Is A Baseball Heavier Than A Softball?

Have you ever wondered if a baseball is heavier than a softball? We took the time to find out and here is what we discovered.


In baseball, two different types of balls are used: a hard baseball and a softball. Both balls are about the same size, but a softball is softer and lighter than a baseball.

Most people think that a baseball is heavier than a softball because it is harder. However, this is not always the case. In fact, some softballs are actually heavier than baseballs.

The weight of a ball does not necessarily determine how hard it is. The hardness of a ball is determined by the type of materials it is made from and how those materials are put together.

So, which type of ball is actually heavier? It depends on the specific ball in question.

What is the difference between a baseball and a softball?

A baseball is a round, hard ball used in the sport of baseball. A softball is a softer ball used in the sport of softball. The main difference between the two is their size. Baseballs are typically 9 inches in circumference and weigh 5 ounces. Softballs are typically 11 inches in circumference and weigh 7 ounces.

The size of the ball

The biggest difference between a baseball and a softball is the size of the ball. A regulation baseball is 9 inches in circumference, while a softball is only 7 inches. This makes the softball much easier to hit, which is why it is often used in beginner leagues. The smaller size also means that the softball doesn’t travel as far when hit, so the infield and outfield dimensions are smaller in softball games.

The weight of the ball

One of the main differences between a baseball and a softball is the weight of the ball. A regulation baseball weighs between 5 and 5.25 ounces, while a softball typically weighs between 6 and 7 ounces. This difference in weight can make a big difference in how the ball travels when hit.

Does the weight of the ball affect how far it can be hit?

The weight of the ball does affect how far it can be hit. A heavier ball will travel further than a lighter ball. However, the type of batting surface also affects how far the ball will travel. For example, a softball will travel further on grass than it will on concrete.


In conclusion, a baseball is not necessarily heavier than a softball. It all depends on the weight and size of the ball.

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