How to Tell Grip Size on a Tennis Racquet

If you’re looking to buy a new tennis racquet, it’s important to know what grip size you need. This guide will teach you how to measure your grip size and give you some tips on finding the right racquet for you.


Grip size is one of the most important aspects of choosing a tennis racquet, yet it is often overlooked. A racquet with the wrong grip size can cause immense wrist and arm pain, and can make your game suffer as a result. That’s why it’s important to choose a grip size that is comfortable for you.

There are two ways to determine your grip size: by measure or by feel. Measuring your grip size is the more accurate method, but if you don’t have a ruler or tape measure handy, you can also estimate your grip size by feel.

To measure your grip size, hold the racquet in your non-dominant hand and extend your arm out to the side. With the dominant hand, wrap a tape measure around your palm at its widest point (not including the thumb). The number that lines up with the end of the tape measure is your grip size. Alternatively, you can use a ruler to measure your palm width; just line up the 0 on the ruler with the crease in your palm and find where your palm ends on the ruler. This number is also your grip size.

If you don’t have a tape measure or ruler handy, you can estimate your grip size by feel. First, find a tennis ball and hold it in your non-dominant hand. Extend your arm out to the side and make a fist around the ball with your dominant hand. The ball should be snug against your palm without squeezing it too tightly. If you can fit more than one finger between the ball and your palm, then you need a larger grip size; if you can’t fit any fingers between the ball and palm, then you need a smaller grip size.

Once you know what grip size you need, it’s time to choose a tennis racquet! There are dozens of different brands and types of racquets on the market, so it’s important to do some research before making a purchase. Consider what type of player you are—whether you prefer power or control—and compare different racquets until you find one that suits your playing style.

The three main types of tennis racquets

Tennis racquets come in all shapes and sizes. It can be difficult to know what size is best for you. The three main types of tennis racquets are oversize, midsize, and endsize. Each size has its own benefits and drawbacks. Let’s take a closer look at each one.

Racquets for beginners

The three main types of tennis racquets are:

-Beginner Racquets: These racquets are typically lighter in weight with larger sweet spots. They offer more power and forgiveness, making them a good option for beginners.

-Intermediate Racquets: These racquets are usually a bit heavier than beginner racquets, with smaller sweet spots. They offer more control and spin potential, making them a good option for intermediate players.

-Advanced Racquets: These racquets are the heaviest and have the smallest sweet spots. They offer the most control and spin potential, making them a good option for advanced players.

Racquets for intermediate players

Racquets for intermediate players are typically going to fall into one of three main types. Choosing the right racquet can help you take your game to the next level.

The three main types of racquets are:

-Power Racquets: These racquets are designed for players who want to hit the ball with more power. They have a larger sweet spot and often have a stiffer frame.
-Control Racquets: These racquets are designed for players who want more control over their shots. They have a smaller sweet spot but offer more precision.
-All-Around Racquets: These racquets are a good choice for players who want a balance of power and control. They have a medium-sized sweet spot and offer a good mix of power and precision.

Racquets for advanced players

As you become a more advanced player, you’ll likely want a racquet that is specifically tailored to your playing style. There are three main types of racquets for advanced players: power racquets, control racquets, and tweener racquets.

Power Racquets: Power racquets are designed for players who want to hit the ball with maximum power. These racquets have large heads and long main strings. They also have relatively light weight, which makes them easier to swing.

Control Racquets: Control racquets are designed for players who want more control over their shots. They have smaller heads and shorter main strings than power racquets. They also tend to be heavier, which gives them more mass and allows them to better absorb theshock of powerful shots.

Tweener Racquets: Tweener racquets are a compromise between power and control. They have medium-sized heads and medium-length main strings. They also have moderate weight, making them easy to swing while still providing good control over the ball.

How to tell grip size on a tennis racquet

There are a few ways that you can tell grip size on a tennis racquet. One way is to look at the size of the grip. The grip size is usually stamped on the inside of the grip. If you can’t find the grip size, you can also measure the distance from the top of the grip to the bottom of the grip. Another way to tell grip size is to look at the length of the handle. The length of the handle is usually stamped on the inside of the handle. The longer the handle, the smaller the grip size.

The grip size of a racquet for a beginner

The grip size of a racquet is indicated by a number (e.g. 4 1/8) which corresponds to the circumference of the handle in inches. This number is not always easy to find, but it is helpful to know because it is one of the main factors that determines how comfortable a racquet will be to hold and swing.

It is important to note that grip size does not necessarily correspond to the size of your hand. A large-handed person may prefer a smaller grip, while a small-handed person may prefer a larger one. It really depends on your individual physiology and preferences. The best way to find out what grip size works for you is to try out different ones at a sports store or pro shop.

Most adult racquets have grip sizes that range from 4 1/8″ to 4 5/8″. If you are unsure of what size to get, it is usually best to err on the side of caution and go with a smaller grip. It is easy to add grip tape or an overgrip to make a racquet thicker, but it is much more difficult (and sometimes impossible) to make a racquet smaller.

If you are buying a racquet for a child, it is important to consult with a tennis professional before making your purchase. Children’s bodies are constantly growing and changing, so it can be difficult to predict what size will be best in the long run. A tennis professional will be able to help you choose aracquet with the right grip size for your child’s current proportions.

The grip size of a racquet for an intermediate player

An important factor in choosing the right tennis racquet is grip size. If the grip is too small, you’ll have difficulty controlling the racquet and placing shots; if it’s too large, you’ll fatigue your hand quickly. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to determine what grip size is right for you.

First, find a ruler or a tape measure. Then, wrap the Ruler around the palm of your hand at its widest point— usually the base of your fingers, not including your thumb. Once you have wrapped it around, make a mark on the Ruler at the point where it overlaps. This distance indicates your grip size; simply match it to a racquet with the same measurement (written in inches or centimeters). For example, if your hand measures 4 inches (10cm), you’ll need a grip size of 4 inches (or 10cm).

Keep in mind that most players fall within a range of grip sizes, so don’t agonize over finding an exact match. If you’re between two sizes, opt for the smaller one; it will be easier to increase the grip size with an overgrip than to decrease it. And remember: you can always try different sizes and see what feels best!

The grip size of a racquet for an advanced player

The grip size of a racquet for an advanced player is usually between 4 1/4 inches and 4 3/8 inches. This is because an advanced player has usually developed more power in their strokes and can therefore handle a larger grip size. A smaller grip size will give the player more control, while a larger grip size will give the player more power.


Armed with this information, you can go to your local sports store or pro shop and confidently purchase the right size grip for your needs. Keep in mind that you can always add or remove layers of grip tape to adjust the feel of the racquet in your hand, so don’t be afraid to experiment a little bit until you find the perfect setup.

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