How To Trade Players In Nba 2k21 Mycareer

Want to know how to trade players in NBA 2k21 Mycareer? Check out this blog post for all the information you need to get started.


In NBA 2K21, the Mycareer mode features an exciting new addition in the form of player trading. This means that for the first time, you will be able to trade players with other teams in order to create a lineup that suits your playing style. Here is a guide on how to trade players in NBA 2K21 Mycareer.

What You Need to Know

In order to trade players in NBA 2K21 MyCAREER, you will first need to make sure that you have reached at least stage two of your MyPLAYER’s development. This is because you will not be able to trade players until you have completed certain objectives in the game.

Once you have reached stage two of your development, you will then need to access the ‘ROSTER’ menu from the main ‘MyCAREER’ screen. From here, you will need to select the ‘One-on-One’ tab, which is located at the bottom left hand corner of the screen.

Once you have selected the ‘One-on-One’ tab, you will then be taken to a new screen where you will see all of the different players that are available to be traded. In order to trade for a specific player, you will first need to select them from this list.

Once you have selected the player that you wish to trade for, you will then need to press the ‘X’ button on your controller in order to confirm your choice. After doing this, you will be taken to a new screen where you will be asked to select the player that you wish to trade away.

It is important to note that you can only trade away players that are on your current roster and not players that are on other teams. Once you have selected the player that you wish to trade away, you will then need to press the ‘X’ button on your controller in order to confirm your choice.

After confirming your choices, you will then be taken to a new screen where you will see a list of all of the different offers that have been made by both teams. In orderto finalize the trade, you will first needto selectthe offerthatyou wishto acceptby pressingthe ‘X’ button onyourcontroller.

How to Get Started

In NBA 2K21 MyCAREER, you start by creating your own character and playing through the college system to become a top NBA draft pick. After that, you’re placed on an NBA team and begin your career. Throughout your career, you’ll have the opportunity to trade players with other teams. Here’s how to get started trading players in NBA 2K21 MyCAREER.

First, open up the “MyGM/MyLEAGUE” menu from the main menu screen. From there, select “Trade Finder.” The “Trade Finder” menu will allow you to input what kind of player you’re looking for, as well as what kind of player you’re willing to give up in return. For example, let’s say you want to find a shooting guard who can shoot threes. You can input those parameters into the “Trade Finder” menu and it will give you a list of potential trade targets that fit your criteria.

Once you’ve found a player that you’re interested in, select their name and then press the “Trade” button. This will bring up the trade offer screen. On this screen, you’ll be able to see what kind of players the other team is interested in as well as what they’re offering in return. If you like the offer, press the “Accept” button. If not, press the “Decline” button and continue looking for another trade partner.

Once you’ve found a trade partner and accepted their offer, the players involved in the trade will be swapped between teams immediately. That’s all there is to it! Just remember to check back often in case any new players become available that fit your needs.

What to Expect

In NBA 2K21, MyCAREER players have the opportunity to use virtual currency called VC, to improve theirMyPLAYER. Players can buy clothes, shoes, hairstyles and tattoos with VC. MyPLAYERs can also use VC to improve their attributes and upgrade their badge level. In addition to purchasing items with VC, players can also trade other players in NBA 2K21.

Players can trade MyPLAYERs with other human-controlled or computer-controlled teams. To do this, players must first go to the “Rosters” menu item and then select “Trade Players.” From there, human-controlled teams will appear on the left side of the menu and computer-controlled teams will appear on the right side.

Players can only trade for other players who are within two overall rating points of their own player. For example, a player with an 84 overall rating could only trade for a player with an 86 overall or lower rating. There is no limit to how many times a player can be traded in NBA 2K21

How to Make the Most of It

Whether you’re hoping to save up for that one specific player you need to complete your Dream Team or you’re simply trying to unload some of the less talented members of your current squad, trading players in NBA 2K21 MyCAREER can be a helpful way to improve your team. Here’s everything you need to know about how trading works in NBA 2K21 MyCAREER.


In order to trade players in NBA 2K21 MyCAREER, you will need to first create or join a league. Once you are in a league, go to the league’s main menu and select “Trade” from the options. From there, you will be able to search for players that are available for trade, and send trade offers to other teams in your league.

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