How to Wash Your Baseball Hat the Right Way

It’s easy to forget how to properly wash your baseball hat since you don’t wear it every day. In order to keep it clean and long-lasting, follow these steps!


You will need a sink, a cup of fabric softener, a cup of vinegar, a cup of baking soda, a toothbrush, and a clean towel.

Gather your materials

What you’ll need:
-A sink or basin
-Mild laundry detergent (we like Woolite Darks for its color-safe properties)
-A towel
-A clean toothbrush, preferably soft bristles

Optional: If your hat is extra grimy, you can add a mild bleach alternative like Oxyclean or Biz to your wash water. We don’t recommend using regular bleach, as it can damage the fabric and cause color fading.

Fill your sink or bucket with water

Fill your sink or bucket with water and add a couple drops of dish soap. You can use any color of dish soap, but I prefer to use clear dish soap so I can see the suds better. If you are using a sink, make sure to plug the drain so your hat doesn’t accidentally get washed down it!

Add soap

The best way to wash a baseball hat is by hand, using a little bit of mild soap. Washing your baseball hat in the washing machine is not recommended, as it can ruin the shape of the hat and damage the brim. To hand wash your baseball hat, start by wetting it with warm water. Then, add a drop or two of mild soap to the water and swirl the hat around. Be sure to scrub gently around the brim and inside of the hat. Rinse the soap off with warm water, and then lay your baseball hat out to dry.


baseball hat can prolong its life and keep it looking new. However, it’s important to wash it the right way to avoid damaging the hat. Here are some tips on how to wash your baseball hat the right way.

Wet your baseball hat

The first step is to wet your baseball hat with clean water. Avoid using hot water, as this can cause the sweatband to shrink. Once your hat is wet, create a lather using a mild detergent or shampoo. Gently rub the detergent into the fabric of your hat, being careful not to scrub too hard.

Rub the bill

Most people think that the only way to clean a baseball hat is to throw it in the washing machine. While this will certainly get rid of any visible dirt or grime, it can also cause the hat to lose its shape, fade in color, and damage the fabric. If you want to keep your baseball hat looking its best, it’s important to wash it by hand using mild soap and cool water.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to wash your baseball hat:

1. Start by gently rubbing the bill of the hat with a soft cloth to remove any dirt or grime.
2. Next, wet a second cloth with cool water and use it to wipe down the rest of the hat. If there are any persistent stains, you can try spot-cleaning them with a mild detergent.
3. Once the hat is damp, set it on a clean towel and allow it to air-dry. Avoid using hot water or placing the hat in direct sunlight, as this could cause it to shrink or fade in color.

Scrub the hat

To clean a baseball hat, start by taking it off and turning it inside out. Then, use a soft-bristled brush to gently scrub away any dirt or debris. If your hat is especially dirty, you can wet the bristles of your brush with water before scrubbing. Next, rinse the hat with clean water and allow it to air dry. Finally, turn the hat right-side out and give it a good shake before putting it back on.

Rinse the hat

Start by rinsing the hat in cool water to remove any loose dirt or debris. If the hat is particularly dirty, you can add a drop of mild detergent to the water. Avoid using hot water, as this can cause the fabric to shrink.


After you’ve removed the excess water from your baseball hat, it’s time to start drying it. The best way to dry your baseball hat is to lay it flat on a towel and let it air dry. You should never put your baseball hat in the dryer as this can damage the fabric.

Place the hat on your head

Before you start washing your baseball hat, make sure you turn it inside out. This will help preserve the color and shape of the hat. Next, wet the entire hat with cool water. Avoid using hot water as this can cause thehat to shrink. Once the hat is wet, apply a small amount of mild detergent to a toothbrush or other soft-bristled brush. Gently brush the bill and top of the hat with the soapy toothbrush to remove any dirt or sweat stains. Rinse the hat thoroughly with cool water to remove all traces of soap. Finally, place the baseball hat on your head and allow it to air dry completely.

Use a towel to dry

Once you’ve removed all the dirt and grime, it’s time to dry your baseball hat. The preferred method is to use a clean towel. Paper towels can also be used, but they often leave behind lint. Avoid using a hairdryer, as the heat may damage the hat’s shape.

Let the hat air dry

Washing your baseball hat is a little different than your other laundry. And, if you don’t do it right, you could ruin the shape or the fit of your hat. But, don’t worry, we’re here to help. Here’s how to wash your baseball hat the right way:

-Start by giving your hat a good visual inspection. If there are any spots that need extra attention, pre-treat them with a stain remover.
-If your hat is extremely dirty, you may want to soak it in cool water with a mild detergent before washing.
-When you’re ready to wash, put your hat in the washing machine on the delicate cycle using cool water and a mild detergent.
-Once the cycle is finished, remove your hat from the washing machine and let it air dry. Do not put it in the dryer!

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