How to Win Fantasy Baseball: 10 Tips from the Pros

Whether you’re a seasoned fantasy baseball player or just getting started, winning your league can be a tough challenge. But with these 10 tips from the pros, you’ll be well on your way to taking home the title.


Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a fantasy baseball rookie, there’s always room to improve your game. That’s why we reached out to some of the top fantasy baseball minds in the industry for their best tips on how to dominate your league.

1. Do your research
2. Manage your team properly
3. Be active on the waiver wire
4. Make smart trades
5. Know when to take risks
6. Have a good draft strategy
7. Be patient with young players
8. Study up on Prospects
9. Keep an eye on player roles
10. Stay up to date with MLB news

Basic Strategy

If you want to win your fantasy baseball league, you need to have a good strategy. The first step is to do your research and know your league rules inside and out. You need to know which statistics are important and which ones you can ignore. You also need to be active on the waiver wire and know when to make trades. Lastly, you need to have a good understanding of the different types of players. These are just some basic tips, but if you follow them, you’ll be on your way to winning your fantasy baseball league.

Hitting Categories

In fantasy baseball, there are five hitting categories: batting average (AVG), home runs (HR), runs batted in (RBI), stolen bases (SB) and on-base plus slugging percentage (OPS). The key to winning in hitting categories is to draft a balanced team. You don’t want all power hitters because they will kill your batting average, but you also don’t want all speedsters because they won’t provide enough home run or RBI production. A good mix of players who excel in different categories is the key to success.

another key to success in hitting categories is paying attention to splits. A player might hit for a high batting average against right-handed pitching but struggle against lefties. Knowing this information can help you make better lineup decisions on a daily basis.

Finally, don’t forget about position eligibility. In some leagues, you need to have a certain number of games played at a position in order to be eligible there the following season. In others, you can designate any player as eligible at any position from the beginning of the season. Pay attention to these rules when building your team so that you don’t get stuck with a player who can’t help you in the category you need.

Pitching Categories

In order to have a successful fantasy baseball team, you need to pay close attention to the pitching categories. Here are 10 tips from the pros on how to win in pitching categories:

1. Look for starting pitchers who will rack up a lot of strikeouts.
2. Look for starting pitchers who have a good chance of getting a win.
3. Look for starting pitchers who have a good ERA and WHIP.
4. Look for closers who have a good chance of getting saves.
5. Try to predict which closers will lose their jobs during the season.
6. Try to trade for starting pitchers who are due for a rebound season.
7. Try to trade for relief pitchers who are in line for a promotion.
8. Don’t be afraid to roster multiple starters from the same team.
9. Keep an eye on changes in a team’s bullpen situation throughout the season.
10.Pay attention to your league’s scoring settings and make adjustments to your pitching strategy accordingly.


If you want to win your fantasy baseball league, you need to have a good drafting strategy. Here are 10 tips from the pros that will help you draft a winning team. Tip 1: Pay attention to who is being drafted around you. If you see a lot of people drafting players from the same position, it’s probably a good idea to draft someone from a different position.

When to Draft certain players

The National Fantasy Baseball Championship (NFBC) is the original live-draft, high-stakes fantasy baseball contest.

This is a “snake” draft, where the order of selection reverses every round. So, if you pick first in Round 1, you’ll pick last in Round 2. Then you’ll pick first again in Round 3, and so forth. The key to success in a snake draft is to build a well-rounded team while also paying attention to draft position – certain positions are more valuable than others, and it often pays to “reach” a bit for players at those positions.

In general, the following positions are the most important in terms of value:
-Center field
-Second base
After those positions, it becomes a matter of personal preference as to which other positions you prioritize. That said, there are a few general rules of thumb that can help you make the best choices for your team:

1) It’s usually best to wait to draft starting pitchers until the later rounds. The top pitchers will be gone quickly, but there are always a few diamonds in the rough that can be found later on. Plus, starters who go late in the draft often have extra incentive to perform well – they know they need to prove themselves worthy of a spot in the rotation.
2) Don’t get too hung up on drafting relievers early. While closers are always valuable, they don’t pitch enough innings to justify using an early pick on them. Wait until the later rounds to fill out your bullpen.
3) Pay attention to your league’s scoring system when drafting hitters. If runs and RBI are worth more than homers, then players who excel in those categories will be more valuable than pure power hitters. On the other hand, if stolen bases are worth extra points, then speedsters will be drafted higher than usual.
4) It’s usually best to wait until the later rounds to draft catcher ssince they tend notto produce as much offensively as other position players . However ,if you’re playingin a points -based system ,a catcher who hits for a high average can actually be quite valuable . 5) In general ,the following positions are the most important in terms of value :catcher ,center field ,second base ,shortstop . After those positions ,it becomes amatterof personal preference as tow hichotherpositionsyou prioritize

In-Season Management

Free Agents

The best way to fill holes on your roster is through free agency. Free agents are players who are not currently on any team’s roster. You can claim them off waivers or sign them as a free agent.

