How To Win In Doubles Tennis?

How To Win In Doubles Tennis?

By following these simple tips, you can increase your chances of winning in doubles tennis. First, make sure to communicate with your partner. This will help you develop a strategy and make sure both of you are on the same page. Second, be aware of your opponents’ strengths and weaknesses and use them to your advantage. Finally, don’t be afraid to take risks – sometimes the biggest payoff comes from making a bold move.


Playing tennis with a partner can be both frustrating and rewarding. You have to learn to trust your partner while also being able to play your own game. If you want to win in doubles tennis, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success.

First, it’s important to choose the right partner. Someone who is compatible with your playing style and who you get along with on and off the court will make for a better partnership. You also want someone who is committed to winning and who is willing to put in the time to practice and improve their game.

Second, you need to have a good communication with your partner. You need to be able to talk about the strategy you want to use during the match and make sure everyone is on the same page. If there are any disagreements, they need to be resolved before the match starts so that there is no confusion during play.

Third, it’s important to focus on your own game and not worry about what your opponent is doing. You can’t control how they play, but you can control how you play. Stay focused on your own game plan and don’t let anything distract you from that.

Fourth, have confidence in yourself and your partner. Believe that you can win and that you will win. This positive attitude will go a long way in helping you actually win the match.

Finally, don’t get discouraged if you lose a few games or even a set. It happens to everyone at some point. Just keep playing andfocus on improving your game so that you can win the next time around.

The Serve

In tennis, the server begins the point, with the player serving trying to hit the ball into the opponent’s court. The receiver then tries to return the ball, and if successful, both players start hitting the ball back and forth until one of them is unable to return it, at which point the point is over. In order for a player to win a point, they must first get the ball into their opponent’s court and then hope that their opponent is unable to return it.

There are a few different ways to win in doubles tennis. One way is to hit your shots deep into your opponents’ court so that they have trouble returning them. Another way is to try and place your shots around your opponents so that they have trouble getting to them. And finally, you can also try and anticipate where your opponents are going to hit the ball and be there waiting for it.

The Return

In tennis, the return is the act of hitting the ball back to the other player. It is an important stroke in the game of tennis, as it puts immense pressure on the other player and can often result in a point.

There are two main types of return strokes in tennis: the backhand return and the forehand return. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and both can be used to great effect depending on the situation.

The backhand return is generally considered to be the easier of the two strokes, as it allows you to keep your eye on the ball for longer and get into a better position for hitting it. However, it can be more difficult to generate power with a backhand return, and it can be easy for your opponent to read your shot if you don’t disguise it well.

The forehand return is often seen as the more difficult stroke, as you have to take your eye off the ball for a split second in order to hit it cleanly. However, if executed correctly, a forehand return can be hugely powerful and difficult for your opponent to deal with. It can also be used as an unpleasant surprise if your opponent is expecting a backhand return.

The Volley

In tennis, the volley is a shot hit before the ball bounces on the ground. It is usually hit near the net and is a very important part of doubles play. Volleys are normally struck with an open racket face and are intended to be kept low over the net into your opponents’ court.

Volleys are used to keep your opponents from being able to get into a good rhythm and to avoid giving them time to set up for a big shot. Volleys can also be used to put your opponents on the defensive and force them to make errors.

One of the most important things to remember when hitting volleys is to keep your eye on the ball and never take your eye off it until it has hit your racket. You should also try to keep your arm and racket in front of you so that you can see the ball at all times.

Another important tip for volleys is to make sure that you hit them with topspin. This will keep the ball low over the net and make it harder for your opponents to reach it. You can generate topspin by using a Western grip and swinging your racket up over your head before you make contact with the ball.

If you can master these tips, then you will be well on your way to winning more doubles matches!

The Overhead

He who controls the overhead, controls the game.

In doubles tennis, the player who can execute the overhead effectively has a significant advantage over his or her opponents. The overhead is not only a powerful weapon, but it is also a surprise weapon. Most players expect their opponents to return groundstrokes, but they are not expecting an opponent to come up with a well-executed overhead.

Here are some tips on how to execute the overhead:

– First, take your time. There is no need to rush your shot. When you have time, you can take a full swing and put all your weight behind the shot. Rushing your shot will only result in a weak and uncoordinated swing.

– Second, keep your eye on the ball. It is important to track the ball from the moment your opponent hits it until the moment you make contact with it. This will help you gauge the right moment to swing and make contact with the ball at its highest point.

– Third, use your body weight to generate power. When you swing, transfer your weight from your back foot to your front foot and follow through with your swing. This will help you generate more power and spin on the ball.

By following these tips, you can develop into an effective overhead player and give yourself a great chance of winning in doubles tennis matches!

The lob

Lobbing is an important skill in doubles tennis.It can get your team out of trouble and put the other team on the defensive.Here are some tips on how to hit an effective lob:

-Hit the ball high over the net. The higher you hit it, the more time your opponents will have to run back to the baseline.
-Hit the ball deep into your opponents’ court. This will give you more time to get back to the baseline and defend your own court.
-Try to land the ball in the middle of your opponents’ court. This will make it harder for them to hit a winning shot.
-Create a high arc on your lob. This will make it harder for your opponents to return the ball.
-Use topspin on your lob. This will make the ball bounce higher when it lands, making it harder for your opponents to return it.

The Drop Shot

One of the most effective shots in tennis, the drop shot is also one of the most difficult to execute. The key is to hit the ball just over the net so that it lands short, barely clearing the service line. This forces your opponents to come forward, giving you more room to work with. When done correctly, the drop shot is a powerful weapon that can help you win matches.

The Smash

A smash is an aggressive shot hit high and deep into your opponent’s side of the court. It is used both as an offensive weapon to put your opponents on the defensive, as well as a way to put away a point when your opponents are already on the defensive.

There are two types of smashes: the forehand smash and the backhand smash. The forehand smash is hit with your dominant hand, while the backhand smash is hit with your non-dominant hand.

The backhand smash is generally considered to be more difficult than the forehand smash because you have to contort your body in order to reach the ball, and it is also harder to generate power with your non-dominant hand. However, the backhand smash can be equally as effective as the forehand smash if executed correctly.

Here are some tips on how to execute a perfect forehand or backhand smash:

Forehand Smash
-Step into the ball with your dominant foot and begin swinging your racket back as soon as you see the ball being lobbed over the net.
-At the very last second, snap your wrist so that your racket hits the ball at a downward angle. This will create topspin and help keep the ball low over the net.
-Follow through after contact and end up in a ready position so that you can defend any return shots from your opponents.

Backhand Smash
-As with the forehand smash, start swinging your racket back as soon as you see your opponent hitting a lob over the net.
-However, instead of stepping into the shot, take a small step backward with your non-dominant foot so that you can generate more power.
-Just like with the forehand smash, snap your wrist at the last second so that you make contact with the ball at a downward angle. This will again create topspin and keep the ball low over maintain balance throughout the entire shot and end up in a ready position afterward so that you can defend any return shots from your opponents

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