How To Use A Tennis Ball To Unlock Your Car?

How To Use A Tennis Ball To Unlock Your Car? We’ve all been there before, locked out of our car with no spare key. But did you know that you can use a tennis ball to unlock your car?

What You Need

If you find yourself locked out of your car, and you don’t have a spare key, you can use a tennis ball to unlock your car door. All you need is a tennis ball and a few simple tools. In this article, we’ll show you how to use a tennis ball to unlock your car door.

A tennis ball

If you’re ever locked out of your car and don’t have a spare key, you can use a tennis ball to open the door. Just remove the felt from the tennis ball and cut a small hole in it. Then, put the tennis ball over the keyhole on your car door and press down. The pressure will cause the locking mechanism to disengage, and you’ll be able to open the door.

A car with central locking

Before you start, you will need to gather a few supplies. For this method, you will need a tennis ball. If you want to be able to see what you’re doing, it may also be helpful to have a flashlight.

With your supplies gathered, the first thing you need to do is find your car’s central locking button. This is usually located on the driver’s side door near the window controls. Once you have found the button, roll down the driver’s side window.

Next, take your tennis ball and cut a small hole in it. The hole should be big enough to fit comfortably over the car key hole. Once the hole has been cut, fit the tennis ball over the keyhole and hold it in place.

Now, take your flashlight and shine it through the hole in the tennis ball and into the keyhole. You should be able to see the tumblers inside of the lock. Using the light as a guide, turn the tennis ball until you line up all of the tumblers with their correct position. Once they are all lined up, remove the tennis ball and try using your key in the lock.

How It Works

If you have ever been locked out of your car, you know how frustrating it can be. Luckily, there is a way to unlock your car with a tennis ball. This may sound strange, but it actually works.

The tennis ball creates a seal

A tennis ball can unlock your car door in a pinch. All you need to do is create a seal around the keyhole with the tennis ball, and then press down on the top of the ball hard. The sudden change in pressure will cause the locking mechanism to pop open.

The tennis ball amplifies the sound

Here’s how it works: when you lock your car, the doors automatically close and the windows roll up. But what if you accidentally lock your keys inside? You could call a locksmith, but that can be expensive. A simpler (and cheaper) solution is to use a tennis ball.

The tennis ball amplifies the sound of the door unlock button. When you press it against the door, the sound is amplified and makes it easier for you to hear the click of the unlock button. If you have trouble finding the right spot, try moving the tennis ball around until you hear the button click.

The tennis ball unlocks the car

So how does a tennis ball unlock a car? It’s actually pretty simple. The pressure from the tennis ball pops the locking mechanism inside the door, which allows you to then open the door.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Find a tennis ball that’s in good condition and not too squishy.

2. Look for the small hole on the side of the tennis ball. This is where you’ll insert your key.

3. Insert your key into the hole in the tennis ball, and then push the tennis ball up against the door lock on your car.

4. Apply pressure to the tennis ball with your key still inserted until you hear a pop. This means that the locking mechanism has been released and you can now open your car door.

How To Do It

Have you ever locked your keys in the car? If you have, then you know how frustrating it can be. But there’s no need to call a locksmith. You can use a tennis ball to unlock your car.

Find a tennis ball

If you find yourself locked out of your car, there’s no need to call a locksmith or butter up a neighbor with cookies to borrow their spare key. You can use a tennis ball to unlock your car door in a pinch.

Here’s how it works: First, find a tennis ball. If you don’t have one handy, any small, soft ball will do—a squash ball, bouncy ball, or even a badly deflated football. Once you have your ball, cut a small hole in it (about the size of a dime).

Place the tennis ball over the keyhole

When you misplace your keys, a tennis ball can save the day. Just place the tennis ball over the keyhole and press down. The pressure will release the locking mechanism, allowing you to open the door.

Press and hold the tennis ball

To use a tennis ball to unlock your car, start by finding a tennis ball that’s small enough to fit inside your car’s door handle. If you don’t have a tennis ball, you can also use a small rubber ball or even a bouncy ball. Once you have your ball, hold it in one hand and press it firmly against the door handle of your car. Then, use your other hand to push down on the top of the ball. Apply pressure until you hear a popping sound, which means the ball has popped out of the door handle. You can now pull on the door handle to open it.

The car should unlock

If you’re locked out of your car and don’t have a spare key, a tennis ball can be a handy tool. Just cut a small hole in the ball, insert it into the space between the door and the car frame, and push. The pressure will release the locking mechanism and allow you to open the door.


If you’ve ever been locked out of your car, you know how frustrating it can be. But there’s no need to call a locksmith or roadside assistance just yet. If you have a tennis ball, you can use it to unlock your car door in a matter of seconds.

Try different types of balls

If you’re locked out of your car and don’t have a spare key, you may be able to use a tennis ball to open the door. This method won’t work with all cars, but it’s worth a try if you’re in a bind.

First, find a tennis ball that’s small enough to fit through the hole in your car’s door. If the hole is too small, you can try poke a small hole in the ball with a sharp object. Once you have your ball, hold it up to the hole and push it through until it’s inside the car.

Now, take a key or another sharp object and poke it through the tennis ball so that it’s touching the unlock button on your car door. Once you’ve done this, press down on the key or object and see if the door unlocks. If it doesn’t work, try moving the ball around until you find the sweet spot.

Try different sizes of balls

You may have to experiment with different sizes of balls to find one that works with your car. A smaller ball, such as a ping-pong ball, may fit better in some cars. You can also try a deflated or partly deflated ball if a regular tennis ball is too big.

Try different positions of the ball

If you find that the ball isn’t pressing the right buttons or if it isn’t working at all, try moving it to a different position. Most car doors have the lock button located near the top of the door, so raising or lowering the ball may help you get better contact. You can also try moving the ball to the right or left to see if that makes a difference.

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