To find free agents, go to the “Players” page and click on the “Free Agents” tab. Here you will see a list of all the available free agents.

You can sort the list by position, stats, or team. If you know who you want, you can also search for specific players using the search bar.

When you find a player you want to add to your team, click on their name to view their profile. On their profile, you will see their stats for the season as well as their career stats.

You can also view their individual game logs to get a better idea of how they have been performing lately.

Once you have decided you want to add a player to your team, click on the “Add Player” button at the bottom of their profile page.


Trades can help you fill holes in your lineup or get rid of underperforming players. Be wary of giving up too much for rentals, though, as players who are traded midseason typically don’t fare as well as those who stayed put. It’s also important to check the standings to make sure you’re not trading a player to a team that’s out of the playoff hunt.


As the baseball season comes to an end, many people’s attention turns to fantasy baseball. Whether you’re in first place and looking to solidify your position or you’re in last place and looking for a miracle, there are some things you can do to increase your chances of winning. Here are 10 tips from the pros on how to win fantasy baseball.


The MLB playoffs are a best-of-seven tournament held after the conclusion of the regular season to determine the pennant winners. The playoffs began in 1969, when both the National League and American League fielded four teams each. In 1985, the playoff format was expanded to include eight teams (four from each league). The playoffs are currently held in October.

In order to make the playoffs, a team must first win their division (or be one of the two best second-place teams in their league). The divisional winners then advance to the league Championship Series. The winners of the American League and National League Championship Series advance to the World Series, where they compete for Major League Baseball’s championship title.

Only ten teams have won the World Series since the playoff format was expanded in 1985. These teams are:
-Los Angeles Dodgers (6)
-Boston Red Sox (4)
-San Francisco Giants (3)
-Atlanta Braves (3)
-Minnesota Twins (3)
-New York Yankees (2)
-Florida Marlins (2)
-Anaheim Angels (1)
-Houston Astros (1)
-St. Louis Cardinals (1)


No matter how your season ended, you’re a champion in our eyes. But if you happen to find yourself atop the fantasy baseball world at the end of the season, congratulations! You’re in an elite group and we salute you. Here are 10 tips from the pros on how to win a fantasy baseball championship.

1) Manage your team all season long – Don’t just set your lineup and forget about it. Stay on top of your team all season. Check the waiver wire regularly and make trades when necessary. The key is to be active and always be looking for ways to improve your squad.

2) Stay disciplined with your budget – It can be tempting to overspend early in the season when your team is loaded with potential. But resist the urge! Stick to your budget and don’t get too cute with your bids. Remember, you can’t win the championship in April, but you can definitely lose it.

3) Don’t be afraid to gamble – A little risk can pay off big time in fantasy baseball. If you have some extra cash in your budget, don’t be afraid to take a chance on a high-upside player with potential breakout potential. You never know when that gamble will pay off in a big way.

4) Know when to sell high – Just as important as knowing when to buy low is knowing when to sell high on a player who is overachieving. If you can trade away a player who is exceeding expectations for someone who can help shore up a weakness on your team, do it!

5) Stay patient with slow starts – Every year, there are always a few players who get off to slow starts. It’s tempting to give up on them and look for someone else, but resist that urge! Give them some time to turn things around before cutting bait and moving on. More often than not, they will eventually heat up and start producing at their expected levels.

6) Make use of streaming options – In deeper leagues, it can be tough to find enough quality starting pitchers to fill out your rotation all season long. That’s where streaming comes in handy. By using some creative roster management, you can piece together a solid pitching staff using mostly waiver wire pickups and spot starters throughout the season.

7) Never stop researching – The key to success in any fantasy sport is constant research and information gathering. You should never stop learning about new players and strategies if you want to stay ahead of the competition. Read as much as you can about fantasy baseball and always be on the lookout for an edge that you can use against your opponents.

8) Pay attention to ballparks – When setting your lineup each week, one important factor that many owners overlook is ballpark factors. Be sure to take into account whether a hitter or pitcher has home field advantage or not before setting your lineup each week!

9) Use advanced statistics – If you really want an edge over the competition, start using advanced stats in your decision making process. Things like wOBA, FIP, xFIP etc can give you valuable insights into which players are most likely to succeed (or fail) going forward. The more information you have at your disposal, the better decisions you will be able make for your team.


So there you have it, 10 tips from the pros on how to win fantasy baseball. Use them wisely and you may just find yourself in the playoffs come October. And who knows, with a little luck and a lot of skill, you may just find yourself crowned the next fantasy baseball champion.

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