Is AEW or WWE Really Better?

AEW vs WWE. Which is better? AEW or WWE? Is AEW or WWE really better?


AEW is a wrestling promotion that was founded in 2019. The company is owned by Tony Khan, who is also the owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars. AEW has a roster of talented wrestlers, many of whom have worked for WWE in the past.


When comparing AEW vs WWE, it’s important to first look at the pros of each company.

AEW is a newer company, so they are still making improvements and adding new features. They are also more willing to take risks, which can lead to more interesting matches and storylines. Additionally, AEW has a more diverse roster, which can provide viewers with a wider range of wrestling styles to enjoy.

WWE, on the other hand, is an established company with a long history in the wrestling world. They have a large roster of superstars and a wide range of programming available. WWE also offers fans the opportunity to see their favorite wrestlers perform in person at live events.


While AEW is considered by many to be a more wrestling-centric organization, there are some drawbacks that must be considered. One of the biggest issues is that AEW has very few marquee names on its roster. Yes, Chris Jericho is a big name and Kenny Omega is gaining popularity, but outside of those two, there aren’t many household names. In contrast, WWE has John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns, and The Rock (part-time). While AEW is trying to build stars, WWE already has them.
Monetary issues could also plague AEW in the long run. WWE is a publicly traded company that generates a ton of revenue. While AEW is privately owned by billionaire Shad Khan, it’s not generating nearly as much money as WWE. This could limit AEW’s ability to sign top free agents and pay its stars competitive salaries. Lastly, WWE has a decades-long head start on AEW. Vince McMahon’s company has been around since the 1980s and has established itself as the premier wrestling organization in the world. It will take time for AEW to catch up to WWE in terms of name recognition and overall popularity


AEW is a new wrestling company that many people believe is better than WWE. AEW has better wrestlers, better storylines, and a better overall product. WWE is a stale company that has been around for too long and is in need of a change. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each company.


As of right now, WWE is the top wrestling organization in the world. They have the most recognizable names, the most history, and the most money. WWE also puts on supposedly better shows and has a more professional feel to it. The athletes in WWE are also more muscular and athletic than those in AEW.


While WWE might be the more well-known wrestling organization, that doesn’t necessarily make it the better one. In fact, there are a number of reasons why WWE is not as good as AEW.

First and foremost, WWE has a much more restrictive environment. There are far fewer opportunities for creativity and innovation in WWE, which can lead to stagnation. In contrast, AEW has a much more open environment which allows wrestlers to try new things and experiment. This has resulted in some really fresh and exciting matches that are far more enjoyable to watch than anything WWE has to offer.

Another issue with WWE is that its focus on entertainment value often comes at the expense of the athletes themselves. Injuries are commonplace in WWE due to the chaotic and physically demanding nature of the matches. AEW, on the other hand, puts a greater emphasis on safety, which results in far fewer injuries. This allows the athletes to perform at their best and provides fans with a much more enjoyable product.

Finally, WWE has a very poor track record when it comes to treating its employees fairly. There have been numerous stories of wrestlers being mistreated or underpaid by WWE, which is unacceptable. AEW, by contrast, seems to be doing a much better job of taking care of its wrestlers and providing them with fair compensation.

Which is better?

On the surface, it would appear that WWE is the better option. They have been in business for a longer period of time, they are more well known, and they have a lot more resources. However, AEW has been rapidly gaining ground and has already established itself as a viable competitor.

There are a number of factors to consider when deciding which is better. First, it depends on what you are looking for in a wrestling organization. If you prefer a more traditional style of wrestling, then WWE is probably the better option. If you are looking for something more cutting edge and experimental, then AEW might be the better choice.

Second, it also depends on what kind of fan you are. If you are looking for a wrestling organization that is more family-friendly, then WWE is probably the better option. However, if you don’t mind some adult content and violence, then AEW might be the better choice.

Finally, it also depends on your personal preferences. There is no right or wrong answer here; it ultimately comes down to what YOU prefer. So if you are trying to decide between WWE and AEW, ask yourself what YOU are looking for in a wrestling organization and make your decision based on that.

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