How to Win Doubles Tennis With a Weak Partner?

If you have a weak partner in net same-height-as-tennis/’>tennis players-pay-to-enter-tournaments/’>tennis doubles, you can still win if you follow these tennis doubles/’>Tennis Doubles Strategy tips.

How to Win Doubles Tennis With a Weak Partner?


The problem with playing doubles with a weak partner

When you play doubles with a weak partner, it can be frustrating because they may not be able to keep up with you or may not be able to hit the ball as hard as you can. This can make it difficult to win games and sets. However, there are some strategies you can use to try and compensate for your partner’s weakness and give yourself the best chance of winning.

The Solution: Playing to Your Strengths

Playing to your strengths

You and your partner have different strengths and weaknesses, but there’s no need to let that get in the way of winning. By playing to your strengths, you can offset your partner’s weaknesses and come out on top.

Here are some tips for playing to your strengths in doubles tennis:

serve aggressively: This will put pressure on the opposing team and give you a chance to take control of the point from the start.
– Attack the net: Take advantage of your quick reflexes and court coverage by moving up to the net whenever possible. volley any balls that come your way, and put away any easy shots that come your way.
– Play at the baseline: If you have a strong ground game, use it to your advantage by hanging back and making the opposing team work for every point.

By using these tips, you can make sure that you’re always in a position to win points for your team. By playing to your strengths, you’ll make up for your partner’s weaknesses and give yourselves the best chance of winning.

Communicating with your partner

If you’re playing with a partner who you feel is weaker than you, it’s important to be communicative and supportive. Playing to your partner’s strengths can be key in winning the match. Remember, doubles is all about teamwork!

Here are some tips on how to communicate with your partner:

-Be positive and encouraging
-Give specific instructions
-Communicate mistakes so they can be corrected
-Be angle aware (know where your partner is on the court at all times)
-Adapt your strategy to complement your partner’s strengths


Playing Tennis with a weak partner can be frustrating, but there are some strategies you can use to have a successful match.

First, it’s important to take control of the court and be aggressive. You and your partner should each have a defined role within the team, and you should both stick to your areas as much as possible. This will give you the best chance to win points.

Second, try to play to your partner’s strengths. If they are better at baseline rallies, then let them have more of the balls that are hit there. If they are better at volleys, then they should take more of those balls.

Third, keep the communication up with your partner. This will help you both stay focused and on the same page. It’s also important to encourage your partner throughout the match – let them know that you believe in their ability to win points.

By following these tips, you can give yourself the best chance to win a doubles match – even if your partner is not playing at their best.

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