How to Size a Tennis Racket for Your Child

It’s tough to know how to size a tennis racket for your child. Here are some tips to get the perfect racket size for your little one.

Tennis racket sizes

It is very important that you get the correct size racket for your child. If the racket is too big or too small, your child will not be able to play correctly and may become frustrated. Here are some tips on how to size a tennis racket for your child.

Child’s age

When choosing a tennis racket for your child, it is important to select the correct size. The wrong size racket can lead to poor performance and decreased enjoyment of the game.

There are three main criteria to consider when sizing a tennis racket for a child: age, height and ability. racket size charts are available from various manufacturers and retailers, but these can only provide a general guide.

The best way to determine the correct size racket for your child is to have them hold a few different rackets of different sizes and have them swing them. The racket should be comfortable to hold and swing, and their arm should not feel strained. Generally, children under the age of 10 will need a racket between 19-21 inches long; children aged 10-12 will need a racket between 21-23 inches long; and children aged 12 and over will need a racket between 23-25 inches long.

If your child is still growing, it is best to err on the side of buying a slightly larger racket that they can grow into, rather than buying a smaller racket that they will quickly outgrow.

Child’s height

When choosing a racket for a child, you need to take into account the child’s height and weight. The table below shows the racket size that is most suitable for children of different heights.

Child’s height (in feet and inches) | Racket size
3 feet 0 inches to 3 feet 6 inches | 19-21 inches
3 feet 7 inches to 4 feet 0 inches | 21-23 inches
4 feet 1 inch to 4 feet 6 inches | 23-25 inches

Child’s skill level

When selecting a tennis racket for your child, you should consider their skill level. If your child is just starting to play tennis, or if they are not very active during play, you will want to select a smaller racket. As your child’s skills improve, or if they become more active during play, you can move up to a larger racket.

The following chart provides guidance on what size racket to select based on your child’s skill level and activity level.

Skill Level: Beginner
Activity Level: Low
Racket Size: 21″ – 23″

Skill Level: Beginner
Activity Level: Medium
Racket Size: 23″ – 25″

Skill Level: Intermediate
Activity Level: Medium
Racket Size: 25″ – 27″

Skill Level: Intermediate
Activity Level: High
Racket Size:” 27″ – 29″

How to measure a child for a tennis racket

You will need a tape measure, and it is best to have the child try different sizes of rackets to get a feel for what is comfortable. The racket should be about shoulder height for a child. For children under 10 years old, a 21-23 inch racket is a good size. If the child is over 10 years old, a 25-27 inch racket is a good size.

Have the child stand with their arm extended out to the side

To size a racket for a child, you will need to measure the length of their arm from the tip of their fingers to their armpit. The racket should be sized so that when the child is holding it in their hand, with the end of the racket touching their armpit, they can comfortably reach out and touch the strings.

Use a measuring tape to measure from the child’s wrist to the top of their shoulder

Use a measuring tape to measure from the child’s wrist to the top of their shoulder. If you don’t have a measuring tape, you can use a ruler or yardstick. The measurement should be in inches or centimeters.

The racket size should be about two inches longer than the child’s shoulder measurement. For example, if the child’s shoulder measures 16 inches, then the racket size should be 18 inches.

Use a measuring tape to measure the child’s height

The best way to size a tennis racket for your child is to use a measuring tape and measure their height. For a child who is just starting out, you will want to choose a racket that is about 25-30 inches long. If your child is a little older and has been playing for awhile, you will want to choose a racket that is about 27-29 inches long.

How to select the right size tennis racket

Picking out the right size tennis racket for your child can be a tricky task. You don’t want to get a racket that’s too big or small for them. You want to make sure they’re comfortable with the racket and can swing it easily. Here are a few tips on how to size a tennis racket for your child.

Select a racket size based on the child’s age

Most children’s racket companies size their rackets by age. Although this is not an exact science, it is generally a good place to start. The table below provides suggested racket sizes by age group.

Child’s AgeRacket Length (inches)

3-4 years21-23

5-6 years22-24

7-8 years24-26
9-10 years25-27

Select a racket size based on the child’s height

The height of the child is the best indicator of which size racket to choose. For example, a 3-foot tall child would need a 23-inch racket, while a 5-foot tall child would need a 27-inch racket. While you can find rackets that are even smaller or larger, it is important to make sure the racket is not too heavy for the child to swing comfortably.

Select a racket size based on the child’s skill level

The selection of a tennis racket is based on many different factors. One of the most important factors in the decision process is the skill level of the player. If you are a beginner, you will want to select a tennis racket that is sized appropriately for your skill level. The rackets that are used by professional players are much larger and more powerful than the rackets that are used by beginners. Another important factor in the selection process is the age of the player. Children under the age of 10 should use a tennis racket that is sized for their height and weight. Adults should use a tennis racket that is sized for their height and weight as well.

There are three different ways to size a tennis racket. The first way is to measure the length of the racket from the top of the frame to the bottom of the frame. The second way is to measure the width of the racket from one side of the frame to the other side of the frame. The third way is to measure the weight ofthe racket without strings or grip. The weight should be listed in ounces or grams onthe racket’s packaging.

Racket length is generally measured in inches or centimeters andis listed as such onthe packaging. For children under 10 years old, a good ruleof thumb is to select a racket thatis no longer than 24 inches (61 cm). For adults,a good ruleof thumb is to selecta racket thatis no longer than 27 inches (68 cm). Racket widthis generally measured in millimetersand is listed as such onthe packaging. For children under 10 years old,a good ruleof thumbisto select aracket thatis no wider than 50 millimeters (2 inches). For adults,a good ruleof thumbisto select aracket thatis no wider than 60 millimeters (2 1/2 inches).

The weightofaracket can varysignificantlyfrom one manufacturerto another andfrom one styleto another. Heavierrackets tendto have more powerwshereasmuch lighterrackets tendto have more controlover wherethe ball goes when hit..For childrenunder10 years old,a good ruleofthumbisto selectaracketthatweighs between6and8 ounces(170 and 227 grams).For adults, agoodruleof thumbisto selectaracketthatweighsbetween10and12 ounces(284 and 340 grams)

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