How to Unlock Your Car Door With a Tennis Ball

How to Unlock Your Car Door With a Tennis Ball – In this blog post, we’ll show you how to unlock your car door with a tennis ball. You’ll never have to worry about getting locked out of your car again!


Have you ever locked your keys in the car? If you have, then you know how frustrating it can be. Fortunately, there is a way to unlock your car door with a tennis ball.

All you need is a tennis ball and a small piece of string. Cut a small hole in the tennis ball and thread the string through it. Tie the string to the door handle of your car. Make sure that the string is long enough so that you can reach it from inside the car.

Now, all you need to do is close the door and wait for someone to drive by. When they do, they will hit the tennis ball and pop open your door.

What You’ll Need

To unlock your car door with a tennis ball, you’ll need:
-A tennis ball
-A string

Step One: Find the Sweet Spot

The first step is to find thesweet spot on your car door. This is the area where the locking mechanism is located. You will need to place the tennis ball directly over this area, so take a moment to identify it. In most cases, it will be near the top of the door, but it can vary depending on the make and model of your car.

Once you have found the sweet spot, hold the tennis ball in place with your hand and press it firmly against the door.

Step Two: Create a Small Hole

Now that you have your tennis ball, it’s time to make a small hole in it. For this step, it’s best to use a sharp object such as a pen or a pin. Once you have your sharp object, insert it into the tennis ball and make a small hole. Be sure not to make the hole too big; you want the hole to be just big enough for your key to fit through.

Step Three: Insert the Tennis Ball

Push the tennis ball into the space between the car door and the frame until it’s snug against the window. The ball should be big enough that it can’t fall through the gap, but small enough that it doesn’t impede your ability to close the door.

Step Four: Wait for the Lock to Pop

The last step is to wait for the lock to pop. This can take anywhere from a few seconds to a minute, depending on how hot the tennis ball gets. Once the lock pops, you can open your car door and get on your way!


If you have ever found yourself in a situation where you are locked out of your car, you know how frustrating it can be. Luckily, there are a few simple ways that you can unlock your car door with a tennis ball. While this may seem like a strange method, it is actually quite effective.

To start, find a tennis ball that is small enough to fit into the keyhole of your car door. If the hole is too small, you can try using a knife to make the hole larger. Once the ball is in the keyhole, press it firmly and twist it around until you feel the lock click. You may need to do this a few times before the lock finally opens.

If you do not have a tennis ball on hand, you can also try using a paperclip or a bobby pin. Simply straighten out the paperclip and insert it into the keyhole. Again, press firmly and twist until the lock clicks open.

While these methods may seem simple, they can be very effective in unlocking your car door. So, next time you find yourself locked out of your car, give one of these methods a try!

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