Is Roman Reigns Leaving WWE?

Is Roman Reigns leaving WWE? This is a question that many fans have been asking lately. There have been rumours circulating that Reigns is not happy with his current situation in WWE.

Is Roman Reigns Leaving WWE?


WWE superstar Roman Reigns shocked the wrestling world on Monday night when he announced that he was stepping away from the company indefinitely.

Reigns, who has been battling leukemia for 11 years, said his disease is now in remission but that he can’t “fathom” being away from his family while continuing to perform.

“My real name is Joe, and I’ve been living with leukemia for 11 years,” Reigns said. “And unfortunately it’s back. And because the leukemia is back, I cannot fulfill my role. I can’t be that fighting champion and being that role model to all those kids out there watching.”

Reigns’ announcement was met with an outpouring of support from fans and fellow wrestlers alike. WWE chairman Vince McMahon said in a statement that the company is behind Reigns “100 percent.”

“We believe Roman can and will beat this, and we will be with him every step of the way,” McMahon said.

It’s unclear what Reigns’ departure means for his future with WWE. His contract with the company is up in April, and it’s possible that he could return when he’s ready. For now, though, WWE will have to move forward without one of its biggest stars.

Rumors of Reigns Leaving WWE

Rumors have been circulating that Roman Reigns is planning on leaving WWE when his contract expires in 2021. These rumors have been fueled by Reigns’ recent absences from WWE programming, as well as comments made by his wife Galina Joelle about their family’s future.

Reigns’ Contract Status

There have been rumors circulating that Roman Reigns might be leaving WWE, but as of right now, there is no indication that he is anything other than a loyal company man.

Reigns’ current contract status is unknown, as WWE does not typically release this information to the public. However, considering that Reigns is one of the biggest names on WWE’s roster, it’s safe to assume that he is under a long-term contract that will keep him with the company for years to come.

There have been no reports of Reigns being unhappy with his position in WWE, and he has never given any indication that he plans to leave the company. In fact, Reigns has actually wrestlers more frequently in recent months than he has in years past, which would seem to indicate that he is happy with his current status.

Until there is some concrete evidence that Roman Reigns is considering leaving WWE, it’s best to assume that he will be sticking around for the foreseeable future.

WWE’s Creative Direction

Roman Reigns is one of WWE’s most popular Superstars, but there have been recent rumors that he may be leaving the company.

WWE’s creative direction has been criticized in recent years, with many fans feeling that the company is not booking its talent properly. This has led to some Superstars becoming disgruntled and leaving WWE.

There have been no confirmation from either Roman Reigns or WWE about these rumors, but if they are true, it would be a huge blow to WWE. Roman Reigns is one of the faces of the company and has been for several years.

Only time will tell if these rumors are true or not, but if Roman Reigns does leave WWE, it would be a huge loss for the company.

Why Reigns Might Leave WWE

Roman Reigns is one of the most popular wrestlers in the WWE right now. However, there have been rumors that he might be leaving the company. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why Reigns might leave WWE.

Better Opportunities Elsewhere

Roman Reigns is one of WWE’s top Superstars and has been for many years. He’s a former WWE World Heavyweight Champion, a Royal Rumble winner, and has main evented WrestleMania multiple times. He’s also widely considered to be one of the best in-ring performers in WWE today.

However, despite all of his success in WWE, there have been rumors that Reigns might be leaving the company soon. The main reason for these rumors is that Reigns is said to be unhappy with his current position in WWE.

Reigns is currently being used as a midcarder on SmackDown Live, and while he’s still being pushed as a top guy on Raw, it’s clear that WWE doesn’t see him as their top guy anymore. This is evident by the fact that he was not featured in the recent Raw Reunion special and was also left off of the poster for the upcoming Summerslam pay-per-view.

What’s even more damning for Reigns is the fact that WWE has been actively pushing other Superstars over him in recent months. Guys like Braun Strowman, Seth Rollins, and Kofi Kingston have all been pushed to the top of Raw while Reigns has been stuck in the midcard on SmackDown Live.

This treatment of Reigns has led to rumors that he might be considering leaving WWE when his contract expires next year. While there’s no confirmation that these rumors are true, it wouldn’t be surprising if Reigns decided to leave WWE due to their lack of faith in him as their top guy.

WWE’s Creative Direction

In recent years, WWE has been creative with how they book Roman Reigns. Even though the fans have not been behind him as much as WWE would like, they continue to try and make him the top babyface in the company. This has led to some interesting booking decisions that have Reigns looking strong, but not coming out on top in the end.

WWE has also been known to be very frustrating for creative people. Many superstars have left WWE because they were unhappy with how their character was being used, or how WWE was booking their matches. If Reigns is unhappy with how he is being used in WWE, it is possible that he will leave the company.

There have also been rumors that Roman Reigns is not happy with how much money he is making in WWE. While Reigns is one of the highest paid superstars in WWE, there are other companies that are willing to pay him more money. If Reigns is offered a deal by another company that is too good to refuse, he may leave WWE.

Why Reigns Might Stay with WWE

Roman Reigns has been with WWE for over a decade now and is one of the most popular Superstars in the company. However, there have been rumors lately that Reigns might be leaving WWE. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why Reigns might decide to stay with WWE.

WWE is His Home

While many superstars have come and gone in WWE, Roman Reigns is one star who has been with the company for a decade. He made his debut in 2010 and has been a main event player for much of his tenure. In recent years, he’s become one of the top faces of the company.

While there have been rumors that Reigns might be leaving WWE, it’s more likely than not that he will stay with the company. Here are a few reasons why:

-WWE is his home: Reigns has been with WWE for a decade now, and it’s clear that he’s comfortable with the company. He’s one of the most popular superstars in WWE, and it would be surprising if he left to go elsewhere.

-He’s a top star: Reigns is one of the biggest stars in WWE right now. He’s main evented multiple pay-per-views, and he’s held multiple world championships. It would be difficult for him to find that same level of success elsewhere.

-WWE is where his fans are: While Reigns might be able to find success elsewhere, his fans are mostly invested in him as a WWE superstar. If he left WWE, it’s likely that his fan base would dwindle significantly.

The Money is Good

There has been a lot of speculation as to whether or not Roman Reigns will renew his contract with WWE when it expires later this year. While there are many factors that could influence his decision, one of the most important is likely to be the money.

Reigns is currently one of the highest-paid superstars in WWE, and it’s unlikely that he would be able to earn as much elsewhere. Even if he did decide to leave WWE, it’s not guaranteed that he would be able to find comparable work.

In addition to his base salary, Reigns also receives a percentage of merchandise sales and live event ticket sales. This means that he has a financial incentive to stay with WWE and continue to perform at a high level.

Only Roman Reigns knows what he plans to do when his contract expires, but the money is likely to be a major factor in his decision.


Based on everything we know, it doesn’t appear that Roman Reigns is leaving WWE anytime soon. He’s currently scheduled for WWE events through the summer, and there’s no indication that he has any plans to retire. However, anything can happen in the world of professional wrestling, so we’ll be sure to keep you updated if anything changes.

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