Is Baseball In The 2020 Olympics?

Baseball was last in the Olympics in 2008. Find out if baseball will make a return to the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo.

Is Baseball In The 2020 Olympics?


The 2020 Summer Olympics will be the first time that baseball has been featured in the Olympics since the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Baseball was dropped from the 2012 London Olympics program and was not included in the 2016 Rio de Janeiro games. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) voted to reinstate baseball for the 2020 Tokyo games.

The History of Baseball in the Olympics

Baseball has been played in the Olympics on and off since its debut appearance at the 1904 Summer Olympics in St. Louis, Missouri. In 1992, baseball became an official medal sport at the Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Spain. However, after being featured in the 2000, 2008, and 2012 Summer Olympics, baseball was dropped from the list of sports for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

The International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) decision to remove baseball from the 2020 Tokyo games was based on several reasons. One reason was that not enough countries fielded competitive teams. In 2012, only eight countries competed in baseball at the Summer Olympics. The IOC also cited a lack of popularity for baseball as another reason for its removal. In comparison, games such as soccer and basketball are widely popular globally and have many countries competing at a high level.

The removal of baseball from the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics was disappointing news for fans of the sport. However, there is still a chance that baseball could be reinstated for future Olympic games.

The Pros of Baseball in the Olympics

Baseball has been in the Olympics before. It was an official sport in the Summer Olympics of 1992, 1996, and 2000. Baseball was also a demonstration sport in the 1984 Summer Olympics. It is one of the most popular sports in the world, so it makes sense that it would be included in the Olympics.

Some pros of baseball being in the Olympics are that it would bring more attention to the sport, and it would give players from different countries a chance to compete against each other. Baseball is already a very global sport, with players from all over the world playing in Major League Baseball (MLB). Adding baseball to the Olympics would only make it more popular.

Another pro is that it would give countries who don’t normally have strong baseball teams a chance to compete on a global stage. For example, countries like China and India have populations of over 1 billion people, but they don’t currently have strong baseball teams. If baseball were in the Olympics, it would give these countries a chance to develop their baseball programs and maybe even win a medal.

The cons of baseball being in the Olympics are that it could take away from MLB’s regular season, and players might not want to play in the Olympics because of the risk of injury. However, these are both issues that could be resolved with proper planning. For example, MLB could schedule its regular season around the Olympic Games so that players wouldn’t have to miss any games. As for injuries, players could be given insurance coverage by their teams or by Major League Baseball itself so that they wouldn’t have to worry about getting hurt while playing for their country.

Overall, there are more pros than cons to baseball being in the Olympics. It is a popular sport that is already global, and it would give countries who don’t normally have strong baseball teams a chance to compete on a global stage.

The Cons of Baseball in the Olympics

The primary concern with having baseball in the Olympics is that it could be detrimental to the MLB season. The last thing baseball fans want is for their favorite players to get hurt during the Olympics, and then have to miss time during the MLB season. This is a valid concern, as many of the top players in the world are also the top players in the MLB.

Another concern is that baseball is not as widely played as some of other sports in the Olympics, such as track and field or swimming. This could lead to some unfairness in competition, as teams from countries where baseball is not as popular would be at a disadvantage.

Finally, there is also the question of whether or not baseball would be interesting enough to warrant being an Olympic sport. Some fans feel that it is not as fast-paced or exciting as other sports, and that it would not be a good fit for the Olympics.

These are all valid concerns that should be considered before making a decision on whether or not to include baseball in the 2020 Olympics.


As of right now, baseball is not scheduled to be in the 2020 Olympics. However, there is a possibility that it could be added as a demonstration sport. This means that while baseball would not be an official part of the Olympics, there would be exhibition games and events leading up to the main event.

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