How to Teach Tennis to Adults?

If you’re looking to teach tennis to adults, there are a few things you should keep in mind. In this blog post, we’ll give you some tips on how to make your adult students’ learning experience enjoyable.

How to Teach Tennis to Adults?


Teaching tennis to adults can be a challenge, as many of them have busy schedules and may not have a lot of free time to dedicate to lessons. However, there are some key tips that you can use to make sure that your adult students are able to learn the game and improve their skills.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when teaching adults is that they need to be able to relate to the material. This means using examples and analogies that they can understand. For example, if you’re teaching a backhand stroke, you might explain how it’s similar to swinging a golf club or hitting a baseball.

In addition, it’s important to be patient when teaching adults. They may not pick up the skills as quickly as children, so it’s important to give them time to practice and master each technique. It’s also important not only to focus on the mechanics of the game, but also on strategy and shot selection. These are vital aspects of the game that will help your students improve their skills and enjoy playing tennis more.

The Basics of Tennis

Tennis is a great way to get some exercise and have some fun. If you are new to the game, it is important to learn the basics before you start playing. This will help you enjoy the game more and improve your skills. In this section, we will cover the basics of tennis.

The Equipment You Need

One of the reasons tennis is such a great sport is that it can be played by people of all ages and abilities. Whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced player, all you need to get started is a racket and some balls.

If you are just starting out, it is best to buy a racket that is suitable for beginners. These are usually lighter and have a larger head than more advanced rackets. As you improve, you can start to experiment with different types of racket to find the one that suits your style of play.

You will also need a bag to carry your equipment in and some appropriate clothing. While tennis can be played in shorts and t-shirt, most players prefer to wear clothes that allow them to move freely and stay cool during long rallies.

The Court You’ll Be Playing On

Tennis is played on a rectangular court. The court is divided in half by a net. The longer sides of the court are called the baseline. The shorter sides of the court are called the service line or service boxes. The area between these two lines is called the service area. This is where theServerstands when making their serve.

The center of the court between the baseline and service line is called the center line or mid-court line. The area on either side of this line up to the singles sidelines is called the doubles alley or tramlines. These are important for doubles matches as they mark the extra Out of Bounds areas that apply to doubles matches only.

The Rules of the Game

Tennis is a game played between two people (singles) or two teams of two people (doubles). Players use a stringed racquet to strike a ball back and forth over a net. The aim of the game is to hit the ball over the net into your opponent’s court, and to stop your opponent from doing the same to you. Players can hit the ball into the air or keep it low along the ground. The game can be played on different surfaces – grass, hardcourt, clay or carpet.

TheServer starts each point by standing behind the baseline in their service-box and tossing the ball into the air. They hit the ball with their racquet so it bounces in the diagonally opposite service-box. In tennis scoring, this is called an ace – when your serve is so good your opponent can’t return it. If your opponent does manage to return your serve, then you need to keep hitting the ball until one of you fails to return it over the net. A point is only finished when one player cannot return the ball, hits it out of bounds, or double-faults – where they serve twice in a row and both times fail to get the ball in their opponent’s service-box. After every four points, players change ends of the court.

The first player or team to reach six games wins a set (providing they are leading by two games). If both players/teams reach six games each, then we have what is called a tiebreaker – where whoever wins seven points first wins that particular set. A match consists of best out of three sets or best out of five sets depending on what surface you are playing on and at what level (i.e., amateur or professional). Some tournaments also have a super tiebreaker instead of a third set – this is where whoever wins 10 points first wins that set too… Nice and easy!

Tennis strokes

Tennis strokes are the basic movements of the sport of tennis. The four main strokes are the forehand, backhand, serve, and volley. In this article, we will provide a basic overview of each stroke, as well as some tips on how to teach them to adult beginners.

The forehand

Most adult beginners find the forehand the easiest stroke to learn. They can generate good power without having to make major changes in their stance or grip and they can see the ball well as it comes toward them. The key, as with all strokes, is to keep the motion simple.

There are two common grip for the forehand, but we recommend the continental grip for beginners. This grip is comfortable for most people and gives you good control of the ball. To assume this grip, lay your racquet face down on the ground and position your hand so that the V formed by your thumb and first finger points toward the bottom of the racquet head. Your other three fingers should be wrapped around the handle.

When hitting a forehand, start with your feet shoulder-width apart and point your feet and knees in the direction you want to hit the ball. For most people, this will be somewhere between 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock. As you swing, transfer your weight onto your front foot and finish with your weight on your back foot. Keeping your weight balanced will give you more power and control.

The backhand

The backhand is a tennis stroke in which, during the course of a point, the player hits the ball with their backhand side. For a right-handed player, this is their left hand; for a left-handed player it is their right hand. The stroke itself can be executed either on the forehand side or the backhand side of their body, and is generally considered more difficult to master than the forehand.

There are generally three different types of backhands:
The one-handed backhand is the most popular and powerful of all the backhand strokes. It is hit with one arm only, and employs a Western tennis grip. The two-handed backhand stroke is hit with two hands; both arms are extended out in front of the body, and the player uses an Eastern tennis grip. The two hands never separate during the stroke. The slice backhand is hit with an underhanded motion and employ’s an Eastern tennis grip. Many professional players use a mixture of all three types of backhands depending on what shot they are trying to execute.

