How To Shoot Like an NBA 2K21 Pro

Get tips and tricks from a professional NBA 2K21 player on how to shoot like the pros.

Shooting Form

There are a few key things you want to make sure you’re doing when shooting in NBA 2K21 if you want to make sure your shot is as accurate as possible. First, you want to make sure you have a good shooting form. This means having your feet shoulder-width apart, bending your knees, and keeping your elbows in. You also want to make sure you’re following through with your shot, so that the ball goes off the backboard and into the net.

Perfect your shooting form

Good form is paramount to shooting success in NBA 2K21. A player with poor form will have a hard time consistently making shots, regardless of their shooting rating. Conversely, a player with good form will be much more likely to make their shots, even if their shooting rating isn’t as high as other players.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when shooting in NBA 2K21:
-Keep your shooting hand behind the ball
-Line up your shot before taking it
-Follow through after you shoot
-Release the ball at the peak of your jump

If you can perfect these four key elements of shooting form, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an elite shooter in NBA 2K21.

Use the right shooting controls

Shooters in NBA 2K21 have more control over their jump shot than ever before, with the ability to choose between a high-release, mid-release, and low-release shot. However, with so many options available, it can be tough to figure out which release point is best for your jump shot.

The answer, as is often the case in NBA 2K21, is that it depends on your player’s shooting attributes. If you have a player with a high three-point rating and deep range, you’re going to want to use the high-release shot, as it will give you the best chance of hitting from long range. However, if you have a player with mediocre shooting ratings and a shorter wingspan, you’ll want to use the low-release shot, as it will give you a better chance of getting your shot off against taller defenders.

As for the mid-release shot, it’s somewhere in between the two extremes and can be used depending on the situation. If you’re wide open and have time to set your feet before shooting, go ahead and use the high-release; if you’re being tightly guarded and need to get your shot off quickly, use the low-release. And if you’re somewhere in between those two scenarios, go ahead and use the mid-release.

practice jump shots from all over the court using each of the three release points, so that you’ll be comfortable using any of them in game situations. And once you figure out which release point works best for your player’s shooting attributes, stick with it; there’s no need to change things up just for the sake of change.

Court Awareness

Use the right shot clock

Most of the time, you’ll want to wait until the shot clock reaches 14 seconds or less before taking your shot. This give you plenty of time to make your move and get off a high-quality shot.

If you have the ball with plenty of time left on the clock, it’s usually best to pass it around and look for an open teammate. Only take a shot if it’s a wide-open layup or dunk, or if you’re confident that you can make a tough shot.

Remember, the goal is to score as many points as possible while avoiding turnovers. If you’re not sure whether you should shoot or pass, err on the side of passing the ball.

Be aware of your surroundings

You need to be constantly aware of your surroundings in order to make the best decision possible. If you’re not paying attention, you’ll never know what’s going on and you won’t be able to take advantage of it.

This is especially important on defense. You need to know where all the offensive players are at all times, as well as the ball. You also need to be aware of screens and cuts, so you can close out on shooters and prevent easy baskets.

Mental Preparation

As with anything in life, your success in NBA 2K21 will be a direct result of how prepared you are mentally. If you’re not mentally prepared to take on the challenge of becoming an NBA 2K21 pro, you’ll likely find yourself struggling to achieve your goals. In this article, we’ll be discussing the importance of mental preparation and how it can help you shoot like an NBA 2K21 pro.

Stay calm and focused

Mental preparation is just as important as physical training when it comes to playing your best in NBA 2K21. You need to be able to block out the noise and stay calm and focused under pressure. Just like in real life, the key to success in NBA 2K21 is often just making that one extra shot when the game is on the line.

To help you get into the right mindset, we asked some of the best NBA 2K21 players in the world for their mental game tips. Here’s what they had to say:

Pro tip #1: Get in the zone
When it comes to crunch time, the best players are able to block out everything else and focus on what’s important — making the shot. One way to help you get into this mindset is to visualize yourself making the shot before you even take it. See the ball going through the net and hear the crowd cheering. This will help you get into a flow state and make it more likely that you’ll make the shot when it matters.

Pro tip #2: Don’t think too much
Thinking too much can be your enemy when shooting in NBA 2K21. If you start second-guessing yourself, you’re more likely to second-guess your shot and miss. The key is to trust your training and let muscle memory take over.plaSource:

Visualize your shot

Good shooters visualize their shot before they release the ball. They see the ball going into the basket from the moment they catch it. You can improve your shooting by taking a couple of seconds to visualize your shot before you release the ball. See the ball going into the basket from the moment you catch it.

When you’re open, take your time to focus on the rim and then take your shot. When you’re contested, pump fake to get your defender in the air and then take your shot. In both cases, make sure that you follow through and release the ball at the top of your jump.

Physical Preparation

There’s more to shooting like an NBA 2K21 Pro than just playing the game. In order to up your shooting game, you need to do some physical preparation. This means practicing your shots in real life. Get a basketball and head to the nearest hoop.

