How To Shoot On NBA 2K21: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to shoot like a pro on NBA 2K21 with this comprehensive guide. We’ll go over the basics of shooting, how to create space, and how to get your shot off against tough defenders.

How To Shoot On NBA 2K21: A Comprehensive Guide


You’re finally in the game. The arena is electric, the fans are roaring and you’re about to take the court as your favorite NBA player. You line up for your first shot of the game… and brick it. Suddenly, all the noise disappears and you remember that you’re not actually LeBron James. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.

Whether you’re a casual player or a hardcore fan, nailing those shots can be tough—but it’s not impossible. With a little practice and the right technique, you can start sinking threes like Steph Curry in no time. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about shooting in NBA 2K21, from the basics of aiming to more advanced tips and tricks. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

The Best Shooting Form

Good shooting form in NBA 2K21 is vital if you want to make a serious dent in your opponent’s defence. If you’re not nailing those outside shots, then you’re going to have a tough time scoring points.

There are a few things you need to keep in mind when shooting in NBA 2K21: release point, timing and animation. Let’s break each of these down so you can start sinking those threes with ease.

Release Point
The release point is the most important factor in shooting. You need to make sure the ball is released at the peak of your jump, otherwise it’s going to be an awkward shot that’s likely to miss.

The best way to practice your release point is by using the Shot Meter. This will give you a good indication of where your release point should be. You should also experiment with different release points to find what works best for you.

Timing is everything when shooting in NBA 2K21. If you don’t time your shot correctly, then it’s going to be an ugly brick. One way to practice your timing is by using the Shot Clock feature in the Practice Facility. This will force you to shoot within a certain timeframe, so you can get a feel for how long you have to shoot before the clock runs out.

Your animation plays a big part in shooting, as it determines how your player will jump and release the ball. If your animation isn’t fluid, then your shot is likely to be off-balance and wonky. It’s important to find an animation that works well for you and feels natural. In general, simpler animations are easier to control than more complex ones.

How to Improve Your Shooting

Whether you’re a new player just starting out, or a seasoned vet looking to take your game to the next level, nailing those all-important shots is vital in NBA 2K21. In this guide, we’ll run through some top tips to help you boost your shooting percentage and give yourself the best chance of coming out on top.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when shooting is your release point. The higher up on the player’s body you release the ball from, the more chance you have of it going in. One way to practice this is by using the shot stick rather than the face buttons, as this gives you much more control over where you release the ball from.

It’s also important to be aware of your jump shot timing. If you release the ball too early or too late, your shot is likely to go off course. As a general rule of thumb, you want to release the ball when your player is at the peak of their jump for the best chance of success.

If you find yourself struggling with your shooting, one tip is to lower the difficulty setting. This will make it easier for you to get into a groove and start nailing those shots with ease. Once you’ve found your rhythm, you can then increase the difficulty again and put your newly-honed skills to the test against tougher opponents.

Practice makes perfect, so make sure you spend plenty of time honing your skills in The Park or MyCAREER before taking on online challengers. There’s no shame in starting off on Easy until you get a feel for things – once you get used to how NBA 2K21 plays, you can start cranking up that difficulty setting and really putting your shooting skills to the test!

The Different Types of Shots

There are three different types of shots in NBA 2k21: the layup, the jump shot, and the dunk.

The layup is the simplest and most common type of shot. To do a layup, all you need to do is run towards the basket and press the jump button. Your player will automatically lay the ball up off the backboard and into the basket.

The jump shot is a bit more complicated. To do a jump shot, you first need to press and hold down the shoot button. This will cause your player to take a few steps back and get into a shooting stance. Once you’re in your shooting stance, you can release the shoot button to take your shot. The longer you hold down the shoot button, the higher your player will jump, and the more accurate your shot will be.

The dunk is similar to the layup, but instead of just running towards the basket and pressing the jump button, you also need to press the dunk button while you’re in mid-air. Doing this will cause your player to slam dunk the ball through the hoop.


In conclusion, using the right form and release timing is essential to becoming a great shooter in NBA 2K21. By following the tips in this guide, you should be well on your way to becoming a successful shooter in the game.

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