How To Shoot Like An NBA 2K22 Pro

Get tips and tricks on how to shoot like a pro in NBA 2K22.

How To Shoot Like An NBA 2K22 Pro


Whether you are new to NBA 2K or a seasoned vet, nailing those long-range jumpers can be a challenge. In this guide, we’ll break down some tips and tricks to help you shoot like an NBA 2K22 pro.

With the release of NBA 2K22, players have been asking how to shoot like Steph Curry. While there is no sure-fire way to become the next Curry, there are definitely some things you can do to up your shooting game.

First and foremost, practice makes perfect. The more you play, the better you will become at reading the court and making those tough shots. In addition to playing the game, you can also try out some drills in the Practice Facility.

One of the best ways to improve your shooting is by using the MyPlayer mode. In this mode, you can create your own player and use them in both offline and online games. You will also have access to a number of practice facilities where you can work on your shooting.

When it comes to your shot selection, make sure you are picking shots that you are comfortable with and that you have a good chance of making. There is no point in taking a three-point shot if you are only hitting 30% of them. Instead, focus on taking mid-range shots or layups/dunks which have a higher chance of going in.

Finally, pay attention to your release point and make sure it is consistent with each shot. A good release point will vary depending on your player but it is generally around the top of the jump or just before. If your release point is too low or too high, it will affect the accuracy of your shot.

The best way to get good at 2K22

Like with most sports games, the best way to get good at NBA 2K22 is to just play it a lot. The more you play, the more accustomed you’ll get to the timing and rhythm of each shot, and the better you’ll become at making them.

Of course, there are some specific things you can do to improve your shooting in NBA 2K22. Here are a few tips:

-Get a feel for the release timing of each shot type. Each shot type in NBA 2K22 has a specific release timing that you need to master in order to make it consistently. The best way to do this is just to get in the habit of pausing your shot and waiting for the “perfect” release time before taking it.
-Practice your shots from different spots on the court. In real life, NBA players don’t always have time to set up their perfect shot from wherever they are on the court. That’s why it’s important to practice shooting from different spots, so you can gauge the necessary adjustments needed to make each shot successful.
-Keep your shots balanced. If you want to make sure your shots are as accurate as possible, it’s important to keep them balanced. This means not putting too much weight on either your forehand or backhand side when shooting. Instead, keep your shots evenly distributed so they have a better chance of going in.
– Use different layups and dunks. There are a variety of layups and dunks available in NBA 2K22, so it’s important to mix things up and keep your opponent guessing. By using different types of layups and dunks, you can keep your opponent off-balance and more likely to make a mistake.

Tips on how to shoot like a pro

There are many ways to improve your shooting in NBA 2K22, but if you want to be a true pro, you need to know the ins and outs of every shooting mechanic in the game. Here are some tips on how to shoot like a pro:

1. The first thing you need to do is make sure your shot is on point. In order to do this, you need to go into the MyPlayer menu and adjust your shot percentage. The higher your shot percentage is, the more likely your shots are to go in.

2. Another important factor in shooting is timing. If you release your shot too early or too late, it will be less accurate. You need to find the perfect timing for your release in order to increase your chances of making the shot.

3. Another thing that affects your shooting accuracy is how well you are defended. If you are being closely guarded by an opponent, it will be harder to make a shot. However, if you have some space between you and the defender, it will be easier to make a shot.

4. Finally, one of the most important aspects of shooting is confidence. If you believe in yourself and your ability to make a shot, you are more likely to succeed. Boosting your confidence can be done by practicing your shots and watching yourself make them in the mirror.

Different types of shots and how to make them

In order to shoot like a pro in NBA 2K22, you will need to know the different types of shots and how to make them. There are three main types of shots in the game: jump shots, layups, and dunks.

Jump Shots:
Jump shots are taken while the player is in mid-air. To make a jump shot, hold the shooting button down and release it when your player is at the peak of their jump. The longer you hold the button down, the higher your player will jump, and the more difficult the shot will be.

Layups are taken while the player is driving to the basket. To make a layup, simply press the shooting button when your player is close to the basket. The closer your player is to the basket, the easier it will be to make the shot.

Dunks are taken while the player is driving to the basket and close to the rim. To make a dunk, press and hold down the shooting button until your player goes up for their dunk animation. The dunk button must be held down until after your player has left their feet; if you release it too early, they will miss their dunk attempt.

How to be a good teammate

If you want to be a good teammate, you need to know how to play well with others and sacrifice your own shooting for the good of the team. In order to become a good teammate, you must be able to put your ego aside and do what is best for the team.

In order to be a good teammate, you need to know how to play well with others and sacrifice your own shooting for the good of the team. In order to become a good teammate, you must be able to put your ego aside and do what is best for the team. A good teammate is someone who makes those around them better. They are unselfish, have a positive attitude, work hard, and are always looking to help their team win.

If you want to be a good teammate on NBA 2K22, there are a few things you can do:

-Always look to make the extra pass. A good teammate always looks for the open man and doesn’t force shots.
-Play within yourself. Don’t try to do too much or take on too much responsibility. Just focus on doing your role well.
-Be coachable. Listen to your coaches and teammates and take constructive criticism well.
-Communicate with your teammates. Let them know where you want the ball and what kinds of plays you like to run.
-Be positive and upbeat, even when things are going tough. A positive attitude is infectious and can help turn things around when they’re not going well.
-Make sacrifices for the team. If there’s something you need to do for the team that doesn’t benefit you individually, do it anyway. It could be something as simple as giving up a shot so another player can get hot or taking a charge instead of trying to block a shot. Whatever it is, put the team first and do what’s best for them even if it means sacrificing your own stats or playing time


With these tips, you should be well on your way to shooting like an NBA 2K22 pro. Remember to practice, and don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. It takes time and patience to master the art of shooting in NBA 2K22, but it’s well worth it when you finally start hitting those game-winning buzzer-beaters.

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