How To Tag In WWE 2K18 on Xbox One

A quick guide on how to tag in WWE 2K18 on Xbox One.

How To Tag In WWE 2K18 on Xbox One


In WWE 2K18, tagging is essential to success in the ring. Here’s how to do it on Xbox One.

Tagging is one of the most important aspects of WWE 2K18, and it’s also one of the most basic. Here’s how to do it on Xbox One.

1. Get close to your opponent.
2. Press X + A simultaneously.
3. Your partner will enter the ring and you can tag them by pressing Y.

What You Need

In order to tag in WWE 2K18 on Xbox One, you need two things: the 3 Count meter, and a teammate. The 3 Count meter represents how worn down your Superstar is. Once the meter is filled, your Superstar will automatically be tagged out. In order to re-enter the match, you must first have a teammate outside of the ring who isn’t involved in the match.

Setting Up Your Game

In order to play tag team matches in WWE 2K18, you’ll need to set up your game first. To do this, go to “Options” from the main menu, then choose “Rules.” Scroll down to the “Number of Wrestlers” option and set it to “2,” then scroll back up and choose “Confirm.” You can also change other match settings here if you want, but for tag team matches, you’ll only need to change the number of wrestlers.

Tagging In

Tagging in is simple once you know how to do it. When you want to tag in, all you need to do is press “Y” on the Xbox One. This will bring up a prompt of the two superstars who are able to tag in. Simply select the superstar you want to tag in by pressing the corresponding button next to their name. In this example, we will tag in John Cena by pressing “X”.

Tagging Out

In WWE 2K18, you can no longer just slam an opponent into the mat and then walk away to take a breather. You now have to actively tag out if you want to swap between your two active superstars.

To do this, you need to press and hold RB/R1 + X/Square. This will cause your current superstar to exit the ring and be replaced by your tag team partner.

Final Thoughts

We hope that this guide has helped you on your journey to become a WWE champion in WWE 2K18. Tagging is an important part of the game and can give you a strategic advantage if used correctly. With a bit of practice, you’ll be able to take down the biggest and baddest opponents in the ring.

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