Is Apex Legends An Esport?

A look at whether or not Respawn Entertainment’s Apex Legends has what it takes to make it as an esport.

What is Apex Legends?

Apex Legends is a free-to-play battle royale game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on February 4, 2019, without any prior announcement or marketing. The game is set in the same science fiction universe as Respawn’s Titanfall series.

Apex Legends is a teams-based game in which up to 20 three-person squads land on an island and search for weapons and other resources before attempting to eliminate all other players in combat. The final team standing wins the match.

What makes a good esport?

With the recent popularity of Apex Legends, there has been a lot of talk about whether or not the game can be classified as an esport. So, what makes a good esport? There are really only three criteria that need to be met:

1. There needs to be a competitive scene with organized tournaments and leagues.
2. There needs to be spectator interest, with people tuning in to watch the competitions.
3. There needs to be enough money involved to support professional players and teams.

Apex Legends meets all of these criteria. There is already a competitive scene forming, with multiple tournaments being hosted and even some professional teams signing up players. There is also a lot of spectator interest, with people tuning in to watch matches online. And finally, there is plenty of money involved, with companies like EA investing heavily in the game’s future as an esport.

So yes, Apex Legends is definitely an esport.

Does Apex Legends have what it takes to be an esport?

Apex Legends is a online multiplayer battle royale game that was released in 2019. The game has gained a lot of popularity since its release and has even been compared to games like Fortnite and PUBG. While the game is certainly very popular, the question remains: does Apex Legends have what it takes to be an esport?

There are a few things that are typically required for a game to be successful as an esport. Firstly, the game must be easy to watch and understand for spectators. This is important because spectators make up a large portion of the esports audience. Secondly, there must be a competitive scene around the game with professional teams and players. And finally, the game must have some sort of longevity, meaning it must be able to keep players interested for long periods of time.

Apex Legends ticks all of these boxes. The game is easy to watch and understand, thanks to its very fast-paced and action-packed gameplay. In addition, there is already a very competitive scene around the game, with many professional teams and players competing in various tournaments. And finally, the fact that Apex Legends is constantly introducing new content (such as new seasons and newLegendss) means that players are likely to stick around for a long time to come.

All things considered, it seems likely that Apex Legends will continue to grow as an esport in the years to come.

3.1 The game itself

Apex Legends is a Free-2-Play Hero Shooter set in the Titanfall Universe. The game released on February 4th, 2019, and has seen massive success with over 50 million players as of March 2019. The game itself is a BR (Battle Royale) made up of 3-man squads that are dropped into an ever-shrinking map filled with 20 other teams. The last team standing at the end of the match wins. There are currently 8 playable Legends, each with their own unique abilities that allow for multiple different playstyles within a team.

The game has been incredibly popular since release, with professional players from all over the FPS genre giving it a try. It has been streamed on Twitch by some of the biggest names in gaming, and has even had tournaments with large prize pools hosted by 3rd parties just days after release. So the question remains; Is Apex Legends an Esport?

3.2 The community

It seems as if every game that comes out these days is touted as an esport. While some games are more suited for competitive play than others, the truth is that any game can be an esport if there is a community around it. So, the question remains, is Apex Legends an esport?

The answer, quite simply, is yes. Apex Legends has all the necessary ingredients to be a successful esport. It has a growing community of passionate and engaged players, a thriving professional scene with multiple tournaments and leagues, and developer support in the form of dedicated servers and an in-game tournament mode.

However, while Apex Legends may have all the necessary ingredients to be an esport, it remains to be seen whether it will reach the same level of popularity as other games in the genre such as Fortnite and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Only time will tell.

3.3 The infrastructure

In order for a game to be an esport, it must have several things in place. The game must be designed with a competitive scene in mind, there must be a demand for it from both players and spectators, and there must be an infrastructure — that is, a system of leagues, tournaments, and other professional competitions — to support it.

Apex Legends has all of these things. It is a game that is easy to watch and exciting to play, with a growing competitive scene and ample opportunity for professional competition.

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