How to Volley Like a Tennis Pro

Improve your tennis game by learning how to volley like a professional. Find out what the best players do and how you can mimic their techniques.


In tennis, the volley is a shot hit before the ball bounces on the ground. Volleys are usually made near the net after a serve or after another shot that has bounced. When performed correctly, volleys can be very effective, allowing a player to take control of the rally and put their opponent on the defensive.

Volleys can be hit with any stroke, but are most commonly hit with either a forehand or backhand. During a volley, it is important to keep your racket head up and your arm relaxed. Remember to swing early and make contact with the ball in front of your body.

If you want to improve your volleying skills, there are a few things you can practice at home or at the tennis courts. First, try hitting some lobs over the net and volleying them back. You can also practice your footwork by sprinting forward to the net and then backpedaling to retrieve balls that go past you. Finally, try hitting balls that are coming towards you rather than ones that are already past you. This will help you get used to reacting quickly and volleying correctly.

The Volley

The Grip

The most important part of the volley is the grip. You can use any grip you like, as long as it is comfortable, but there are two main grips that are used: the Western grip and the Continental grip. The Western grip is similar to the grip you would use for a backhand groundstroke, while the Continental grip is similar to the grip you would use for a serve.

If you are using a Continental grip, your index knuckle should be on bevel #2 (the second bevel from the top of the racket). For a Western grip, your index knuckle should be on bevel #4 (the fourth bevel from the top). Experiment with both grips and see which one feels more comfortable for you.

The Swing

The tennis volley is a shot hit before the ball bounces on your side of the net. Volleys are usually hit when your opponent is far back from the net or when the ball is coming to you at waist level or below. The key to hitting a good volley is getting your racket in front of the ball so you can hit it cleanly.

There are two main types of swings for volleys: the continental swing and the eastern swing. The continental swing is used for low volleys and is considered the more traditional of the two swings. To do this swing, keep your wrist firm and racket head up as you make contact with the ball. For an eastern swing, which is used for high volleys, tilt the racket face up as you make contact with the ball. This will give you more power and control over your shot.

Both swings should be performed with a light grip on the racket so you can be quick on your feet and adjust to any unexpected shots from your opponent. When hitting a volley, always maintain good balance and footwork so you can stay in position to hit another shot if necessary.

The Follow Through

One of the most important aspects of volleying is the follow through. After making contact with the ball, your weight should shift from your back foot to your front foot as you bring your arm and racket up and over your head in a fluid motion. This will give you more power and control as well as help you keep your eye on the ball for a longer period of time. Remember to keep your wrist firm when you make contact with the ball and to snap your racket up and over as quickly as possible.

Types of Volleys

The Overhead Volley

One of the most important shots in tennis is the overhead volley. Often referred to as a “put away” shot, the overhead volley is usually hit when your opponent has lobbed the ball over your head and you are at the net. The object of this shot is to hit the ball before it has a chance to bounce, making it difficult for your opponent to return.

There are two main types of overhead volleys: the standard overhead volley and the backhand overhead volley. The standard overhead volley is hit with your dominant hand on the same side of your body as your racket (e.g., right-handed if you are holding your racket in your right hand). The backhand overhead volley is hit with your non-dominant hand on the same side of your body as your racket (e.g., left-handed if you are holding your racket in your right hand).

Here are some tips for hitting a successful overhead volley:

-Keep your eye on the ball at all times and try to make contact with the center of the ball.
-Swing early and make sure that your racket is above your head when you make contact with the ball.
-Push off with your feet to generate power and keep your weight forward so you can stay balanced.
-Follow through with your swing after making contact with the ball.

The Approach Volley

The approach volley is a shot hit from near the baseline while you are running towards the net. This is a high-risk, high-reward shot because if you miss it, your opponent will likely have an easy winner. However, if you make it, you will put your opponent on the defensive and give yourself a chance to take control of the point.

One of the key things to remember when hitting an approach volley is that you want to keep the ball low over the net. This will make it harder for your opponent to hit a winner and give you a better chance of winning the point.

Another thing to remember is that you don’t need to hit the ball hard when hitting an approach volley. You just need to make sure that you make contact with the ball in front of you and get it over the net. The speed and spin of the ball will take care of itself.

The Drive Volley

The drive volley is one of the most important volleys in tennis. It is hit with topspin and has a low margin for error. It is used to approach the net and put your opponent on the defensive. This volley is hit with a Continental grip and has a small chance of going long.


While there is no one perfect way to volley like a tennis pro, there are some key things to keep in mind. First, remember to stay calm and focused. Second, keep your eyes on the ball and be prepared to react quickly. Third, practice your volleying technique regularly. And finally, when you are playing a match, try to mimic the same conditions in your practice sessions so that you can be prepared for anything.

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