How WWE Should Have Booked The Invasion?

The WWE’s Invasion storyline was one of the most anticipated and hyped up storylines in company history.
However, many fans were left disappointed with the way the story played out.
In this blog post, we explore how WWE could have booked the Invasion storyline differently and made it the success it should have been.

How WWE Should Have Booked The Invasion?

WWE should have let The Rock join nWo

The WWE Invasion angle is often cited as one of, if not the, worst story arc in company history. The original plan was for WCW and ECW superstars to come in and take over WWE, but it was executed so poorly that it resulted in some of the lowest ratings in company history.

One of the biggest missed opportunities was not letting The Rock join nWo. The Rock was one of the most popular superstars in WWE at the time and would have been a huge asset to the nWo. He would have brought a level of legitimacy to the group that they desperately needed.

The nWo needed someone who could go toe-to-toe with Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock was the perfect candidate. He had the charisma and star power to carry the group to new heights. Unfortunately, WWE creative dropped the ball and The Rock never joined nWo.

WWE should have let Stone Cold join The Alliance

While the buildup to the 2001 brand extension was great and the actual Invasion angle was a lot of fun, the WWE booking of The Invasion itself left a lot to be desired.

There were a number of missteps made by WWE during The Invasion, but perhaps the biggest one was not letting Stone Cold Steve Austin join The Alliance.

Stone Cold was, and still is, one of the most popular wrestlers in WWE history. His popularity transcends wrestling and he is still to this day one of the most recognizable names in all of entertainment.

At the time of The Invasion, Stone Cold had just returned from a neck injury that had sidelined him for over a year. His return at Wrestlemania 17 was met with massive cheers and he was once again at the top of his game.

Stone Cold joining The Alliance would have been a huge moment and would have given them instant credibility. It would have also been a major blow to WWE and would have created some interesting storyline possibilities.

Unfortunately, WWE didn’t see it that way and Stone Cold remained on the sidelines for most of The Invasion angle. He did eventually join forces with Team WWE at Survivor Series 2001, but by then it was too little too late.

WWE should have let Kurt Angle join The Alliance

In order for The Invasion to have been successful, WWE should have let Kurt Angle join The Alliance. By doing so, it would have given The Alliance a much needed boost in credibility and would have resulted in a more evenly balanced war between the two factions. Furthermore, it would have allowed WWE to tell a more compelling story of Kurt Angle being torn between his loyalties to WWE and The Alliance.

WWE should have let The Undertaker join The Alliance

TheUndertaker joining The Alliance would have been the most logical move for WWE to make during The Invasion. Not only was he one of the top stars in WWE at the time, but he was also a legitimate main event star who could have helped carry the load for The Alliance. Furthermore, The Undertaker was a heel at the time and aligning him with The Alliance would have given them another top heel to work with.

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