Is Colin Kaepernick Still In The Nfl?

A look at whether Colin Kaepernick is still in the NFL, and what his future may hold.


Since becoming a free agent in 2016, Colin Kaepernick has failed to find an NFL team willing to sign him. He started a movement when he began kneeling during the national anthem to protest racial injustice, but many people believe that his protests are the reason he has not been signed. In October 2019, it was reported that Kaepernick and the NFL had reached a confidential settlement, but no details have been released.

What Happened To Colin Kaepernick?

Since leaving the San Francisco 49ers in 2016, quarterback Colin Kaepernick has been a free agent. He has not been signed by another team, and many have speculated that this is due to his political activism.

In 2016, Kaepernick began kneeling during the national anthem to protest racial injustice and police brutality. This move sparked a nationwide conversation about race and patriotism, and divided the nation. Some people supported Kaepernick’s right to protest, while others believed that he was disrespecting the flag and the military.

Since then, Kaepernick has remained active in his social justice work, but he has not played in an NFL game. In 2018, he filed a grievance against the NFL, alleging that team owners had colluded to keep him out of the league. The case is still ongoing.

Why Isn’t Colin Kaepernick Playing In The NFL?

It’s been almost three full seasons since Colin Kaepernick last played in an NFL game, and there are a lot of theories as to why the former Pro Bowl quarterback hasn’t been able to find work in the league.

The most common theory is that Kaepernick is being blackballed by NFL owners for his protests against racial injustice during the national anthem, which began in 2016. While it’s impossible to know for sure if that’s the case, there are some incidents that suggest it might be.

For one, Kaepernick has been passed over for many quarterbacks who have lesser credentials. In 2017, for example, the Cleveland Browns signed quarterback Brock Osweiler, who had just been released by the Houston Texans after a disastrous season, instead of Kaepernick.

Furthermore, some NFL insiders have openly said that they believe Kaepernick is being blackballed. In October 2017, for instance, then-ESPN analyst and former NFL executive Michael Lombardi said on a podcast that “there’s no question” Kaepernick is being blackballed.

It’s also worth noting that while Kaepernick hasn’t been signed by an NFL team since he became a free agent in March 2017, he has received interest from teams. In October 2017, for example, it was reported that the Baltimore Ravens were considering signing Kaepernick before ultimately deciding against it.

So while we can’t say definitively whether or not Colin Kaepernick is being blackballed by the NFL, there are certainly some indications that it might be the case.


As of right now, it does not look like Colin Kaepernick will be returning to the NFL anytime soon. He has not been signed by any team since he became a free agent in 2017, and there has been very little interest shown in him by any teams. There are many reasons why Kaepernick may not be playing in the NFL right now, but the most likely reason is that teams are afraid of the possible backlash they would receive from signing him. Many fans and players would be upset if a team signed Kaepernick after he kneeled during the National Anthem to protest police brutality, and they could potentially lose a lot of support from their fan base. For now, it seems like Colin Kaepernick’s time in the NFL has come to an end.

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