Is Face Guarding Legal In Nfl?

The practice of face guarding in the NFL has come under scrutiny in recent years. Is it legal? And if so, is it effective?

Is Face Guarding Legal In Nfl?


In the National Football League, face guarding is the illegal act of a defender turning his back to the receiver he is covering in order to prevent the quarterback from throwing to him. This is also sometimes called “pass interference”. Face guarding is a penalty that results in a loss of five yards and an automatic first down for the offense.

What is face guarding?

Face guarding is a technique used by defensive players in American football to prevent a pass receiver from looking at the quarterback and seeing the quarterback’s lips, which would give away the play. The receiver is allowed to turn his head and look for the ball, but he cannot see the quarterback’s lips. If the receiver does look at the quarterback’s lips, he will be penalized for interference.

In the National Football League (NFL), face guarding is legal as long as the defensive player does not grab or hold the receiver. Face guarding is a technique used by defensive players to prevent the receiver from catching the ball. The defender places his body between the receiver and the ball, so that the receiver can not see the ball. If the receiver can not see the ball, he can not catch it.

Some people think that face guarding is a form of pass interference, but it is not. Pass interference occurs when a defensive player interferes with a receiver’s ability to catch a pass. This can happen before the ball is thrown, or after it has been thrown. If a defensive player grabs a receiver’s arm or jersey, or pushing him away from the play, this is pass interference.

Face guarding is legal, but it is not a very effective way to defend against a pass. The best way to defend against a pass is to play good solid defense and keep the receiver in front of you.

How do NFL players get away with face guarding?

In the NFL, players are allowed to “face guard” an opponent to prevent him from making a catch. However, there are certain restrictions on how this can be done. For example, a player can not place his hand on an opponent’s facemask or helmet and restrict his vision. Additionally, a player can not use his body to obstruct an opponent’s view of the ball. If a player violates either of these rules, he will be penalized for interference.


After reviewing the evidence, it appears that face guarding is legal in the NFL. However, it is important to note that referees have the discretion to flag a player for face guarding if they believe the player is deliberately trying to obstruct the opponent’s vision.

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