Is Bron Breaker in WWE 2K22?

With WWE 2K22 right around the corner, fans are wondering which superstars will be included in the game. One name that’s on everyone’s mind is Brock Lesnar.


Is Bron Breaker in WWE 2K22? is a question that many fans of the WWE 2K series want to know. Unfortunately, at this time there is no confirmation on whether or not Bron Breaker will be in WWE 2K22. However, there are several strong rumors that suggest that Bron Breaker may be included as a DLC character.

What is Bron Breaker?

Bron Breaker is a move that can only be performed by certain WWE Superstars in WWE 2K22. It is a very powerful move that can easily take down an opponent. The Bron Breaker can only be performed when the opponent is stunned, and it can only be performed by using the left trigger on the Xbox One or PlayStation 4.

How do you get Bron Breaker in WWE 2K22?

Bron Breaker is a signature move in WWE 2K22 that can only be performed by certain Superstars. To perform Bron Breaker, your Superstar must first be stunned. Once your Superstar is stunned, press and hold the R2/RT button. While holding the R2/RT button, press the X/A button.

The Bron Breaker can only be performed by the following Superstars in WWE 2K22:

-Brock Lesnar
– Goldberg
– Samoa Joe


Unfortunately, we won’t be seeing Bron Breaker in WWE 2K22. It’s a shame, as he was such a popular character in WWE 2K19. However, there’s always a chance that he could be added in as DLC at a later date.

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