How To Win Mario Tennis Aces?

Here’s a guide on how to win Mario Tennis Aces matches by using some of the game’s advanced techniques.

How To Win Mario Tennis Aces?

Pick the right character

No matter how good you are at playing tennis in real life, if you don’t pick the right character in Mario Tennis Aces, you’re not going to win. That’s because each character in the game has their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Some characters are better at serving, while others have better groundstrokes. Some are better at Forehand, while others are better at Backhand.

.Choose a character that has a playing style you’re comfortable with

In order to choose the right character in Mario Tennis Aces, you need to first understand the different playing styles. Each character in the game falls into one of five categories: all-around, technique, power, defense, or speed.

All-around characters are well-rounded and can hold their own in most situations. They don’t excel in any one area, but they’re a solid choice for beginner and intermediate players.

Technique characters focus on accuracy and placement over raw power. They’re perfect for players who want to control the pace of the game and make their opponents work for every point.

Power characters are all about smashing the ball as hard as they can. They’re ideal for players who want to finish points quickly and don’t mind sacrificing a little accuracy for raw power.

Defense characters have the best defensive stats in the game, making them perfect for players who want to make their opponents work for every point.

Finally, speed characters are the quickest in the game and excel at rushing to the ball and winning points with quick volleys. They’re perfect for players who want an aggressive play style.

.Choose a character that suits the stage you’re playing on

Not all Mario Tennis Aces characters are created equal. While some have a great all-around game, others are more specialized, excelling in only one or two areas. That’s why it’s important to choose the right character for the stage you’re playing on.

For example, stages with a lot of obstacles might be better suited for a character like Yoshi, who has a strong ground game and can easily clear obstacles. In contrast, a stage with wide open spaces might be better suited for a character like Peach, who has a strong volley game and can cover the court quickly.

Of course, there’s no one perfect character for every stage, so ultimately it will come down to personal preference. But if you’re just starting out, we recommend trying out a few different characters to see which suits your playstyle the best.

Use all the strokes

You can use all the strokes in Mario Tennis Aces. You can use different strokes for different situations. For example, if you want to hit a low shot, you can use a backhand stroke. If you want to hit a high shot, you can use a forehand stroke. If you want to hit a shot with spin, you can use a topspin stroke. You can also use a slice stroke to hit a shot with less spin.


Topspin is a type of stroke in tennis where the ball is hit with topspin, causing it to rotate rapidly backwards as it moves through the air. This gives the ball extra bounce when it hits the ground, making it difficult for your opponent to return.

Topspin strokes can be hit using different strokes depending on your position on the court and the amount of time you have to hit the ball. For example, a forehand stroke will generate more topspin than a backhand stroke.

If you are close to the net, you can generate topspin by hitting the ball with an overhand stroke. This is often used as an approach shot to get the ball close to your opponent’s baseline.

If you are further away from the net, you can generate topspin by hitting the ball with an underhand stroke. Thisstroke is often used when your opponent is at the net and you need to get the ball past them.

You can also generate topspin by hitting the ball with a slice strokes. This type of stroke hits the ball with sidespin which makes it rotate backwards as it moves through the air. Slice strokes are often used when your opponent is at the net and you need to keep the ball low over their head.


The slice is accomplished by holding the Joy-Con in your dominant hand and tilting it downwards at a 45-degree angle. You can add backspin to the ball by pushing the left joystick down and to the left or right (depending on which way you want the ball to spin). If done correctly, the ball will make a “zzt” sound as it hits the ground, letting you know that you’ve added spin. If you want to hit a low slice, just make sure to keep your wrist tilted when you swing.


If your opponent is far away from the baseline, then a lob can be an effective shot. Execute a lob by pressing and holding the L button and then using the control stick to loft the ball over your opponent’s head. It can be tricky to get the hang of, but once you do you’ll be able to keep your opponent on their toes.

Use Zone Shots

In Mario Tennis Aces, you can use different types of Zone Shots to beat your opponents. There are four Zone Shots in total, and each one has a different effect. The first Zone Shot is the Topspin Zone Shot, which will make the ball bounce high. The second Zone Shot is the Slice Zone Shot, which will make the ball spin. The third Zone Shot is the Drop Shot, which will make the ball drop quickly. The fourth and final Zone Shot is the Lob Zone Shot, which will make the ball go high and over your opponent’s head.

.Learn the timing

After much trial and error, I’ve finally determined the perfect timing for a zone shot in Mario Tennis Aces. For a backcourt shot, you want to release the ball at the highest point of your backswing. For a frontcourt shot, you want to release the ball at the lowest point of your forward swing. As for where to aim, I find that it’s best to slightly adjust your aiming reticle based on which type of zone shot you’re using.

If you’re using a topspin zone shot, aim lower than normal. If you’re using a slice zone shot, aim higher than normal. And if you’re using a lob zone shot, aim dead-center. Of course, all of this assumes that your opponent is standing still. If they’re running towards or away from you, then you’ll need to adjust your timing and aim accordingly.

.Choose the right Zone Shot

There are four different Zone Shots in Mario Tennis Aces, and they’re not all created equal.

The first thing to understand is how they all work. Each Zone Shot takes a second to charge up, and if you don’t hit the button again at the right moment, your player will just hit the ball normally. All of them also have a tell, which is a movement your player will make before they launch the shot. If you see your opponent getting ready to make one of these moves, you can press the L Button to block it.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s take a look at each shot so you can decide which is right for your playing style.

The Topspin Zone Shot: This is probably the most well-rounded of the bunch. It goes straight for a few seconds and then starts spinning downwards, making it difficult for your opponent to return. The tell for this shot is that your player will raise their racket above their head before they swing.

