21. However, there are certain things that players can do in order to improve their shooting accuracy. First and foremost, players need to make sure that they are using the proper shooting form. Secondly, players should familiarize themselves with the various shot types available in the game and practice using them in order to become more accurate. Finally, players need to have patience when shooting and not rush their shots. By following these tips, players will be well on their way to becoming better shooters in NBA 2K21.

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