How To Win Fights In NHL 17?

NHL 17 is a tough game, and if you want to win you’ll need to know how to fight. Here are some tips to help you come out on top in a fight.


In NHL 17, there are three ways to fight. You can do a quick fight by pressing the LT and RT buttons (or the L2 and R2 buttons if you’re playing on PlayStation) at the same time when you’re near an opponent. You can also start a line brawl by hitting X (or square on PlayStation) when prompted during a game, or select “Start a Fight” from the gameplay menu.

How to win fights in NHL 17?

The enforcer

The enforcer is a role that has been around since the early days of hockey. These are the players who are responsible for protecting their teammates and keeping opponents from taking liberties with them. In recent years, the role of the enforcer has diminished somewhat, but they can still be found on most teams.

In NHL 17, you will find that there are two different types of fights: brawling and enforcement. Brawling is when two players drop the gloves and just start swinging at each other. Enforcement is when one player challenges another to a fight and they go at it until one player is knocked out or taps out.

To win a fight in NHL 17, you will need to deplete your opponent’s stamina by landing punches and avoiding their punches. When an opponent’s stamina is depleted, they will be momentarily stunned and this is your opportunity to land a knockout blow. To throw a knockout punch, press and hold the Punch button (RT/R2 on Xbox One/PS4).

You can also win fights by taunting your opponents. Taunting will anger them and cause them to swing wildly, which will deplete their stamina quickly. To taunt your opponent, press and hold the Taunt button (RB/R1 on Xbox One/PS4).

The finesse fighter

Finesse fighters are the nimble types who rely on quickness and precision to deliver their punches. Vladimir Konstantinov, Bob Probert and Claude Lemieux are among the most famous finesse fighters in NHL history.

To be an effective finesse fighter, you need good hand-eye coordination and quick reflexes. If you can time your punches well and deliver them with accuracy, you’ll be a tough fighter to beat.

Here are some tips on how to win fights as a finesse fighter in NHL 17:

1. Use your speed and quickness to your advantage. Try to stay on your feet and move around your opponent. This will make it harder for them to land a clean shot.

2. Time your punches well and aim for your opponent’s head. A well-placed punch can do a lot of damage and knock your opponent off balance.

3. Try to stay calm and avoid getting caught up in the moment. If you get too angry or emotional, you’ll make mistakes and leave yourself open to counterattacks.

The power forward

As a power forward, you want to be aggressive on the ice and use your size and strength to your advantage. When it comes to fighting, this means throwing a lot of punches and trying to wear down your opponent.

One of the best ways to do this is to take a few punches early in the fight to get yourself into a rhythm. Once you find your groove, start landing some big shots of your own. If you can knock down your opponent with a big punch, that’s even better.

Another thing to keep in mind is that power forwards are often better at brawling than they are at trading punches. So if you’re in a fight that’s starting to look like it’s going back-and-forth, it’s often better to just start swinging wildly and hope that you connect with something.

Lastly, remember that as a power forward, you have the advantage of being one of the biggest players on the ice. Use this to your advantage by holding onto your opponent and making it difficult for them to escape or land punches of their own.


After trying out all of the different techniques, we’ve found that the most effective way to win fights in NHL 17 is to aim for the head. You’ll want to make sure that you connect with as many punches as possible, and going for the head will give you the best chance of doing that. You should also try to target your opponent’s weak side, as that will give you a better chance of landing a knockout blow.

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