How to Shrink a Cotton Baseball Hat

A how-to guide on shrinking a cotton baseball hat. This guide will show you the best methods to achieve the perfect fit.

How to Shrink a Cotton Baseball Hat


You will need the following materials to shrink a cotton baseball hat: a sink, a stove, hot water, a pot, a baseball hat, and a bowl.

Cotton baseball hat

To shrink a cotton baseball hat, you’ll need the following items: a pot or basin, warm water, a sink, a washing machine, and a dryer. You’ll also need to know the measurement of your head before starting.

First, fill the pot or basin with warm water. It should be hot to the touch, but not too hot that it would burn your skin. Next, submerge the baseball hat in the water for about five minutes. After five minutes, remove the hat from the water and place it in the sink.

Run warm water over the hat for about 30 seconds, then squeeze any excess water from it. Place the baseball hat in the washing machine and set it to a delicate cycle with cold water. Allow the cycle to run its course.

After the cycle is finished, remove the hat from the washing machine and place it in the dryer on low heat. Once the hat is dry, try it on to see if it fits properly. If it’s still too large, repeat the entire process until you achieve the desired fit.


Scissors are the tool most commonly used to cut fabric. They come in a variety of sizes and styles, but the most important factor is how comfortable they feel in your hand. If you have small hands, look for scissors that have a small finger loop. Some scissors have a plastic or rubber coating around the handles to make them more comfortable to grip.

Fabric interfacing is a fusible material that is used to stabilize fabric before sewing. It comes in a variety of weights and can be made from natural fibers like cotton or synthetic fibers like polyester. You will need to use a different type of interfacing depending on the fabric you are working with.

A seam ripper is a small, sharp tool that is used to remove stitches. It has a curved blade that is inserted under the stitches and then pulled up through the fabric to cut them. Seam rippers are very useful for undoing mistakes, but they can also be used to remove old stitching from garments before recycling them.

Bowl of ice water

You will need a bowl of ice water, a stovetop and a pot large enough to fit your baseball hat. Boil the water on the stove and then carefully lower your baseball hat into the boiling water. Make sure that the entire hat is submerged. Boil for three minutes and then remove the pot from the heat. Place your baseball hat in the bowl of ice water and let it soak for five minutes.


Sometimes, a baseball hat can become too large after you wash it. If this happens, don’t worry, there is a way to shrink it back down to size. Here are some instructions on how to shrink a cotton baseball hat.

Cut a horizontal line around the base of the hat, about an inch from the rim

1. Place the hat horizontally on a flat surface.
2. Use a fabric marker to draw a horizontal line around the base of the hat, about an inch from the rim.
3. Cut along the line you just drew, using a pair of sharp scissors.
4. Try the hat on to make sure it fits properly. If it’s too big, you can always cut off more material.

Cut vertical lines around the hat, about an inch apart, stopping at the horizontal line you just cut

Using scissors, cut vertical lines around the hat, about an inch apart, stopping at the horizontal line you just cut. You will end up with a series of 1-inch-wide strips. If your hat is especially large, you may need to cut the strips even narrower.

Carefully stretch the hat so that the cuts you just made create a ruffled look

Use your fingers to carefully stretch the hat so that the cuts you just made create a ruffled look. If the hat is too big, you can make additional cuts along the seam until it is the desired size. If the hat is still too loose, try wetting it and re-wearing it while it’s damp to help shrink it further.

Submerge the hat in the bowl of ice water for about 5 minutes

Submerge the hat in the bowl of ice water for about 5 minutes, or until the fabric feels stiff. You may need to press down on the hat to keep it fully submerged.

Remove the hat from the water and allow it to air dry

Once you have removed the hat from the water, do not wring it out. Instead, simply allow it to air dry. You can either place it on a drying rack or lay it out on a clean towel. If you are in a hurry, you can even use a hairdryer set on low heat.

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