NBA 2K21 for PC: Is It Next Gen?

As the release of NBA 2K21 for PC looms, many gamers are wondering if the game will be next-gen. Here’s what we know so far.


The visuals in NBA 2K21are extraordinary. The level of detail is incredible, down to the beads of sweat on players’ skin and the way the light hits the court. And the animations are so lifelike that it’s easy to forget you’re playing a video game. But even with all of that, NBA 2K21 isn’t quite “next gen.”

There are a few things that hold NBA 2K21 back from being a truly next gen game. First, the load times are pretty long. It can take upwards of 30 seconds to a minute to load into a game, and that’s just far too long. Second, the MyCareer mode is still pretty lackluster. It doesn’t really do anything new or different from previous games in the series, and it feels like it’s just going through the motions. Finally, the game still has some bugs and glitches that need to be ironed out. Overall, though, NBA 2K21 is a great basketball game that is definitely worth your time.


Gameplay in NBA 2K21 for PC is mostly the same as its console counterpart. The game still looks and plays like an arcade basketball game, with simple controls and fast-paced action. However, there are some new features and gameplay mechanics that have been added to the PC version of the game.

One of the new features is the inclusion of a new shot clock violation rule. This rule change means that players will now have to be more aware of the shot clock, and will need to make sure they take their shots within the allotted time. This should add an extra layer of strategy to the game, and make it more challenging for players who are used to just shooting whenever they want.

Another new feature is the addition of a new player type, called “MyPlayer”. MyPlayer is a create-a-player mode, which allows players to create their own custom player, with their own unique skills and attributes. This mode will be available in both online and offline play, and should provide some extra replay value for those who want to keep playing after they’ve beaten the main story mode.

The last new addition is a revised version of the “MyTeam” mode. MyTeam is NBA 2K21’s online card-based mode, where players build rosters of real-life NBA players, and then compete against other players online. The revision for PC adds a new Draft Board feature, which allows players to scout upcoming talent, as well as a new trading system that should make it easier for players to get the cards they want.


One of the most popular modes in NBA 2K21 is MyCAREER. In this mode, you create a player and then take them through their career in the NBA. You’ll start off in the G-League and then try to make your way to the NBA. Along the way, you’ll have to deal with agents, managers, and other players. You can also choose to play college basketball in this mode.

If you’re looking for a next gen experience, NBA 2K21 for PC is the way to go. The graphics are amazing and the gameplay is even better. If you’re a fan of basketball, this is a must-play game.


The Neighborhood in NBA 2K21 is a game mode that simulates the daily life of an NBA player. In the Neighborhood, players can explore areas such as parks, gyms, and stores, and can play games against other players. The Neighborhood is also where players can upgrade their players, change their appearance, and purchase new equipment. NBA 2K21 for PC is a next-generation game that features the Neighborhood.


While we can’t definitively say whether or not NBA 2K21 for PC is next-gen, we can say that it looks very promising. With updated visuals and new features, it seems like 2K is definitely putting forth the effort to make their basketball simulation game the best it can be. So whether you’re a long-time fan of the series or a casual player looking to try something new, NBA 2K21 for PC is definitely worth checking out.

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