How To Win Overtime In The NFL

How To Win Overtime In The NFL: Get the inside scoop on how to win the big game from the players and coaches who know best.


In the NFL, the team that scores first in overtime wins the game. This article will give you some tips on how to win overtime in the NFL.

1. Be patient on offense. Don’t try to score too quickly. The goal is to get into field goal range so that you can win the game with a kick.

2. Be aggressive on defense. Try to force a turnover so that your offense can get good field position and have a chance to score.

3. Win the coin toss. This will give your team a chance to score first and put pressure on the other team’s offense.

4. Keep your cool. Don’t let the pressure of overtime get to you. Stay focused and execute your game plan.

The Importance Of Field Position

Field position is often said to be the most important aspect of overtime in the NFL. The team that starts with the ball on offense has a big advantage, as they can potentially score a touchdown without their opponents ever touching the ball. The team that starts on defense also has a big advantage, as they can prevent their opponents from ever getting into scoring position.

To understand why field position is so important, it helps to understand how overtime works in the NFL. Each team gets one possession, and if neither team scores, the game ends in a tie. If one team scores a touchdown, they win. If one team scores a field goal, they win if their opponents don’t score on their possession. If both teams score field goals, or if both teams score touchdowns on their possessions, the game goes into sudden death, and the first team to score wins.

Because of this format, it’s very important for each team to try to get as close to their opponent’s end zone as possible before attempting to score. The closer you are to your opponent’s end zone, the more likely you are to score. And if you’re on your opponent’s side of the field, you have a much better chance of preventing them from ever getting into scoring position.

There are a few things that teams can do to try to improve their field position in overtime. First, they can kick off deep into their opponent’s territory. This gives them a good chance of getting the ball back near midfield, or even in their own territory. Second, they can try an onside kick. This is a risky play, but if it works it can give them excellent field position. Finally, they can punt the ball deep into their opponent’s territory and hope for a good return.

All of these strategies are designed to give one team an advantage over the other in field position. And while there is no guarantee that any of these strategies will work, they certainly increase your chances of winning in overtime.

The Importance Of Time Of Possession

In the NFL, the team that wins the overtime coin toss has a big advantage. They can choose to receive the ball, and if they score a touchdown on their opening drive, the game is over. The other team never even gets a chance to touch the ball.

That’s why time of possession is so important in the NFL. The team that controls the clock is more likely to win the game, especially in close games. In fact, teams that have held the ball for more than 35 minutes have won nearly 80% of their games since 2010.

Why is time of possession so important? There are a few reasons.

First, the longer your offense is on the field, the more likely you are to score points. If you have the ball for 15 minutes in the first half and 20 minutes in the second half, you’re more likely to score than if you only have it for 10 minutes in each half.

Second, when your offense is on the field, your defense gets a rest. And a fresh defense is more likely to make stops and get turnovers than a tired one.

Finally, controlling the clock keeps your opponent’s offense off the field. The less time they have with the ball, the less chance they have of scoring points.

So how do you control time of possession? There are a few ways:

-Run the ball: The most obvious way to control time of possession is to run lots of plays and clock-killing drives that eat up large chunks of time. Teams that run more plays tend to hold onto the ball for longer periods of time than teams that pass frequently. Of course, this isn’t always possible or desirable; sometimes you need to score quickly and can’t afford to take too much time off the clock. But in general, running plays will help you control time of possession.
– Avoid turnovers: Turnovers are always bad, but they’re especially costly when they happen deep in your own territory or late in the game when you’re trying to kill some clock. If you can avoid turnovers, you’ll be able to keep your offense on the field longer and give your defense some much-needed rest.
– Convert on third downs: Another way to extend drives and control time of possession is by converting on third downs . If you can keep getting first downs instead of punting or kicking field goals , you’ll be able to hold ontothe ball for longer periods of time . And as we mentioned before , holding onto then ba ll keeps y our opponent ’s offense off t he fiel d .

The Importance Of Turnovers

While both teams have the same amount of time to score in overtime, the team that wins the coin toss has a big advantage. The team that wins the coin toss can choose to either receive or defer, and if they choose to receive, they can score a touchdown on the first drive and end the game. In essence, the team that wins the coin toss has two chances to score while their opponents only have one.

However, this advantage can be negated if the team that loses the coin toss can force a turnover. If the team that loses the coin toss forces a punt, they will at least get one chance to score. But if they can force a turnovers, they will get two chances to score – just like their opponents.

Therefore, it is imperative that teams try to force turnovers in overtime. The best way to do this is by putting pressure on the quarterback with blitzes and by playing man coverage in the secondary so that there are less defenders back to help defend against the run.

The Importance Of Special Teams

Special teams play a vital role in the outcome of any NFL game, and that is especially true in overtime. In a close game, good special teams can be the difference between winning and losing.

The most important player on special teams is the kicker. A good kicker can win a game with a long field goal, or keep his team in it with timely extra points. A bad kicker can lose a game just as easily.

Punters are also important, as they can help prevent the other team from having good field position. A well-timed punt can be just as valuable as a long field goal.

Finally, the return game is always important. A big return can give a team excellent field position, and sometimes even result in a touchdown.


Overtime in the NFL can be a bit of a crapshoot, but there are certain things you can do to give your team the best chance of winning the coin toss and getting the ball first.

1. First and foremost, make sure your team is well-rested and prepared for the extra time. This means having fresh legs on the field and having a game plan that is designed to take advantage of your opponent’s weaknesses.
2. If you win the coin toss, elect to receive the ball. This will put your opponent on their heels and force them to play from behind.
3. Take advantage of field position and score early in overtime. This will put pressure on your opponent and force them to take risks that they may not otherwise take.
4. Be aggressive on both sides of the ball and don’t let up until the final whistle blows. The key to winning overtime games is to outwork and outlast your opponent.

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