The serve

In tennis, a serve (or, more formally, a service) is a shot to start a point. The serve is a trademark of tennis and separates it from other racket sports such as squash. It is also unique in that players can gain an advantage by serving from the back line behind the base line.

The player who serves first in a game is said to be serving “first”, and the opponent to their left is serving “second”. Service alternates between the first and second servers until the end of the game or set. If both opponents win the same number of points during their respective service games, this is called a “service deuce”, and play continues until one player wins two consecutive points to take the “advantage”, when they are then said to have won that particular “service game”. If neither player has won two consecutive points by the end of their respective service games, this is referred to as a “service tie” or just “tie”. During service games, breaks of serve happen when either player loses rally (i.e., their opponent wins four consecutive points).

When returning the serve, players can choose between several different options:
– forehand return
– backhand return
– lob return


Footwork is the most important element in playing Tennis. If you don’t have good footwork, you’ll never be able to hit the ball properly. That’s why it’s important to teach footwork to your students from the very beginning. There are a few things you need to keep in mind when teaching footwork to adults.

The approach

The approach is the most important part of the footwork. It should be done with the left foot leading if you are right-handed and vice versa if you are left-handed. The width of the steps should be shoulder-width apart. The first step should be about three feet away from the baseline. As you take the racket back, take a big step towards the baseline with your right foot. At the same time, bring your left foot towards your right so that you are in a ready position.

The volley

As in other strokes, the adult beginner needs to learn how to volley correctly in order to progress and enjoy the game. The volley is a very important stroke and should be taught early on in the learning process.

There are three main types of volley: the forehand volley, the backhand volley, and the overhead volley. Each stroke is executed slightly differently and it is important that your students learn all three.

The forehand volley is usually the easiest stroke for beginners to master. It can be hit off of either a high or low bouncing ball and can be used both defensively and offensively. To execute a proper forehand volley, start by positioning your feet shoulder-width apart and pointing them towards the net. From here, bring your racket back behind your head as you would for a normal tennis swing. As you make contact with the ball, extend your arm out straight and follow through towards the target.

The backhand volley is similar to the forehand stroke, but is hit with the back of the racket instead of the front. Beginners often find this stroke more difficult than the forehand volley because it requires more coordination. Start by positioning yourself side-on to the net with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bring your racket back behind your head as you would for a normal tennis swing and then make contact with the ball in front of your body. As you make contact, extend your arm out straight and follow through towards the target.

The overhead volley is hit when the ball is high above your head. This stroke is generally used as a defensive shot when your opponent has control of the point and you are forced to defend against their attack. To execute an overhead volleyball, start by positioning yourself directly under where you anticipate the ball will land. Bring your racket up above your head and wait for the ball to make contact before swinging down through it. As you make contact, extend your arm out straight and follow through towards the target

The backhand volley

The backhand volley is a very important stroke in tennis. It is often the shot that wins the point, so it is important to learn how to hit it correctly.

There are two main types of backhand volley: the one-handed backhand volley and the two-handed backhand volley. The one-handed backhand volley is more difficult to master, but it gives you more power and control. The two-handed backhand volley is easier to learn, but you will not have as much power or control.

The most important thing to remember when hitting a backhand volley is to keep your racket head up. This will help you keep the ball in the court and avoid hitting it into the net. You should also try to keep your elbow up so that you can generate more power.

Another important tip is to use a continental grip when hitting a backhand volley. This grip will help you keep the ball in the court and prevent it from going into the net. To execute this grip, you will need to place your hand on the racket so that your thumb and index finger form a “V” shape.

Once you have mastered the basic technique of hitting a backhand volley, you can start practicing different strokes. For example, you can try hitting a cross-court backhand volley or a down-the-line backhand volley. mix things up and experiment with different strokes so that you can become a more well-rounded player.

Playing tennis

Although playing tennis is a fun way to spend an afternoon, many people are intimidated by the game. They believe that you have to be in excellent shape, have expensive equipment, and know all of the complicated rules in order to play. The truth is, tennis is a relatively easy game to learn, and it can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. In this article, we will provide some tips on how to teach tennis to adults.


While playing tennis, singles can be very enjoyable. Playing tennis with others can be beneficial in allowing you to improve your game. Tennis is a great way to socialize and meet other people. If you are playing tennis with friends, it can also be a bonding experience. Playing tennis can be extremely competitive, and it can also be quite relaxing.


Most people probably think of tennis as a game for two people, but you can actually play doubles with four people on the court. In doubles, you have two people on each side of the net. The game is generally played with two men or two women, but you can also play mixed doubles with one man and one woman on each side.

One of the key things to remember in doubles is that you have more space on the court. Since there are two people on each side, you can spread out and cover more ground. This means that you can be a little more aggressive in your shot selection since you have your partner to back you up.

Another key difference in doubles is that the serve is generally different. Rather than serving from the baseline, most players will serve from the middle of the court. This is because it’s harder to hit a serve into the body of your opponents when they are standing at the baseline. By serving from the middle of the court, you increase your chances of landing your serve in and putting pressure on your opponents.

If you’re teaching tennis to adults, it’s important to remember that doubles is a different game than singles. Be sure to adjust your teaching accordingly!


After reading this guide, you should have a good understanding of how to teach tennis to adults. You know the benefits of tennis and how it can help them stay in shape and improve their social life. You also know the basic guidelines of teaching tennis to adults, including finding a court, choosing appropriate equipment, and warming up properly. By following these tips, you’ll be able to give your students the best possible chance to succeed at tennis.

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