How to Start Playing Tennis: The Ultimate Guide

Are you looking to get into tennis? It’s a great sport for both exercise and competition. But where do you start?

Our “How to Start Playing Tennis: The Ultimate Guide” will teach you everything you need to know to get started playing tennis. We’ll cover topics like choosing the right equipment, finding a partner or coach, and learning the basics of the game.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be ready to hit the courts and start enjoying all

How to Start Playing Tennis: The Ultimate Guide


Tennis is a great sport for people of all ages and levels of fitness. It is a game that can be enjoyed by anyone, whether you are playing recreationally or competitively. Tennis is also a great way to get some exercise and fresh air. If you are thinking about starting to play tennis, this guide will give you all the information you need to get started.

We will cover the following topics:

-The basics of tennis: what you need to know before you start playing
-How to find the right equipment
-How to find a good tennis court
-The rules of tennis
-How to keep score in tennis
– strokes in tennis
-How to improve your game

By the end of this guide, you will have all the information you need to start playing tennis. So let’s get started!

The Basics

Tennis is a great game for all ages and levels of athleticism. Whether you are just looking for a new hobby, or you want to compete in tournaments, tennis is a great choice. This guide will teach you the basic rules and strokes of the game, as well as how to get started playing.

What You Need

In order to play tennis, you will need a few key items:
-(1) A racket. Tennis rackets come in all shapes and sizes. It is important to find one that is comfortable for you to hold and that suits your playing style.
-(2) Balls. You will need balls specifically designed for playing tennis. Tennis balls are usually sold in cans or tubes of three or four.
-(3) Shoes. Like other sports, it is important to have the proper footwear when playing tennis. Tennis shoes are designed to support your feet and provide traction on the court surface.
-(4) Clothing. There is no dress code for playing tennis, but it is advisable to wear comfortable clothing that allows you freedom of movement.

With these few simple items, you will be ready to start playing tennis!

The Court

Tennis is played on a rectangular court. The court is 78 feet (23.77 meters) long, and 27 feet (8.23 meters) wide for singles matches or 36 feet (10.97 meters) wide for doubles matches. There is a service line that divides the court in half, a baseline at each end of the court, and a center line that runs parallel to the net.


The basic principles of tennis scoring are the same as in most other racket sports. The player who serves first in a game is called the server, and the opposing player is called the receiver. The object of the game is to score more points than your opponent.

A point is scored when the server or receiver wins a rally (a sequence of play), regardless of whether they served or not. A rally consists of hitting the ball back and forth until one player makes a mistake or one side can’t hit the ball back anymore.

The four main ways to win a point are:

-By forcing your opponent to hit the ball into the net
-By forcing your opponent to hit the ball out of bounds
-By making your opponent miss the ball entirely
-By winning a point on serve (an ace or service winner)

Playing the Game

Tennis is a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. Whether you’re playing singles or doubles, the game is easy to pick up and can be a lot of fun. In this guide, we’ll show you everything you need to know about how to start playing tennis. We’ll cover the basics of the game, the equipment you’ll need, and where to find a court.


In tennis, a player begins a point by serving, aiming the ball into the opponent’s service area. The server continues to hit the ball until the opponent can return it — if the opponent fails to return it, the server scores a point. Service games continue until one player has won four points and thus claims the game. If both players win three points each, the score is called deuce and either player can win the next point and claim the game.

To serve, a player stands behind the baseline on either side of the center line and hits the ball with an underhand motion across the net into their opponent’s court. The server must keep their feet stationary until they hit the ball. If they moves their feet before hitting it, it is called a foot fault and their opponent will be awarded a point.

After hitting the ball, the server must remain inside of their service box until their opponent hits it back. If they step out of bounds before their opponent hits it back, it is called a long serve and their opponent will be awarded a point.


Hitting groundstrokes is the bread and butter of playing tennis. A groundstroke is any stroke that is hit after the ball bounces once. Your groundstrokes will include your forehand and backhand strokes.

To hit a proper groundstroke, you want to start with your feet shoulder-width apart and your weight balanced evenly on both feet. As the ball comes toward you, take a small step toward it with the foot corresponding to the hand you will be using to hit the ball (i.e., if you are using your right hand to hit a forehand, take a small step toward the ball with your right foot). As you make contact with the ball, extend your arm and rotate your body so that your shoulders and hips are facing where you want the ball to go. Follow through with your swing, letting your arm and racket finish in front of you.

There is no one perfect way to hit a groundstroke; it will vary depending on what shot you are trying toHit and where your opponent is positioned on the court. However, these tips should help you get started:

– For a forehand groundstroke, start with the racket out in front of you and swing it back across your body as you make contact with the ball. Try to hit the ball in front of you so that you can put some topspin on it and make it bounce higher over the net.