Get in the zone

When you’re playing 2K21, it’s important to be in the zone. This means being focused and relaxed at the same time. Once you’re in the zone, your shooting will be more accurate. There are a few things you can do to help get into the zone:

-Find a comfortable spot where you can sit or stand without being interrupted.
-Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
-Focus on your shooting form and imagine the ball going through the hoop.
-Visualize yourself making shots from different spots on the court.
-Open your eyes and take a few practice shots.

Stay hydrated

Nothing will zap your energy and affect your shooting like being dehydrated, so make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids before and during your play.

Practice, Practice, Practice

In order to shoot like a NBA 2K21 Pro, you must first put in the time to practice. That means playing the game as often as you can and working on your shooting form. It’s also important to watch professionals play the game and learn from them. Some people are born with a natural shooting touch, but even they had to put in the work to get where they are today. So, if you want to shoot like a NBA 2K21 Pro, get ready to put in some time and effort.

Get in the gym

If you want to be good at anything, you have to put in the work. The same goes for becoming a great 2K21 player. You need to put in the time and effort if you want to see results.

The best way to get better at the game is to simply play it as often as possible. But, if you want to take your game to the next level, you’re going to need to put in some extra work outside of just playing the game.

One of the best things that you can do to improve your 2K skills is to get in the gym and practice your shot. This may seem like a no brainer, but so many players neglect this aspect of their game. If you can’t shoot, you’re not going to be able to score points consistently against good defenders.

Spend some time each day working on your jump shot. Get in the habit of shooting 100 shots per day, and make sure that you’re practicing game-like situations. For example, shoot 10 free throws in a row before moving on to shooting 3-pointers. Or, practice shooting off of the dribble. The more prepared you are for game-like situations, the better off you’ll be when it comes time to play against real opponents.

Use the right shooting drills

No matter how great of a shooter you are, you can always become better. The key to becoming a better shooter is to put in the work and practice, practice, practice. There are countless shooting drills out there that can help you sharpen your skills, but not all of them are created equal. In this article, we will give you our top five shooting drills that we believe will help take your game to the next level.

1. The Cone Drill

The cone drill is a great way to work on your shooting accuracy. The drill is simple; all you need is a basketball and five cones (or any other markers) to set up a mini shooting course. Set the cones up in a line starting at the free throw line extended and space them out so they are about two feet apart. Once the cones are in place, start at the first cone and take an off-the-dribble jump shot. As soon as the ball goes through the hoop, sprint to the next cone and take another shot. Repeat this process until you make it through all five cones. Make sure to mix up your shots; mix in some layups, floaters and jumpers from different spots on the court.

2. variations of The Cone Drill
One variation of this drill that we like is to start at half court and work your way down to the basket by making 12 consecutive shots from different spots on the court (3-point line, mid-range jumpers, layups). Another variation is to set up four cones in a square around the free throw line area and make 10 shots from each spot before moving onto the next cone.

3. Shooting off of screens
Shooting off of screens is one of the most important skills for a basketball player to master; whether it be coming off of a pick-and-roll or running around screens on offense, being able to shoot (and score) off of screens will open up so many opportunities for you on offense. A great way to work on this skill is by using what’s called a “shooting pocket pass” drill; have two players set up along the baseline about 10 feet apart with one player holding the ball near their hip (this will be your “passer”) and another player about 15 feet away from them (this will be your “shooter”). The shooter should then get into their stance as if they are going to catch and shoot while the passer starts dribbling toward them; as they get close, the shooter should then sprint around their body toward the basket while keeping their shooting hand ready . The passer should then pass them the ball right as they come out of their sprint so they can catch and shoot without having to slow down or stop their momentum . This timing takes some getting used too but once you have it down , it will become second nature . To make this drill more challenging , try adding a defender who is trying to fight through screens or contest shots .
4. Free throws
Free throws are such an important part of basketball; they are essentially worth one extra point per shot which can make or break games . Although free throws may seem easy , they can be very difficult when there’s pressure on you in game situations . A great way to practice free throws is by using what’s called “the pressure technique” ; start by shooting five free throws without any pressure or consequences , then miss intentionally on your sixth shot . Now thatyou’ve missed , act as if there’s real pressure on your seventh shot ; put yourself in game situations where you have make or miss situations . This added pressure will train your mind and body to perform better under pressure when it really counts .

5. One-on-One
Playing one-on-one is not only fun , but it’s also very beneficial for working on individual skills such as footwork , ball handling , finishing at the rim , etc… When playing one-on-one , there are no teammates or help side defense so it forces players to rely solely on their individual skillsets ; this makes it easier for players identify areas that need improvement without any other distractions . You can also keep track of certain stats such as points scored , field goal percentage , fouls drawn , etc… which can help give you an idea of how efficient you are when playing against somebody else .

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