Is Baseball or Football More Popular in America?

A close look at the numbers shows that baseball is more popular than football in America.

Is Baseball or Football More Popular in America?


There are many different types of sports in America, but baseball and football are two of the most popular. Both sports have a long history in the country and are followed by millions of fans. So, which one is more popular?

There are a few ways to measure popularity, such as TV ratings, attendance numbers, and merchandise sales. And when you compare these measures, it’s clear that baseball is more popular than football.

For example, baseball games regularly have higher TV ratings than football games. In 2015, the average MLB game had 2.5 million viewers, while the average NFL game had 2.1 million viewers. That may not seem like a big difference, but it adds up when you consider that there are far more football games than baseball games each year.

Similarly, baseball games also have higher attendance numbers than football games. In 2015, the MLB had an average attendance of 30,000 fans per game, while the NFL had an average attendance of 68,000 fans per game. Again, this may not seem like a big difference, but when you factor in the number of games played each year, it’s clear that more people are attending baseball games than football games.

Finally, baseball merchandise sales are also higher than football merchandise sales. In 2015, MLB merchandise sales totaled $3.4 billion, while NFL merchandise sales totaled $2.9 billion. This difference may be due to the fact that baseball has been around for longer than football and therefore has more recognizable franchises and players.

History of Baseball

The game of baseball can be traced back to the early 1800s, when it was first developed as a game similar to cricket. It wasn’t until the mid-19th century that baseball began to gain popularity in America, and by the late 1800s it had become the nation’s favorite pastime. Baseball’s popularity only continued to grow in the 20th century, as the game became increasingly organized and professionalized. Today, baseball is still one of America’s most popular sports, with millions of fans tuning in to watch Major League Baseball games every year.

While football may not have been invented in America, it has certainly become one of the country’s most popular sports. Football first gained popularity in colleges in the late 19th century, and it wasn’t long before professional teams began to spring up as well. Today, football is one of the most popular sports in America, with the National Football League enjoying massive levels of interest and viewership.

History of Football

Although baseball may be “America’s pastime,” football is America’s game. It is a sport that is enjoyed by people of all ages and from all walks of life. Football traces its roots back to the early days of American history. In the late 1800s, a young man named Walter Camp began to codify the rules of the game. His efforts helped to make football a popular sport among college students.

In 1892, the first professional football league was formed. The National Football League (NFL) was originally founded as a way to promote another sport – baseball. However, football quickly became more popular than baseball, and the NFL soon became America’s most prominent professional sports league. Today, the NFL is one of the biggest entertainment industries in the world. Millions of fans tune in to watch NFL games every week during the fall and winter months.

While professional football is more popular than ever, college football remains an important part of American culture. College football has a rich tradition that dates back to the early days of the sport. Many of America’s most historic stadiums are home to college football teams. Every autumn weekend, fans flock to these stadiums to watch their favorite teams compete.

Whether it is professional or collegiate, American football is a sport that is loved by many. It is a part of our country’s history and will continue to be an important part of our culture for years to come.

Popularity of Baseball

Baseball may not be as popular as it used to be, but it is still America’s pastime. In terms of numbers, baseball is more popular than football. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, 9% of respondents said baseball was their favorite sport to watch. Football was the favorite sport of 12% of respondents. When it comes to popularity, baseball is ahead of both basketball (7%) and hockey (4%).

Popularity of Football

According to a 2012 poll by Harris Interactive, professional football is the most popular sport in the United States, with 36% of respondents saying it is their favorite sport to watch. This is followed by baseball (15%), basketball (11%), and soccer (7%).

When asked which sport they would most like to see added to the Olympics, football was the most popular choice, with 33% of respondents saying they would like to see it added. This was followed by golf (19%), rugby (10%), and cricket (9%).


In conclusion, baseball and football are both popular sports in America. However, baseball seems to be more popular among adults, while football is more popular among young people. There are many factors that contribute to the popularity of each sport, including history, cultural influences, and the level of excitement that each game provides.

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