– For a backhand groundstroke, start with the racket out to the side of you and swing it across your body as you make contact with the ball. You can use either an eastern or continental grip for this shot; experiment until you find one that feels comfortable for you.

– For both forehand and backhand strokes, try to keep your elbow close to your body as you swing so that you generate some power from your trunk.


Volleys are an important part of playing tennis. A volley is a shot that is hit before the ball bounces on the ground. It can be hit with a forehand or backhand stroke. Volleys are usually hit close to the net. When you make contact with the ball, your racquet should be in front of your body and you should be prepared to follow through with your swing. Volleys can be used to keep your opponents from getting to the ball or to set up a point-winning shot.


If you love playing tennis, then you know that smashes are an essential part of the game. But what exactly is a smash? A smash is a powerful overhead shot that is hit with a flat stroke. The main objective of hitting a smash is to hit the ball so hard that your opponent cannot return it. Smashes are usually used as a defensive shot, but can also be used as an offensive shot if you can find the right opportunity.

One of the best ways to set up a smash is to start by hitting the ball high and deep into your opponent’s court. This will force them to back up, which will give you more space to work with when you go for the smash. Another good way to set up a smash is to hit the ball low and close to the net. This will make it difficult for your opponent to get under the ball, and will give you a better chance of making contact with it.

When you are ready to hit the smash, step forward with your nondominant foot and swing your racket up and over your head. As you swing, make sure that your racket comes down perpendicular to the line of the ball. Contact should be made at the very top of your swing, and you should follow through after contact by bringing your racket all the way down to your waist.

Practice these steps on your own or with a friend so that you can get comfortable with them before playing a match. With a little practice, you’ll be hitting smashes like a pro in no time!

Tennis Tips for Beginners

Tennis is a great way to get some exercise and have some fun. It can be played by people of all ages and levels. If you are just starting out, here are some tips to help you get started.

Stay Loose

Playing tennis can be a great way to get some exercise while spending time with friends or family. If you’re just starting out, it’s important to relax and have fun. Here are a few tips to help you get started playing tennis.

1.Find a comfortable grip. How you hold the racket will affect your strokes. experiment with different grips until you find one that feels comfortable for you.

2.Stand in the middle of the court. This will give you the most options for where to hit the ball.

3.Keep your eye on the ball. This will help you react more quickly and make it easier to hit the ball in the sweet spot of your racket.

4.Swing smoothly. A smooth, controlled swing will help you keep the ball in play and avoid hitting it off-center, which can make it difficult to control your shots.

5.,Focus on hitting the ball over the net, rather than trying to hit it as hard as you can. It’s more important to keep the ball in play than to try to score points with every shot.”

Use Your Non-Dominant Hand

One of the most important tennis tips for beginners is to learn to play with both hands. Many people tend to favor their dominant hand, but this leaves your other hand inactive and weak. By using your non-dominant hand during practice, you’ll be able to increase the strength and skill of that hand. This will pay off when you’re playing a match and have to switch back and forth between hands.

Get a Feel for the Ball

If you’ve never played tennis before, it can be hard to know how to hit the ball. The best way to get a feel for the ball is to practice your swings without a ball. This will help you get used to the motion of your swing and learn how to control your racket. Once you feel comfortable with your swing, you can start hitting balls.

Don’t Be Afraid to Miss

When you’re just starting out, you’re going to miss a lot. And that’s OK! In fact, it’s essential to your development as a player. Every miss is an opportunity to learn and improve. So don’t be afraid to make mistakes. The more you play, the more you’ll learn, and the better you’ll get.


You can’t improve your game without practicing. But, before you start practicing, it’s important to find the right coach. A coach can teach you the proper techniques and help you develop a tailored practice plan. When you’re starting out, it’s also important to focus on the basic strokes: the forehand, backhand, serve, and volley. Once you’ve mastered these strokes, you can start working on more advanced shots.

In addition to taking tennis lessons, there are a few other things you can do to improve your game. First, watch professional matches. Not only will this give you an idea of how the game should be played, but it will also give you some ideas for shots and strategies that you can use in your own match. Second, practice your strokes with a ball machine or a friend. Doing this will help you improve your accuracy and power. Finally, make sure to warm up before playing and cool down afterwards. Warming up will help prevent injuries, while cooling down will help your muscles recover from the strenuous activity.


If you’re looking for a lifelong sport that is enjoyable, challenging, and relatively easy to learn, look no further than tennis. This guide has given you all of the information you need to start playing tennis, from finding the right equipment to perfecting your technique. With a little practice and determination, you’ll be playing like a pro in no time.

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