Is the NFL Losing Fans?

The NFL has been embroiled in many controversies lately. From player protests to domestic violence, the league has been taking a PR beating. But is all this bad press causing fans to lose interest?


It is no secret that the National Football League (NFL) has been facing declining ratings over the past few years. In fact, the 2017 regular season saw a 9.7% decline in viewership from 2016, and the 2018 season is on pace to see an even bigger decline. So what is causing this decline? And more importantly, is the NFL losing fans?

There are a number of factors that could be contributing to the declining ratings, including cord-cutting, the national anthem protests, and competition from other leagues (e.g. the NBA). But it’s worth noting that the NFL’s ratings have been in decline since 2013, long before any of these other factors came into play.

So while it’s possible that some of these other factors are contributing to the decline, it’s more likely that the NFL is simply losing its grip on the American public. After all, football is no longer America’s favorite sport—it’s now trailing both basketball and baseball in popularity. And with so many other entertainment options available (e.g. Netflix, Hulu, etc.), it’s not surprising that fewer people are tuning into football games.

So while there are a number of factors at play, it seems clear that the NFL is losing fans and needs to figure out how to win them back.

Reasons for the NFL’s decline in popularity

In recent years, the National Football League has seen a decline in ratings and overall popularity. There are a number of reasons for this decline, including the league’s handling of player protests and concussions. In this article, we’ll take a look at the reasons why the NFL is losing fans.

Lack of parity

The NFL has long been considered the most popular sport in the United States, but there are signs that its popularity may be waning. In 2012, a Harris Poll found that the NFL was the favorite sport of only 32% of respondents, down from 38% in 2011. A Gallup poll taken in September 2014 showed that football had fallen to fourth place behind baseball, basketball and soccer in terms of popularity among adults aged 18-34. And a recent poll by Reuters found that 26% of Americans said they were less likely to watch the NFL because of the ongoing controversy over concussions and head injuries.

One reason for the NFL’s declining popularity may be the lack of parity among its teams. In recent years, a small number of teams have dominated the league while others have struggled to compete. This has made the games less interesting for many fans and has led to calls for the league to institute a salary cap or other measures to level the playing field.

Poor officiating

One of the main reasons for the NFL’s decline in popularity is the poor officiating. In 2017, there were some high-profile officiating blunders that led to a lot of criticism from fans and media members alike. This has led to a loss of faith in the officiating, and many fans are now wondering if the games are being officiated fairly.

Another reason for the decline in popularity is the increasing number of players who are kneeling during the national anthem. This started with Colin Kaepernick in 2016, and a number of other players have joined in since then. Many fans find this disrespectful to the flag and to the country, and they have stopped watching games as a result.

The NFL has also been facing declining ratings for its regular season games. This is likely due to a number of factors, including competition from other sports leagues and entertainment options, as well as the growing number of people who are cutting cable TV cord.

Lack of exciting young players

The National Football League (NFL) is currently facing a decline in popularity. In the past few years, the league has seen a drop in TV ratings, attendance at games, and overall interest from fans. There are many reasons for this decline, but one of the biggest is the lack of exciting young players.

In the past, the NFL has been able to rely on star players to draw in fans and keep them interested. However, many of the league’s biggest stars are now retired or nearing the end of their careers. This has left a void in terms of excitement and star power. In addition, the NFL has failed to promote its younger players as effectively as it has in the past. As a result, many fans are not as familiar with the league’s up-and-coming stars.

The lack of exciting young players is just one of the reasons why the NFL is currently facing a decline in popularity. However, it is certainly a significant factor. If the NFL wants to win back its fans, it will need to do a better job of promoting its young stars and giving them a chance to shine on the biggest stage.

The NFL’s efforts to regain popularity

In recent years, the NFL has made several changes in an effort to regain popularity. Some of these changes include increasing the number of prime-time games, making the playoffs more accessible, and instituting new rules to improve player safety. So far, these changes have not had the desired effect and the NFL’s viewership continues to decline.

The “Let the Players Play” campaign

In an effort to regain popularity, the NFL launched a new campaign this year called “Let the Players Play.” The idea behind the campaign is to let the players show their personality and have fun on the field, without worrying about being penalized for it.

The campaign has been successful so far, with fans enjoying seeing players celebrate after big plays and interact with each other on the field. However, some fans are worried that this approach will make the game less serious and that players will start to show off more than they play.

The “Take a Stand” campaign

The National Football League has seen a decline in TV ratings and attendance over the past few years. In an effort to regain its popularity, the NFL has launched a new campaign called “Take a Stand.” The campaign encourages players to stand up for what they believe in, whether it be social justice or equality. It also asks fans to stand with the players and support their right to protest.

The Take a Stand campaign was created by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and Players Coalition co-founders Anquan Boldin and Malcolm Jenkins. Goodell said the goal of the campaign is to “promote respectful and positive relationships between law enforcement and communities of color.”

So far, the campaign has been well received by both players and fans. Several teams have already held events to support the Take a Stand initiative, and more are expected to follow suit in the coming weeks.


It’s hard to say definitively whether the NFL is losing fans. However, there are a number of factors that suggest that the league’s popularity may be waning. The concussion crisis, domestic violence scandals, and player protests during the national anthem have all contributed to a decline in ratings. Additionally, many fans are simply growing tired of the product on the field. With so many other entertainment options available, the NFL may have to work harder to keep viewers engaged.

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