How To Watch Nfl All 22 Film?

Get an in-depth analysis of how to watch the NFL All-22 film to improve your football knowledge and better understand the game.


Any serious football fan or coach will tell you that one of the best ways to improve your understanding of the game is to watch All-22 game film. But what exactly is All-22 film, and how can you watch it?

All-22 film is a term used to describe game footage that includes all 22 players on the field at any given time. This type of footage provides a bird’s eye view of the entire field, which can be helpful for seeing plays develop and analyzing player positioning and strategies.

While All-22 film was once only available to NFL teams and coaches, it is now accessible to the public through the NFL Game Pass subscription service. With a subscription, you can watch All-22 footage of any regular season or playoff game dating back to 2009. You can also access other features like condensed games, coach’s film, and more.

If you’re serious about learning more about football, watching All-22 game film is a great way to do it. With a subscription to NFL Game Pass, you can easily access this valuable resource and start improving your understanding of the game today.

What is All 22 Film?

The All-22 film is a coaches’ tool that shows every player on the field at the same time. It’s different than the regular game film that fans are used to seeing, because it doesn’t focus on the ball. Instead, it gives a bird’s eye view of the entire field so that coaches can see all 22 players and what they’re doing at any given time.

How to Watch All 22 Film?

The All-22 film is the game film from the television broadcast, but with the wide shot that includes all 22 players on the field. This is the best angle to see the entire play develop. All-22 film is available for every game and can be watched on NFL Game Pass.

Step One: Go to the website

In order to watch All 22 game film, you must first go to the website: This is the only place where you can access All 22 game film. You cannot watch it on YouTube, or any other video streaming site.

Once you are on the website, there are two ways to watch the film. You can either purchase a subscription, which gives you access to all of the All 22 game film for a certain period of time (usually one year), or you can buy individual games.

If you purchase a subscription, you will be able to watch any and all All 22 game film that is uploaded to the website during your subscription period. This includes both regular season and playoff games.

If you choose to buy individual games, you will only have access to that specific game’s All 22 film. You will not be able to watch any other games unless you purchase them individually as well.

Step Two: Choose a game

You’ll need to have a subscription to NFL Game Pass in order to access All-22 footage, but once you do, the process for finding and watching All-22 footage is pretty simple.

First, head over to the NFL Game Pass website and sign in. Once you’re logged in, click on the “All-22” tab at the top of the page.

You’ll be taken to a page that lists all of the games that are available in All-22 format. You can watch any game that you want, but for the sake of this exercise, let’s choose a recent game between two high-profile teams, like the Week 1 matchup between the Green Bay Packers and Seattle Seahawks.

Click on the “Watch Now” button next to the game that you want to watch. You’ll be taken to a page with three tabs — “Coaches Film,” “End Zone Angle,” and “Broadcast Feed.”

Step Three: Choose a play

Now that you’ve identified the personnel groupings and the type of play, it’s time to choose a specific play to watch. To do this, go back to the All-22 Coaches Film menu and select the game you want to watch. Then, scroll down to the play-by-play section and find the play you want to watch. When you click on that play, the All-22 film will start playing.


Now that you know how to watch NFL All-22 film, you can start breaking down plays and learning more about the game of football. This will give you a big advantage when it comes to making winning bets on NFL games.

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