How To Wash Keds Tennis Shoes?

Keds tennis shoes are a popular type of shoe to wear. Many people enjoy the comfort and style of Keds. While Keds are easy to care for, there are some specific instructions on how to wash them. This blog post will show you how to properly wash your Keds tennis shoes.


Assuming that you would like to know how to wash Keds tennis shoes, here are some steps that you can follow:

1. stuff the shoes with newspaper to help retain their shape while drying
2. mix a mild detergent with water in a bucket
3. gently scrub the shoes with a soft bristled brush or old toothbrush, taking care not to damage the material
4. rinse the shoes thoroughly with clean water
5. stuff the shoes with newspaper again and allow them to air dry completely

Materials Needed

– Cleaning cloth or old toothbrush
– Clean water
– Soap or gentle cleanser
– Air freshener (optional)

1. Start by removing any laces and other removable parts from your shoes. Keds have metal eyelets, so avoid getting them wet to prevent rust. Set these items aside.
2. Use your cleaning cloth or toothbrush to remove any dirt, mud, or debris from the surface of your shoes. Pay special attention to the soles, which can often be quite dirty.
3. Fill a sink or basin with clean water and add a few drops of soap or cleanser. Submerge your shoes in the water and swish them around gently to loosen any remaining dirt.
4. Rinse your shoes thoroughly with clean water to remove all traces of soap or cleanser. Allow them to air dry completely before wearing or putting away.

Step One: Prep the Shoes

If your shoes are extremely dirty, start by giving them a quick brush-off with an old toothbrush to remove any large chunks of dirt or debris. If they’re not too bad, you can skip this step.

Next, stuff the shoes with newspapers or other scraps of paper to help them keep their shape while they’re drying. This will also help absorb any water that seeps in during the cleaning process.

##Heading: Step Two: Mix Your Solution

To clean your shoes, you’ll need a gentle detergent and some lukewarm water. Avoid using hot water, as this can cause the color to bleed, and avoid using bleach, as this can damage the fabric.

Mix together a solution of one teaspoon of detergent per cup of water. If you’re dealing with particularly tough stains, you can use a mild household cleaner like dish soap instead of laundry detergent.

##Heading:Step Three: Wash the Shoes
Dip a clean cloth or sponge into your solution and gently scrub away at the dirt and stains on your shoes. Be sure to focus on any areas that seem particularly dirty or discolored.
If you’re struggling to get the shoes clean, you can try using an old toothbrush to scrub at tough spots. Just be sure not to use too much force, as this could damage the fabric.
Work slowly and carefully until most of the dirt and stains have been removed.

Step Two: Mix the Water and Detergent

Pour one cup of water into the bowl and add a handful of laundry detergent. Mix the two together until the detergent is mostly dissolved. You can also use a bleach-free laundry detergent if you’re worried about dyed shoes.

Step Three: Scrub the Shoes

Now that you’ve worked up a good lather, it’s time to start scrubbing those shoes. Be sure to pay attention to the areas around the laces and Velcro, as dirt and grime can collect there. If your shoes are particularly dirty, you may need to go over them a couple of times to get them really clean.

Step Four: Rinse the Shoes

Thoroughly rinse the shoes with cool water to remove any soap residue. At this point, you can either air dry the shoes or put them in the clothes dryer on a low-heat setting.

Step Five: Let the Shoes Air Dry

Once you’ve removed all the dirt and grime from your shoes, it’s time to let them air dry. Avoid putting your shoes in the dryer, as this can damage the material. Instead, set them in a well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight and let them air dry completely.

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