How To Win A Doubles Tennis Match?

If you’re wondering how to win a doubles tennis match, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll share some essential tips and strategies that will help you come out victorious. So grab your racket and let’s get started!


In tennis, there are two main types of matches that can be played between two players: singles and doubles. In a singles match, each player competes against each other, while in a doubles match, each player teams up with another player and compete against the other team. In this article, we will be focusing on doubles matches and giving some tips on how to win one.

One of the most important things to remember when playing a doubles tennis match is that communication is key. You need to be able to communicate with your partner so that you can work together as a team and come up with a strategy that will help you win the match.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that you need to be aware of where your partner is at all times. This will help you know when to make shots and when to let your partner take care of the ball.

It is also important to remember that you are not playing alone; you have a partner who is there to help you. Make sure to take advantage of this and use your partner as a tool to help you win the game.

Following these tips should help you increase your chances of winning a doubles tennis match. Remember communication and teamwork are essential if you want to be successful.

The serve

In tennis, a player who serves first in the game serves again in the next game as well, until they lose a point. In doubles, the players on the same team take turns serving. The player who serves first in the first game of a set will serve last in the second game.

The server stands behind the baseline and hits the ball into the diagonally opposite service box. If they hit it into the net or outside of the service box, it is called a fault and they have to try again. If they hit it into the correct service box but their opponent hits it back before it bounces twice, it is also called a fault. The server gets two tries at hitting a good serve before their opponent gets a point.

Once their opponent has gotten a point, then they become the server for that game and the process repeats itself until someone wins the game, which is usually when one player or team gets to four points (or sometimes to six points in professional matches).

The return

One of the key shots in tennis is the return. You need to be able to put the ball in play and keep it in play. In order to do this, you need to know how to hit a return.

The return is hit after the serve. The player who hits the return is called the receiver. The player who hits the serve is called the server.

The aim of the return is to hit the ball back into play so that your partner can then hit it over the net and into your opponent’s court.

There are two main types of return:

-The backhand return
-The forehand return

The backhand return is hit with your backhand and is usually used when your opponent has served to your backhand side. The forehand return is hit with your forehand and is usually used when your opponent has served to your forehand side.

The volley

The volley is one of the most important strokes in tennis. In order to win a tennis match, it is essential that you master the volley.

There are two types of volleys: the overhead volley and the backhand volley. The overhead volley is hit with your arm extended above your head. The backhand volley is hit with your arm extended to the side of your body.

To execute a proper volley, you must:
-Keep your eye on the ball at all times.
-Swing your racquet through the ball.
-Follow through with your swing.

When hitting an overhead volley, it is important to:
-Get underneath the ball and hit it up.
-Use a lot of wrist action to generate power.
-Keep your arm extended above your head at all times.
-Hit the ball in front of you, not behind you.

When hitting a backhand volley, it is important to:
-Keep your racquet hand close to your body.
-Swing through the ball from low to high.
-Use a lot of wrist action to generate power.
-Follow through with your swing across your body.

The overhead

Overheads are probably the most important stroke in tennis. If you can hit a clean overhead, you will win a lot of points.

In general, there are three types of overheads: the put-away overhead, the approach overhead, and the lob.

The put-away overhead is hit when your opponent is at the net and you have time to set up for the shot. The approach overhead is hit when your opponent is at the baseline and you are approaching the net. The lob is hit when your opponent is at the net and you are at the baseline.

Here are some tips for hitting each type of overhead:

Put-away overhead:
-Swing hard and follow through.
-Hit the ball in front of your body.
-Keep your arm relaxed.
-Keep your eye on the ball until it hits your racquet.

Approach overhead:

-Swing early and make contact with the ball over your shoulder. -Hit the ball in front of your body. -Keep your arm relaxed. -Keep your eye on the ball until it hits your racquet.


-Hit the ball high in order to give yourself time to get back to the baseline. -hit with a slicing motion to keep the ball low over the net. -Keep your eye on until it hitsyour racquetthe ball

The backhand

One of the most important skills in tennis is the backhand. In order to win a doubles match, you and your partner need to have strong backhands. Here are some tips on how to improve your backhand:

-Practice your backhand regularly. The more you practice, the better you will become.
-Use a weight or resistance training device to help increase the strength of your backhand.
-Focus on hitting the ball in the sweet spot of your racquet. This will help you generate more power and accuracy.
-Place your non-hitting hand behind your back before you swing. This will help you generate more power and momentum.
-Keep your eye on the ball at all times. This will help you track the ball and make contact with it more easily.

The lob

The lob can be an effective strategy in doubles tennis, particularly when your opponents are at the net. A well-placed lob can force your opponents to back up and give you time to get into position for a winning shot. When executed properly, the lob can be a very difficult shot for your opponents to return.

There are a few things you need to keep in mind when using the lob in doubles tennis. First, you need to make sure that you have enough space to execute the shot. If you are too close to the net, your opponents will be able to reach the lob and send it back over your head for a winner. Second, you need to make sure that you hit the ball high enough so that it has time to land behind your opponents before they can reach it. Third, you need keep your opponents from reading your shot by hitting the ball with topspin or slice.

When used correctly, the lob can be a very effective strategy in doubles tennis. By hitting the ball high and deep into your opponents’ court, you can force them to back up and give yourself time to get into position for a winning shot.

The smash

In tennis, a smash is a winning shot, generally executed when your opponent is near the net and not expecting it, that is hit so hard and fast that your opponent cannot get their racket up in time to return it. It is the most surefire way to win a point in tennis.

The smash is not only incredibly effective, but it is also very fun to hit! When executed correctly, it can be an incredibly rewarding shot. There are few things more satisfying than making your opponent look foolish with a well-placed smash.

That being said, the smash can be a difficult shot to execute correctly. In this article, we will discuss how to hit a proper smash in tennis. We will cover the basic mechanics of the shot as well as some advanced strategies for hitting an effective smash.

### light Roasts

-Light City

-Half City


### Medium Roasts




### Medium-Dark Roasts

-Full City

### Dark Roasts



-New Orleans




Italian French

The mental game

mental game is just as important as the physical in doubles tennis. Learning how to control your emotions and stay positive throughout the match is crucial if you want to win.

Here are some tips for staying mentally strong in a doubles tennis match:

1. Stay focused on your own game.

It’s easy to get caught up in watching your partner and trying to direct them, but this will only distract you from your own game. Stay focused on what you need to do to win your point and let your partner worry about theirs.

2. Communicate with your partner.

Doubles tennis is all about teamwork. If you’re not on the same page as your partner, it will be difficult to win points. Before the match, agree on basic strategies such as who will serve first and where you will stand on the court. During the match, communicate with each other constantly, letting each other know where you are going to hit the ball next. This way, you can avoid getting in each other’s way and increase your chances of winning points.
GOod Luck!


In a nutshell, the key to winning a doubles tennis match is to play smart and make the most of your opportunities. Be patient, choose your shots wisely, and don’t let your opponents take control of the game. Stay focused and work well with your partner, and you’ll be on your way to victory.

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