Is NFL Viewership Down?

Is NFL viewership down? That’s the question on everyone’s mind as the 2017 season gets underway. Let’s take a look at the data to see if there’s anything to worry about.

Is NFL Viewership Down?


Since the 2016 season, NFL viewership has been declining. This is mainly due to a few factors: the presidential election, cord-cutting, competition from other sports, and player protests.

The 2016 presidential election was a huge factor in the decline of NFL viewership. During the election, there was so much negative press surrounding then-candidate Donald Trump that many viewers simply stopped watching. In addition, cord-cutting also played a role. With so many streaming options available, more and more people are choosing to ditch their cable subscriptions. This means they’re no longer watching the NFL on traditional television.

Competition from other sports is also to blame for the decline in NFL viewership. The NBA and MLB have both seen an increase in popularity in recent years, while the NHL has also seen steady growth. This means that there are more options for fans when it comes to professional sports. And finally, player protests are also having an impact on NFL viewership. Many fans simply don’t want to watch players kneel during the national anthem, and this has led to a decrease in ratings.

Reasons for the Drop in Viewership

There are a variety of reasons that have been cited for the drop in NFL viewership. One reason is that the quality of the play has declined. Another reason is that the NFL has become less competitive, with a few teams dominating the league. There are also concerns about player safety and the concussion crisis. Let’s take a closer look at each of these reasons.

Lack of Star Power

In recent years, the NFL has seen a decline in viewership. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of star power. In years past, the league has had marquee players like Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, and Brett Favre that have drawn in viewers. However, with these players now retired, there is a lack of star power to drive viewership. Additionally, many of the current stars like Aaron Rodgers and Russell Wilson are getting older and are not as dominant as they once were. This has led to a decline in interest in the NFL.

Poor Product on the Field

The 2020 NFL season has been one of the most tumultuous in recent memory. With the Covid-19 pandemic still raging and players opting out of the season left and right, it’s no wonder that many fans have lost interest. In addition to all of the off-field drama, the product on the field has been quite poor this season.

Throughout the first half of the season, there have been an unprecedented number of close games and thrilling comebacks. However, as the season has progressed, the quality of play has declined significantly. In Weeks 11 and 12 combined, there were a whopping seven games decided by three points or less. That number is inflated due to Covid-19 forcing teams to play multiple games in a row without any bye weeks to rest and recover.

Unfortunately for the NFL, poor product on the field is not something that can be fixed overnight. With so many injuries and Covid-19 cases ravaging rosters, it’s hard to see things getting better anytime soon. If anything, we may see even more close games and bad football as the season winds down.

Protests During the National Anthem

It’s no secret that NFL viewership has been on a decline in recent years. In fact, 2017 was the league’s lowest average attendance since 2009. But why?

There are a number of reasons that have been cited, including the election of Donald Trump, increased competition from other sports leagues, and the slow pace of play. But one of the most frequently cited reasons is the ongoing protests during the national anthem.

Since 2016, a number of NFL players have taken a knee during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial inequality. The protests have been highly polarizing, with some people praising the players for taking a stand and others criticizing them for disrespecting the flag.

It’s impossible to say definitively whether or not the anthem protests are responsible for the decline in NFL viewership. But it’s clear that they have become a major source of contention for many fans. And as long as the protests continue, it seems likely that they will continue to be a factor in declining viewership.

The Impact of the Viewership Drop

The National Football League (NFL) has seen a drop in viewership in recent years. This is likely due to a variety of reasons, including the national anthem protests, declining interest in the sport, and competition from other entertainment options. Let’s take a closer look at the impact of the viewership drop.

Lower Revenues

In recent years, the NFL has seen a significant drop in viewership. This has had a direct impact on their revenues, as advertisers are increasingly unwilling to pay for ad time during NFL games. In addition, this drop in viewership has led to lower ticket sales and merchandise sales.

The causes of the NFL’s viewership decline are many and varied. Some believe that it is due to the increasing popularity of other sports, such as basketball and soccer. Others believe that it is due to the increasing number of choices that viewers have, including streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu. Whatever the cause, the NFL needs to find a way to regain its viewers’ attention.

One way that the NFL could try to increase its viewership is by increasing its focus on player safety. In recent years, there have been a number of high-profile cases of players suffering serious injuries, including concussions. This has led some viewers to believe that the NFL is not doing enough to protect its players. If the NFL were to increase its focus on player safety, it could improve its image and make viewers more likely to tune in.

Another way that the NFL could try to increase its viewership is by becoming more politically active. In an era where divisive political issues are dominating the news cycle, many people are looking for escape in sports. If the NFL were to take a stand on political issues, it could make itself more relevant to potential viewers.

Ultimately, it will be up to the NFL to decide how it wants to increase its viewership. But if it wants to regain its place as America’s most popular sport, it will need to find a way to captivate viewers once again.

Fewer Fans Engaged with the Product

Fewer fans are engaged with the product. The days of NFL fans tuning in just to watch their favorite team play are over. In 2017, only 1 in 3 fans said their favorite part of the NFL was watching their favorite team. In 2006, it was almost half.

Part of the drop in engagement is due to the increase in cord-cutting and “cord-nevers.” These are people who have never had a cable or satellite subscription and get all their television through streaming services. According to a 2018 report from eMarketer, cord-cutting and cord-nevers made up 33% of US households. That’s up from 22% in 2016.

But even among people who still have cable or satellite, NFL ratings are down. The average NFL game in 2017 was watched by 14.9 million people. That’s down from 16.5 million in 2016 and 17.9 million in 2015


In conclusion, it is evident that NFL viewership is down for a variety of reasons. The current uncertain state of the league, with high-profile player protests and concerns over player safety, has caused many fans to lose interest. In addition, the popularity of other entertainment options has increased in recent years, providing people with more choices for how to spend their free time. Despite these challenges, the NFL remains one of the most popular sports leagues in the world and is likely to continue to be so for many years to come.

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