How to Steam Your Baseball Glove at Home

How to Steam Your Baseball Glove at Home – The best way to break in a new baseball glove is to steam it. Find out how to do it right here!

How to Steam Your Baseball Glove at Home


If you’ve ever played baseball, you know that a well-oiled glove is key to success on the field. But what if your glove starts to get stiff and hard to close? One way to soften up your glove is to steam it. Steaming your baseball glove will not only make it feel softer, but it will also help to remove any dirt and grime that may be built up on the leather.

There are a few different ways that you can steam your baseball glove at home. One way is to use a steamer, such as the kind that you would use to remove wrinkles from clothes. Another way is to fill a bowl with hot water and place your glove over the bowl so that the steam can rise up and loosen the leather. You can also fill a spray bottle with hot water and give your glove a good misting before working the leather back and forth.

Whichever method you choose, be sure not to steam your baseball glove for too long.Too much steam can cause the leather to become brittle and cracked. Aim for about 5 minutes of steaming time, or until you see the water start to bead up on the surface of the leather. Once you’re done steaming, apply a thin layer of conditioner or oil to help keep the leather soft and pliable.

Materials Needed

You will need a few things before you start steaming your baseball glove. Firstly, you will need distilled water. This is important because you do not want to use tap water as it contains minerals that can damage your glove. You will also need a soft cloth, a spray bottle, and a baseball glove conditioner.

Next, you will need to find an area to set up your steaming station. Make sure the area is well-ventilated as steam can be dangerous. Once you have found a suitable location, fill your pot with distilled water and place it on the stove. Place your baseball glove on the counter next to the pot.

Now, it is time to start steaming your baseball glove. Take your soft cloth and dampen it with distilled water. Next, hold the damp cloth over the steam coming from the pot for about 30 seconds. Then, take the cloth and wipe down the entire surface of your baseball glove. Repeat this process until the entire glove has been steamed.

Once you are finished steaming your baseball glove, take your spray bottle and fill it with distilled water. Spray down your glove liberally and then wipe it down with a dry soft cloth. Finally, apply a thin layer of baseball glove conditioner to keep your glove soft and supple.

Step-by-Step Guide

Here’s a step-by-step guide to steaming your baseball glove at home:

1. Fill a pot with water and set it on the stove, turning it up to medium-high heat.

2. Place your baseball glove on top of the pot, making sure that the water doesn’t touch the glove.

3. Put a lid on the pot, and allow the steam to work its way into the glove for about 10 minutes.

4. Carefully remove the lid and your baseball glove from the pot, and allow the glove to cool for a few minutes before putting it on.


In conclusion, steaming your baseball glove is a great way to keep it in top shape. It’s important to be careful not to overdo it, though, as too much steam can cause the leather to become hard and brittle. If done correctly, steaming will help your glove last longer and perform at its best.

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