How to Teach Kids Tennis?

A blog for tennis coaches, parents, and enthusiasts of all levels who want to learn how to teach kids tennis.

This blog will provide tips, drills, and advice on how to get kids started in tennis and improve their skills. Whether you are a beginner or have been playing for years, we hope you find this blog helpful!


In this article, we’ll give you an overview of how to teach kids tennis. We’ll cover the basics of grip, stance, and stroke, and provide some helpful tips on how to make the most of your time on court with your young students.

The Basic Stance

One of the most important aspects of playing tennis is having the proper stance. A good stance will allow a player to generate more power and speed when hitting the ball. The basic stance for tennis is similar to the stance used in other racquet sports, such as badminton and squash. Players should start by positioning their feet shoulder-width apart, with their weight equally distributed on both feet. From there, they should bend their knees slightly and tilt their hips forward, so they are leaning slightly forward from the waist. The racquet should be held up in front of the face, with the dominant hand (the hand that will be holding the racquet) positioned at the bottom of the handle and the other hand placed just below it.

The Backhand Swing

One-handed backhands are rare in professional tennis, but if you are teaching a child how to play, the one-handed backhand is the best place to start. Once your child has mastered the one-handed backhand, you can then move on to the two-handed backhand.

The backhand swing is different than the forehand swing, and it can be confusing for a child (and even some adults!) to learn. The biggest difference is that the backhand swing is across the body, while the forehand swing is along the body.

Here are some tips to help your child master the one-handed backhand swing:

1. Start with a three quarter swing. This means that your child should take the racket back so that it is level with his or her waist.

2. Watch for your child’s elbow. The elbow should be pointing out to the side, not up or down.

3. Make sure your child finishes high. The racket should end up above his or her head, with the hand pointing toward the sky.

4. Encourage your child to use both hands when hitting balls that are hit low or hard. This will help ensure that he or she stays balanced and does not overswing.

5. Have your child practice different strokes with different speeds and spins to keep things interesting and improve hand-eye coordination

The Forehand Swing

One of the most important strokes in tennis is the forehand swing. This stroke is used to hit the ball when it is in front of the body, and it can be used to hit balls that are low or high. The forehand swing can be hit with topspin or backspin, and it can be hit with a lot of power or a soft touch. To teach kids the forehand swing, you will need to start by teaching them the basic grip.

The Volley

Volleying is an important part of the game of tennis, and it’s a great way to keep your child engaged in the game. Here are some tips on how to teach kids tennis:

– started by having your child stand behind the baseline. Show them how to hold the racket, and then have them hit some practice balls over the net.
– once they’ve mastered hitting the ball over the net, you can move on to teaching them how to volley. Start by having them hit the ball back and forth with you, using only their forehand strokes.
– once they’ve mastered that, you can move on to teaching them how to hit a backhand volley.
– finally, you can put all of these skills together by having your child hit a few volleys back and forth with you using both their forehand and backhand strokes.

The Serve

One of the most important skills in tennis is serving, and it’s also one of the most difficult to master. That’s why it’s important to start teaching kids how to serve as early as possible. Here are a few tips on how to teach kids tennis:

-Start by having them stand behind the baseline and practice tossing the ball up in the air and hitting it with a racket.
-Once they’ve mastered that, have them step up to the service line and repeat the exercise.
-Next, have them move back to the baseline and start serving the ball over the net.
-Finally, once they’ve mastered all of that, you can start teaching them how to place their shots.


One of the most important aspects of playing tennis is proper footwork. Because tennis is played on a variety of surfaces, from hard courts to soft clay, it’s important that kids learn to move their feet properly on each surface. Here are a few tips on teaching footwork to kids:

Hard court: On a hard court, players should keep their feet close to the ground and move them laterally (side to side) to maintain balance. They should also avoid crossing their feet, which can lead to injuries.

Clay court: On a clay court, players should take smaller steps and point their toes more. This will help them maintain balance and avoid sliding on the court.

Soft court: On a soft court, players should keep their feet close together and take short, quick steps. This will help them maintain balance and avoiding sinking into the surface of the court.

Drills for Kids

One of the keys to teaching kids tennis is to make sure that they have fun while they are playing. tennis. If the child does not enjoy playing tennis, then he or she will not continue to play the sport. In order to make sure that your child enjoys playing tennis, you need to make sure that you are providing drills that are interesting and challenging for the child.

One way to make sure that your child is having fun while playing tennis is to provide drills that are designed specifically for children. There are many different types of drills that you can use to teach children how to play tennis. One type of drill is known as a groundstroke drill. This type of drill involves hitting the ball back and forth between two people who are standing on either side of the net.

Another type of drill that you can use to teach kids how to play tennis is known as a volleying drill. This type of drill involves hitting the ball back and forth between two people who are standing close to each other near the net. Volleying drills are a great way to help children improve their hand-eye coordination.

A third type of drill that you can use when teaching kids how to play tennis is known as an OVERHEAD DRILL. This type of drill involves hitting the ball back and forth over the net between two people who are standing on either side of the net. Overhead drills are a great way to help children improve their swings and also help them learn how to keep their eye on the ball when they hit it over the net.

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