How To Soft Toss a Baseball

How To Soft Toss a Baseball – A step by step guide to properly soft tossing a baseball to improve your skills as a pitcher.

How To Soft Toss a Baseball


Learning how to soft toss a baseball is an important skill for any pitcher. Soft tossing is a great way to increase the accuracy of your pitches, and it can also help you build up arm strength. While it may take some practice to master, soft tossing is a relatively simple technique that any pitcher can learn.

There are two main ways to grip the ball when soft tossing. The first is with the four-seam grip, which is simply holding the ball with the four seams perpendicular to your fingers. The second is the two-seam grip, which is holding the ball with two seams running across your fingers.

Most pitchers use the four-seam grip whensoft tossing, as it provides more control and accuracy. However, some pitchers find that the two-seam grip gives them more movement on their pitches. Experiment with both grips to see which one works better for you.

When you’re ready to throw, step forward with your opposite foot from your throwing hand (i.e., step forward with your left foot if you’re throwing with your right hand). cock your arm back so that your hand is behind your head, and then snap your wrist forward as you release the ball. As you release the ball, follow through by extending your arm all the way forward.

It’s important to keep your eyes on the ball at all times while soft tossing, as this will help you maintain control of your pitches. Practice regularly until you’re able to consistently throw strikes with good accuracy.

The Grip

The first thing you need to do when learning how to soft toss a baseball is to get the grip right. You will be holding the ball with your fingertips and your thumb underneath the ball. It is important that you keep your hand relaxed when you grip the ball. Once you have the ball in your hand, bring it up to eye level so that you can see the seams of the ball.

The Stance

The most important part of soft tossing is your stance. You want to start with your feet shoulder-width apart and your weight balanced on the balls of both feet. If you’re right-handed, your left foot should be a few inches behind your right foot, and vice versa if you’re left-handed.

The Toss

When you soft toss a baseball, you are basically underhand tossing the ball back and forth to yourself. The big key with a soft toss is to get the ball up high enough so that it has a nice arc and doesn’t just travel in a line. If the ball is too low, it will just bounce off the ground and come back at you too fast. If the ball is too high, it will just keep going up and never come down!

To do a proper soft toss, start by holding the baseball in your glove in front of your stomach. Bring your other hand up so that it is cupped around the back of the ball. Then, bring your arm up so that the ball is above your head and release it. As you release it, snap your wrists so that the ball spins and starts to come down in an arc. Try to catch it in your glove before it hits the ground.

The Follow Through

After you have released the ball, it is time to focus on your follow through. This is just as important as your arm speed and hand placement, because it will ensure that you are putting all of your weight behind the ball. To do this, simply turn your body so that your shoulders are perpendicular to the target, and then let your arm continue its natural arc until your palm is facing the ground.


The most important thing to remember when soft tossing is to keep the ball low. A good rule of thumb is to aim for the batter’s waistline. You also want to make sure that you don’t put too much air under the ball, as this will make it more difficult for the batter to make contact. Follow these simple tips and you’ll be sure to see an improvement in your batting average in no time!

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