How to Unlock Your Car With a Tennis Ball

Did you know that you can unlock your car with a tennis ball? It’s true! Follow these simple steps and you’ll be back on the road in no time.


If you’ve ever locked your keys in the car, you know how frustrating it can be. You may be tempted to call a locksmith or a tow truck, but before you spend the money, try this simple trick that you can do with a common tennis ball.

What You’ll Need

All you need for this trick is a tennis ball. No, really! If you’re locked out of your car and don’t have a spare key, you can use a tennis ball to open the door. This method works best on cars that have a vertical button on the outside of the door to open it, but it will also work on cars with a horizontal button if you cut a small hole in the tennis ball.

Step One: Create a Small Hole in the Tennis Ball

Use a small knife or scissors to create a hole in the tennis ball. The hole should be big enough to fit over the keyhole on your car door. If the hole is too small, the tennis ball will not be able to fit over the keyhole and you’ll have to start over with a new tennis ball.

Step Two: Cover the Keyhole With the Tennis Ball

Place the tennis ball over the keyhole on your car door. Make sure that the hole in the tennis ball is lined up with the keyhole so that you’ll be able to insert your key into it.

Step Three: Insert Your Key Into the Tennis Ball and Turn

Insert your key into the hole in the tennis ball and turn it as you would normally turn a key in a keyhole. The pressure from the tennis ball will create enough friction to turn your car’s ignition and unlock your door.

Step Two: Put the Tennis Ball Over the Keyhole

With the tennis ball in hand, make your way to the driver’s side door of your car. You’ll want to place the tennis ball over the keyhole so that the hole in the ball is lined up perfectly with the keyhole on the car. If you have a smaller keyhole, you may need to cut a small hole in the tennis ball so that it fits snugly over the keyhole.

Step Three: Push and Turn the Tennis Ball

Push the tennis ball into the keyhole and turn it clockwise until you hear a click. This indicates that the locking mechanism has been disengaged and you can now open the door.

Step Four: Remove the Tennis Ball and Your Key

Now that you have your key out, you can remove the tennis ball. You should be able to just pull it off, but if it’s stuck you can use a little bit of soap to help get it off. Once you have the tennis ball off, your job is done! You can now insert your key into the ignition and start your car.


There you have it! With this simple trick, you can easily unlock your car with a tennis ball. Just remember to be careful not to break the window in the process. We hope you found this helpful and be sure to share it with your friends!

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