The Slice Zone Shot: This shot starts out going straight and then breaks sharply to the left or right (depending on which way you’re facing). The tell for this shot is that your player will swing their racket across their body before they hit the ball.

The Lob Zone Shot: This one goes high into the air, making it hard for your opponent to reach it. The tell for this shot is that your player will raise their racket above their head before they swing.

TheDrop Shot Zone Shot: This one goes straight for a few seconds and then drops suddenly just before it reaches the other side of the court. The tell for this shot is that your player will hold their racket out in front of them before they swing

Use Special Shots

The easiest way to beat your friends or family in a game of Mario Tennis Aces is to use Special Shots. These are incredibly powerful strokes that can be unleashed by filling up a energy meter. Not only will they guarantee a point, but they can also disrupt your opponent’s play.

.Get familiar with the different Special Shots

There are a variety of different Special Shots in Mario Tennis Aces, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. To help you get started, we’ve put together a quick guide on each of the different shots.

Normal Shot: This is your standard shot, and can be used to keep the rally going or put pressure on your opponent.

Topspin Shot: A topspin shot will deflect down after hitting the ground, making it perfect for getting the ball over the net when your opponent is at the back of the court. However, it’s important to note that this shot takes longer to charge than a normal shot.

Slice Shot: A slice shot will deflect off to the side after hitting the ground, making it ideal for catching your opponents off-guard. Like the topspin shot, this one takes longer to charge than a normal shot.

Lob Shot: A lob shot is perfect for putting your opponent on the defensive, giving you time to recover from a bad position on the court. It’s also useful for clearing obstacles in Adventure Mode. However, lob shots take even longer to charge than regular or specialty shots.

Charge Shot: A charge shot is a powerful special shot that can break through an opponent’s racket if they’re not careful. However, it’s important to note that thisshot can only be used once per rally, and takes quite some time to charge up.

.Choose the right Special Shot for the situation

Each Special Shot in Mario Tennis Aces serves a specific purpose. Some are more useful than others, but they’re all viable options depending on the situation. Here’s a quick rundown on each Special Shot and when you should (or shouldn’t) use them.

-Charge Shot: This is your basic tennis shot. It’s not particularly powerful or special, but it doesn’t have any big drawbacks either. Use it when you need to make a basic shot and don’t have anything else available.

-Topspin Shot: This shot gives your ball extra spin, making it bounce higher and making it harder for your opponent to return. Use it when you need to get the ball over a particularly tall opponent, or when you want to make life difficult for an opponent who likes to stay at the back of the court.

-Slice Shot: This shot makes your ball slice through the air, making it dip sharply as soon as it bounces. This can be useful for getting the ball over a low-lying net, or for putting your opponent off balance with an unpredictable bounce. Just be careful not to use it too often, as your opponents will learn to expect it and will start to anticipate where the ball is going to end up.

-Lob Shot: This is perhaps the most versatile of all the Special Shots. It sends the ball high into the air, giving you time to move into position for a winning shot. It can also be used as a defensive shot, forcing your opponent to move back and giving you time to recover if you’re out of position. Use it whenever you need some extra time to get into position, or when you want to put your opponent under pressure with a high lob.

-Drop Shot: The Drop Shot is similar to the Lob Shot in that it forces your opponent to move back, but instead of going high into the air, it just drops sharply as soon as it bounces. This can be useful for catching your opponents off guard, but be careful not to use it too often or they’ll learn to expect it and will start positioning themselves closer to the net in anticipation.

Use the right racket

The right racket in Mario Tennis Aces can help you take your game to the next level. With the right racket, you can achieve more power, spin, and control. You can also customize your racket to fit your playing style. In this article, we will show you how to choose the right racket and provide some tips on how to use it.

.Choose a racket that suits your playing style

In Mario Tennis Aces, rackets come in all shapes, sizes and colors. But with so many options to choose from, it can be hard to decide which racket is right for your playing style.

In this guide, we’ll break down the different types of rackets available in Mario Tennis Aces, and help you choose the right one for your playing style.

Racquets can be broadly divided into three categories: power, control and all-around.

Power racquets are designed for players who want to hit the ball hard and don’t mind sacrificing a little bit of control for extra power. Control racquets are the polar opposite – they offer more control at the expense of power. And all-around racquets are just that – a compromise between power and control that offers a good blend of both.

So, which type of racket should you choose? That depends on your playing style. If you’re a aggressive player who likes to take risks, then a power racket might be the best choice for you. If you’re more conservative and prefer to play it safe, then a control racket might suit you better. And if you’re somewhere in between, then an all-around racket might be the best option.

Of course, it’s not always that simple. There are other factors to consider when choosing a racket, such as weight, balance and grip size. But if you’re just starting out, then focusing on power, control or all-around will help narrow down your choices and get you on your way to finding the perfect racket for your game.

.Choose a racket that has the right stats for the situation

When you’re just starting out it’s hard to know which racket is best. Each one has different stats, and it can be confusing to know what they all mean. For the most part, you’ll want to choose a racket that has a good balance of all the stats. But there are some situations where you might want to focus on one stat in particular.

If you’re playing against an opponent who is very good at making shots, you might want to choose a racket that has higher Control. This will help you keep your shots in the court and make it more difficult for your opponent to hit a winner.

If you’re playing against an opponent who hits the ball very hard, you might want to choose a racket with higher Power. This will help you defend against their powerful shots and allow you to hit some winners of your own.

You can also change your racket during a match if you find that the one you’re using isn’t working well. To do this, press + while on the main court screen. You’ll see a menu where you can select from any of the rackets you have unlocked.

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