How to Throw a Baseball Faster: Tips from the Pros

Throwing a baseball is not as easy as it seems. It requires a lot of practice and precision to be able to do it correctly. If you want to throw a baseball faster, here are some tips from the pros that you can follow.


Whether you’re a pitcher in Little League looking to give your team an edge, or a major league player trying to add a few miles per hour to your fastball, there are a number of ways to throw a baseball faster. Here are some tips from the pros that can help you increase your speed and improve your pitching.

1. Use a heavier ball.

One way to throw a baseball faster is to use a heavier ball. The extra weight will help you build up more arm strength, which in turn will increase your throwing velocity. If you’re just starting out, try using a 5 oz. ball instead of the standard 2.6 oz. ball. Once you’ve built up some arm strength, you can move up to an 8 oz. ball.

2. Increase your elbow flexion.

Another way to add some speed to your pitches is to increase the flexion in your elbow joint. This will shorten the distance that your arm has to travel when you throw the ball, which will make it come out of your hand faster. To increase the flexion in your elbow, make sure that you keep your upper arm close to your body when you cock it back before throwing the ball.

3. Snap your wrist as you release the ball.

A third way to generate more speed on your pitches is to snap your wrist as you release the ball from your hand. This will add some spin on the ball, which will make it travel faster through the air and appear harder for batters to hit.* As you release the ball, quickly snap your wrist forward so that your palm faces downward.* This may take some practice, but once you get used to it, it will help improve both the speed and accuracy of your pitches*.

The Grip

Gripping the ball correctly is the first step to throwing a fastball. The two most common grips are the four-seam grip and the two-seam grip. The four-seam grip is used for pitching a fastball that has little or no movement. The two-seam grip is used for pitching a fastball that has movement. Experiment with both grips to see which one works best for you.

If you’re a right-handed pitcher, start by holding the baseball in your right hand. Put your index and middle fingers across the seams of the ball, with your index finger resting on top of the seam and your middle finger resting on the bottom seam. Your ring finger and pinky should be off to the side of the ball, not touching it.

Left-handers should do the same thing, but with their left hand.

Once you have your fingers in place, cup your thumb underneath the ball so that it’s touching the leather part of the ball near the seam. Your thumb shouldn’t be touching any of your fingers; it should be touching only the leather part of the ball.

The Windup

The windup is the first part of the pitching motion. Pitchers use the windup to build momentum toward the plate before delivering the pitch. There are two types of windups: the full windup and the set.

In the full windup, the pitcher takes a step backward with the non-pitching foot (right foot for a right-handed pitcher, left foot for a left-handed pitcher) before coming set. This step gives the pitcher extra momentum toward home plate. Full windups are normally used when there are no runners on base, so the pitcher has time to take this extra step.

In the set position, both feet are on the rubber before coming set. Set positions are used when there is a runner or runners on base, so that the pitcher can deliver the ball quickly to home plate and not worry about giving up stolen bases.

Here are some tips from professional pitchers on how to throw a baseball faster using both full and set windups:

1. Use your body weight to generate momentum. As you step forward in either type of windup, shift your weight from your back foot to your front foot. This will help you generate more power as you come down the mound and release the ball.
2. Stay balanced throughout your motion. As you raise your leg in either type of windup, make sure your weight is balanced so that you don’t fall off-kilter when you go to release the ball. This will help you throw with more accuracy and velocity.
3. Follow through after you release the ball. As you release the ball, your arm should already be in motion toward home plate (or wherever your target is). This will help generate extra velocity on your pitches as well as improve accuracy.

The Release

One of the most important aspects of throwing a baseball is the release. The release is the point at which the ball leaves your hand and starts its journey toward the batter. There are a few things you can do to ensure that your release is both powerful and accurate.

First, try to keep your wrist as close to perpendicular to the ground as possible when you release the ball. This will give the ball more spin, which will make it travel faster and may also make it difficult for the batter to hit it. Secondly, try to snap your wrist as you release the ball. This will further increase the spin on the ball and make it even harder for the batter to hit it. Finally, follow through with your arm after you release the ball. This will help you generate more power and ensure that all of your energy is going into throwing the ball as fast as possible.

The Follow Through

One of the most important aspects of throwing a baseball is the follow through. Many pitchers take the time to practice their follow through so that they can ensure that they are doing it correctly. There are a few things that you should keep in mind when you are doing your follow through.

First, you want to make sure that you keep your arm up and extended after you release the ball. This will help to ensure that you have thrown the ball with as much velocity as possible. You also want to make sure that you snap your wrists as you follow through. This will help to add spin on the ball and make it harder for hitters to track.

Finally, you want to make sure that you land on your front foot as you finish your follow through. This will help to keep your balance and prevent you from falling off the mound.


If you want to throw a baseball faster, there are some things you can do to improve your speed. First, try to increase your arm strength by working on your upper body. Second, work on your mechanics and make sure you’re using proper technique. Finally, focus on throwing the ball with more velocity and focus on your follow through. These tips from the pros should help you see an improvement in your speed.

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