How to Start an Esports Club at School

Esports are becoming increasingly popular, and many schools are starting clubs to support students who want to compete. Here’s how to start an esports club at your school.


Most school clubs require some level of prior interest or skill from its members, but esports clubs are different. An esports club can be open to anyone and everyone, regardless of whether they’ve played video games before. Starting an esports club is a great way to introduce students of all gaming experience levels to the world of competitive gaming in a social and supportive environment.

If you’re interested in starting an esports club at your school, here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Choose a game or games that you’re interested in and that you think other students would be interested in as well. Some popular games for esports clubs include League of Legends, Overwatch, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and Rocket League.

2. Find out if your school has any existing policies or guidelines around starting new clubs. If so, make sure you adhere to them when starting your esports club.

3. Get in touch with your school’s administration and IT staff to let them know about your plans for an esports club. It’s important to have their support from the start so that you can use school resources (like computers and space) for your club activities.

4. Spread the word about your new club! Use social media, flyers, and word-of-mouth to let other students know about the club and how they can join.

5. Start small with just a few dedicated members at first. As your club grows, you can start holding regular meetings and events. You might even want to consider joining an established collegiate or high school league down the road.

What is an esports club?

An esports club is a student-run club that competes in organized video gaming competitions. These clubs can be found at the high school and college level, and their popularity is growing every year. Esports clubs give students an opportunity to socialize and bond over their shared love of gaming, and they also provide a competitive outlet for those who want to test their skills against other players.

Starting an esports club at your school is a great way to get more students involved in gaming, and it can be a lot of fun for everyone involved. Here are a few tips on how to get started:

1. Find out if there’s already an esports club at your school. If so, see if you can join or help out with their competitions. If there’s not already a club, you can start your own!

2. Talk to your school’s administration about starting an esports club. You’ll need to get approval from the school in order to use their facilities for competitions and practice sessions.

3. Recruit members for your club! Use social media or flyers around school to let people know about the club and how they can join.

4. Choose which games you’d like to compete in as a club. Some popular options include League of Legends, Overwatch, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and Dota 2. Keep in mind that you don’t have to compete in every game – just pick the ones that interest you and your members the most.

5. Start practicing! Once you’ve got a few members on board, start holding practice sessions so you can all improve your skills together. 6.
6. Enter some competitions! There are plenty of online and offline tournaments you can enter as an esports club. This is a great way to test your skills against other players and see how far you can go as a team!

Why start an esports club?

Many people have heard of esports, but don’t really know what they are. Esports are online video game competitions between professional gamers. These competitions can be in person or online, and usually have large cash prizes. Many schools are now starting esports clubs so that students can compete against other schools in these tournaments.

There are many reasons why you might want to start an esports club at your school. First, it can be a great way to get students involved in competitive gaming. Esports clubs can also help students develop teamwork and communication skills. Finally, starting an esports club can be a great way to raise money for your school or charitable causes.

How to start an esports club

Starting an esports club can be a great way to get students more involved in school and make new friends. It can also help students develop important skills such as teamwork, communication, and leadership. If you’re thinking about starting an esports club at your school, here are a few things you’ll need to do.

Choose a game

Choosing what game or games to focus on is one of the most important early decisions an esports club will make. It will determine what kind of equipment you need, the size and skill level of your potential membership, which organizations you might align yourself with and more.

There are a few ways to choose which game or games to focus on. You can choose based on what games are popular at the moment, you can try to predict which games will be popular in the future or you can choose based on what game or games you and your friends are already playing and enjoying.

Whichever route you choose, it’s important to do your research. Read articles, watch videos and talk to people who are already involved in esports to get a sense of which games are growing and which might be waning in popularity.

Find interested students

The first step to starting an esports club at school is finding students who are interested in joining. Talk to students in your classes or at lunch, post announcements on social media or your school website, or put up flyers around campus. Once you’ve found a few interested students, you can start planning your club’s activities.

Create a club constitution

Your esports club constitution is a set of guidelines that will help you run your club effectively. It should outline your club’s purpose, rules, and procedures. Creating a constitution will also make it easier to apply for funding and to register your club with your school or district.

To get started, you will need to gather a group of interested students and brainstorm what you want your club to achieve. Once you have a general idea of your goals, you can start drafting your constitution. Here are a few things to consider:

-Purpose: What is the purpose of your club? What are your goals?
-Rules and regulations: What rules do you need to put in place in order for your club to run smoothly? For example, will you havetryouts for team members? How often will you meet? Where will you meet? etc.
-Leadership: Who will be in charge of running the day-to-day operations of the club? Who will be the captain(s) of your teams?
-Finances: How will you raise money for your club? How will you spend it?

Once you have drafted your constitution, have all members of your club sign it. This will show that they agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth in the document. Keep a copy of the signed document on file so that you can refer back to it if there are any issues that arise down the road.

Find a faculty advisor

The first step in starting an esports club at school is to identify a faculty advisor who shares your vision for the club. This person will be critical in helping you navigate the bureaucracy of starting a club and will be a key supporter of your team. Once you have found a potential faculty advisor, approach them with your idea and see if they are interested in becoming your club’s sponsor.

Promote your club

The best way to promote your club is to get the word out there! You can do this by creating a social media account and posting about your club, or by hanging up flyers around school. You can also try reaching out to local businesses or organizations that might be interested in supporting your club.


We hope this guide has given you everything you need to get started on starting an esports club at your school! If you have any questions or need more help, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Best of luck!

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