How To Unlock One Shot Fired In Nba Jam?

One Shot Fired is a new mode in NBA Jam that can be unlocked by completing all of the classic campaigns. In this mode, players only have one shot to score before the opposing team gets the ball. This makes for a fast-paced and intense game of NBA Jam!


In order to unlock one shot fired in NBA Jam, you must first complete the following:
-Get three “Sheesh” calls in a row
-Complete the “Domination” mode
-Win the “Jam League” championship
After you have done all of that, one shot fired will be available as a secret character.

What is One Shot Fired in NBA Jam?

One Shot Fired is a mode in NBA Jam that can be unlocked by completing the campaign mode. In this mode, each team only has one shot to score before the possession changes. This makes for a very fast paced and intense game of basketball!

How to unlock One Shot Fired in NBA Jam?

One Shot Fired is an offensive strategy in NBA Jam. This strategy can be used to attempt a shot from anywhere on the court, regardless of whether there is a defender nearby. The player will take a normal jump shot, but will automatically shoot the ball as soon as they leave the ground. If the shot is successful, the player will score three points. If the shot is unsuccessful, the player will lose possession of the ball.

One Shot Fired can be unlocked in one of two ways:

1) By scoring 100 points in a single game, or

2) By completing all of the tutorials in NBA Jam: On Fire Edition.


In conclusion, if you want to unlock one shot fired in NBA Jam, you need to complete all of the above steps. Once you have completed them, the game will provide you with the opportunity to do so.

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