Is Baseball Played In England?

Yes, baseball is played in England! There are a number of baseball clubs across the country, and the game is growing in popularity. While the rules may be slightly different than what you’re used to, the basics are the same. So come on over and give it a try!


Is baseball played in England? This is a question that often comes up, especially when the Major League Baseball (MLB) season is underway and people from all over the world are tuning in to watch the games. The short answer is no, baseball is not a popular sport in England. In fact, it’s not even considered a major sport. cricket and football (soccer) are the most popular sports in England by far.

That said, there is a small group of people who do play baseball in England. There are several amateur leagues and clubs, and even a professional team, the London Bees, who play in the European Baseball Confederation’s AAA/Major League. So if you’re interested in playing baseball in England, it is possible to find opportunities to do so.

A Brief History of Baseball in England

Though baseball is not as popular as cricket in England, the game has a long and storied history in the country. The first recorded game of baseball in England took place in 1749, when British soldiers stationed in New York played a game of “rounders” against each other. Rounders is a British game that is similar to baseball, and it is thought that the soldiers learned the game from the native Americans they were stationed with. Though there are no records of baseball being played in England again until the late 1800s, it is likely that the game was played informally during this time period.

Records show that the first formal game of baseball in England was played in 1874, between two cricket clubs from London. The game was played according to American rules, and was reported on by several British newspapers. After this initial game, a number of other cricket clubs began playing baseball as well. In 1878, the first ever double-header (two games played back-to-back) was held between two London cricket clubs.

The first organized league in England was founded in 1890, and consisted of six teams from London. The league only lasted for one season, but inspired a number of other short-lived leagues throughout the country over the next few years. In 1905, an organization called “The Baseball Association” was founded in England with the goal of promoting and developing baseball throughout the country. This association is still active today, and is responsible for organizing most amateur level games and leagues.

Though baseball has never reached the same level of popularity as cricket in England, the sport has a long and rich history dating back over 250 years.

The Popularity of Baseball in England

The popularity of baseball in England is on the rise, with more people playing the sport than ever before. While the majority of players are still American expatriates, there is a growing number of British-born players taking up the sport.

A number of factors have contributed to the growth of baseball in England, including the introduction of organized leagues and competitions, increased media coverage, and the formation of baseball-specific facilities. The success of the national team in international competitions has also helped to raise the profile of the sport.

Despite its increasing popularity, baseball is still far from being a mainstream sport in England. However, with more people playing and following the sport, it is only a matter of time before it becomes one of the country’s most popular pastimes.

The Future of Baseball in England

The future of baseball in England is very much up in the air. The BBC reported in 2016 that the only baseball league in the country, the British Baseball Federation (BBF), was in danger of folding due to a lack of interest and participation.

Since then, however, there has been a renewed interest in the sport, thanks in large part to an increase in migrant workers from countries where baseball is popular, such as the Dominican Republic and Venezuela. In 2018, a new league, the England Baseball League (EBL), was formed with eight teams from across the country taking part.

It remains to be seen whether this renewed interest will be enough to keep baseball alive in England, but it certainly seems like there is potential for the sport to grow in popularity in the years to come.


After doing some research, it appears that baseball is not widely played in England. There are a few leagues and clubs, but the sport doesn’t have the same popularity as it does in America.

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