Howies Hockey Wax: The Best Way to Keep Your Skates Sharp

Howies Hockey Wax is the best way to keep your skates sharp. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your skates will be able to withstand the rigors of the game.


Howies hockey wax is a product that has been specially formulated to keep your skates sharp. It is made from a blend of waxes and oils that help to protect the blades from corrosion and wear. The wax also helps to keep the blades in good condition by providing a barrier against moisture and dirt.

What is Hockey Wax?

Hockey wax, also known as Skate Laces is a substance used to lubricate and protect the blades of Ice skates It is applied to the bottom of the blade with a special applicator and then rubbed into the metal to form a thin, protective film. Hockey wax can also be used to buff out scratches in the metal and to keep the blades from rusting.

The Benefits of Hockey Wax

Most people think of hockey wax as a way to keep their skates sharp, but it can also be used to protect your blades from rust and corrosion. Hockey wax is made of a special blend of beeswax and carnuba wax, which helps to lubricate the metal and prevent rust from forming. Carnuba is the hardest natural wax available, so it provides a good barrier against the elements. In addition to keeping your blades clean and dry, hockey wax can also be used to buff out scratches and scuffs.

How to Apply Hockey Wax

If you’re a hockey player then you know how important it is to keep your skates sharp. Skates that are not properly waxed can be dangerous and make it difficult to play the game

Howies Hockey Wax is the best way to keep your skates sharp. The wax is easy to apply and will make your skates last longer.

To apply the wax, simply rub it on the blade of your skate with a rag or your finger. Be sure to cover the entire blade, including the edges. Once the wax is applied, you’re ready to hit the ice!

How to Remove Hockey Wax

There are a few different ways that you can remove hockey wax from your skates. The first way is to use a skate sharpener. This is the most common way to remove wax and it is also the easiest way. All you need to do is to put your skates on the skate sharpener and turn it on. The skate sharpener will do all of the work for you and will remove the wax in just a few seconds.

Another way that you can remove hockey wax from your skates is to use a hairdryer. This method is not as common as using a skate sharpener, but it does work well. All you need to do is to heat up the wax with the hairdryer and then wipe it off with a cloth.

The last way that you can remove hockey wax from your skates is to use a putty knife. This method is not as common as the other two, but it does work. All you need to do is to insert the putty knife under the wax and then lever it off.

The Different Types of Hockey Wax

There are many different types of hockey wax, each with their own specific purpose. Wax can be used to protect your skates from rust, to keep them sharp, and to improve your glide on the ice. It is important to choose the right type of wax for your needs in order to get the most out of it.

There are three main types of hockey wax: skate Guards, paraffin wax, and fluorocarbon wax. Skate guards are made of a hard plastic and are used to protect your skate blades from nicks and rust. Paraffin wax is a softer wax that is applied to the bottom of your skates in order to improve your glide. Fluorocarbon wax is the hardest type of wax and is used on the edges of your skate blades in order to keep them sharp.

Skate guards are the most common type of hockey wax and can be found at most Sporting Goods stores. Paraffin wax must be purchased from a specialty store or online retailer. Fluorocarbon wax is the most expensive type of hockey wax and can also be difficult to find.

The Best Hockey Wax for Your Skates

There are a few different types of hockey wax, but most people opt for skateparaffin, also known as skate wax. Skate wax comes in a variety of colors, but the most popular are clear and black. You can also find skate wax in different formulations, such as hard, soft, or medium.

Skateparaffin is applied to the blade of the skate with a cloth or brush. The purpose of skate wax is to reduce friction and allow the blade to glide more smoothly on the ice. It also helps to protect the blade from rust and corrosion.

Skate wax can be reapplied as needed, but it should be replaced every few weeks or so if you use your skates regularly. When you’re ready to replace your skate wax, be sure to clean off all the old wax first so that the new wax will adhere properly.

How to Store Hockey Wax

Hockey wax can be a great way to keep your skates sharp and protect them from corrosion. However, it is important to store your hockey wax properly in order to keep it in good condition. Here are some tips on how to store hockey wax:

-Store hockey wax in a cool, dry place.
– Keep hockey wax away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
– If you are storing hockey wax for a long period of time, consider sealing it in an airtight container.
– Check on your hockey wax regularly to make sure it is still in good condition.

Troubleshooting Hockey Wax

If you’re having trouble getting your skates to stay sharp you might want to try using hockey wax. Hockey wax is a special kind of wax that is designed to help skaters keep their blades sharp and free of rust.

There are a few things you can do to troubleshoot your hockey wax before you use it. First, make sure that the blade of your skate is clean and dry. If there is any moisture on the blade, the hockey wax will not be able to adhere properly.

Next, hold the hockey wax up to the light to make sure that it is not too soft or too hard. If the wax is too soft, it will not be able to grip the skate blade properly. If the wax is too hard, it will be difficult to spread evenly on the blade.

Finally, make sure that you are using the right kind of hockey wax for your skating style. If you are a figure skater, you will need a different kind of hockey wax than if you are a hockey player Figure skaters generally use softer waxes that are designed for jumps and spins. Hockey Players need a harder wax that can withstand the rigors of checking and body contact.


If you’re looking for the best way to keep your skates sharp, look no further than Howies Hockey Wax. This product is specifically designed to keep your skates in Top Condition and it does a great job of it too. I’ve used Howies Hockey Wax for years, and it’s never let me down.

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